Rock/Alternative music

anybody else like the killers? i love love love them...& not just b/c they're from Vegas:D
-->12 more hours until i get the new Distrubed cd!!!. i've been waiting 2 weeks for it & now i'm finally gonna get it **does a happy dance**
OOO, Killers!!! Absolutely love them! My all time favorite song of theirs is Change Your Mind...Mr. Brightside is just too overplayed for my taste.
Hehe I`ve just read this post about the killers and they are playing on the radio right now! :lol: Im listening to Jenny was a friend of mine. :D I love the Killers.
not just b/c they're from Vegas

Panic! At the Disco is from Las Vegas..... :lol:

Related to the Killers but off topic: Did anyone hear about the fued between them and Fall Out Boy? Yeah, we know it's bogus, but it was alledgedly something to do with p!atd....just thought I'd share.....

On topic: I was surprised when I heard the Killers live! They sound really, really good live! Not many bands do but they are one of the few that do! :)
My all time favorite song of theirs is Change Your Mind...
mine too, from the regular US version of Hot Fuss anyway

and let it be well-known that I'm a ginormic, hugantic The Killers fan, illustrated by the fact that the drummer and lead singer are in my siggy. :D

I heard both "Mr. Brightside" and "Somebody Told Me" on the radio today, I was ever so happy! And "The Ballad of Michael Valentine" is playing in my Windows Media Player at the moment. :D
I love the Killers, but my favorite favorite uber duper favorite band is Jimey Eat World, hehe. Btw, I'm glad someone else likes Change Your Mind, most of my friends haven't even heard of that song :)

i love the new Franz Ferdinand! it's so good! i recommend it to anyone.

I love it too! Their new single is so infectious and catchy and everytime I hear it and I wanna just get up and dance.
Oh, I just downloaded The Fallen, awesome song.

*Randomness: anyone here listen to the Gorillaz? Don't know if it counts as alternative tho :)
The killer are awesome!
has anybody heard Photograph by Nickelback? what and awesome song!
LOL, I was just moaning about that song to someone online last week, I just thought that the song itself was crap and the lyrics are...

Every time I look at this photograph, it makes me laugh...

DRIVEL. Not to mention the musicmanship is not that good. I prefer the old nickelback. :)