RPGs : Auditions and Suggestions

CSISidle and mini_catherine, can you send me a PM with who you want? I was going to snag Sara.....but I guess I could take Grissom :( lol wait....I do bags sara, soz for the inconvenience..... heres the Characters and open spots.

Sara Sidle – Grissoms_Angel
Gil Grissom
Nick Stokes
Warrick Brown
Catherine Willows - Mini_Catherine

More might become available, depending on the direction the RP heads :)
I’m going to be starting a new RP on Sunday or Monday, it’s a crossover with Miami and Las Vegas. This is who I have playing the roles of the characters. The name with no one by them means they are still open, if you're interested in playing the part PM me. If your name is on there and you no longer want the part please PM me so we can fill it. The name of the RP is Killer Vacation. If you have any q’s feel free to PM me. I will be posting the storyline on Sunday for it.

Team Vegas
Greg = sandersidle / Katie
Sara = labgeekluver/ Jen
Nick = CSIVegasMiamiNY / Jem
Warrick =
Catherine = Silhouette / Irma
Sophia =

Team H

H = Christinecaine/ Christine
Calleigh = CSISidle /
Ryan = Twiztid4togo / Sue
Delko = Joe/ Joe
Trip = Alex21591/ Alex

Murderer = cam creature / Cameron
Grissoms_Angel said:
CSISidle and mini_catherine, can you send me a PM with who you want? I was going to snag Sara.....but I guess I could take Grissom :( lol wait....I do bags sara, soz for the inconvenience..... heres the Characters and open spots.

Sara Sidle – Grissoms_Angel
Gil Grissom
Nick Stokes
Warrick Brown
Catherine Willows - Mini_Catherine

More might become available, depending on the direction the RP heads :)

Hmmmm maybe you should do an audition you know
Maybe I should.....hmmmm....ok, for Nick or Warrick, PM me a paragraph of what they'd do to support Sara before Griss comes busting through her door.

And for Grissom, a paragraph on what he'd fell and say when he sees her in the arms of two of her co-workers?

I hope that's good, Is it alright if I make the post for the RP now? I was gonna call it 'Emotional Heavyweight' but tell me what you think please.
Ok So am I still going through with my RP. You were unclear. Can I please do a crossover? It would workout so much easier.
Sissi, I hope it's okay I help you out here. If I understood correctly it goes like this:

Joe, there will be both a GSR RP and a Snickers RP. Grissoms Angel has the lead over the GSR and you over the Snicker one. So yes, the Snicker RP is still going through.

For any other questions you will have to ask Sissi, she's the mod, she knows. :D
Joe said:
Ok So am I still going through with my RP. You were unclear. Can I please do a crossover? It would workout so much easier.

Well you PMed me two times about your RPG and that's actually something i really don't like cause i'm not connected 24 Hours a day , 7 days a week. If i don't answer already , it means i'm not there but i will PM you as soon as i get logged in(ask the others members)."Harassing" me by PMs will just make me mad ; don't forget that PMing is a privilege that can be taken back...(this one isn't only for Joe but for everyone else here ). I don't think i'm a mean mod, but it's irritated me that you expect us (i mean the mods) to be always here for you. Of course we are but not litteraly!! :lol:
Just keep in mind I ALWAYS ANSWER YOUR PMs!

But back to your question: I wasn't really clear , i said we need a Snicker and a GSR RPGs, it didn't supposed crossovers cause i truly think there are enough crossovers right now. I want RPGs on Vegas only.

Hope that clear now

PS: thanks Dutchie for your help
But.......I could always take grissom if the auditions don't win me Sara.....:lol:

so, CSISidle, if you still want her, I'd be happy to let u Auditions for her :D :D :D
I have a q's and maybe it's a dumb one but I thought you could only have a leading role in 1 rp going. I was told that but I can't find it written in the rules anywhere and I was just wondering if I was wrong. I was told that maybe the rules has changed.
That's what I heard too. But now I'm confused because some people seem to be in more then one RP as main characters. Did the rule change? Thanks. :)
I thought that it meant like, just the two main people that the roleplay is about. Like for example if there was a DuCaine rp and a Snickers rp, if one person was both Calleigh and Nick they couldn't do that, but they could be Nick and Eric or something, but I don't know I don't pay attention to the rps I'm not in so I could be wrong :p