Rock/Alternative music

Ooh! I love Aerials! It's hardly ever played on the radio anymore though and my sister's CD doesn't work anymore. :(

Anyone ever heard of Jack's Mannequin?

Jack's Mannequin! I've heard like one song from them on a mix. It's called The Mixed Tape. I like the song very much! :)
anyone listen to Azure Ray or Imogen Heap??

I`ve only ever heard one Imogen Heap song which was called `Hide & Seek'(- I think it`s called that, I have seen the song under different titles) from The OC and I love it are there anymore songs or does she have an album out? :D
i like Bloc Party! anyone else? i think the song "Banquet" is amazing... The guy's voice is pretty cool.
i like Bloc Party! anyone else? i think the song "Banquet" is amazing... The guy's voice is pretty cool.

I Love bloc party, went to see them live at the beginning of last month in Edinburgh! Absolutely brilliant! Best gig i've been to! :D
Anyone heard of The Fray? They are my favorite band. They sound similiar to Coldplay because they use a lot of paino, but less techno, a dash of emo. They have a great album. Just wondering if anyone has heard of them.
i like Bloc Party! anyone else? i think the song "Banquet" is amazing... The guy's voice is pretty cool.

I Love bloc party, went to see them live at the beginning of last month in Edinburgh! Absolutely brilliant! Best gig i've been to! :D

i wanna go! :lol: that would be awesome!
Bloc party are so cool, im always listening to two more years does anyone have the remixed slient alarm album? Is it any good? :D
I love Michelle Branch and this band called Yellowcard, anyone heard of them? They're unheard of here in England, I only know of them from an Xbox game but I've got one of their CD's now. I don't know if they're well known in America and if anyone's already mentioned them, sorry but I've just been scanning through so I might have missed it! :rolleyes:
OMG! My boyfriend listens to Yellowcard! :eek: Well, he used to a couple of months ago anyway :lol: Yeah, he leant me their cd to listen to - not sure if I like them or not though. They sound a bit like Busted to me for some reason, but that's probably just me :lol: (I think it's their voices) :) I can't remember how my boyfriend first heard about them though - not from Xbox game I don't think.

Which game is it btw?
I just LOVE the band Fallout Boy. Their music is fantastic and I just love their song "Sugar, We're going down" I'm actually listening to it right now on my walkman :D.