^ Yes I do always make up that many words.
My family tends to get very tired of it, so I let it seep out online.
So sorry about it.
And sleeping meds are still doing their thing so I'm not liable for any injuries or distress caused by this next chapter. :lol:
Calleigh: *places tv dinners inside microwave*
Colton: Dude, come on I'm not eating that again.
Calleigh: It's in the budjet so you have to eat it. Don't waste.
Colton: *mimics* Don't waaaaste.
Calleigh: I mean it. If these get thrown away, I'm going to throw YOU away.
Colton: Great because the last time the garbage people found me inside their truck, they told me to 'chill out'.
Calleigh: How did you end up in a garbage truck?
Colton: Mom didn't want me. Thought I was going to end up with a bad crowd.
Lora: Well you sure picked the wrong crowd huh.
Colton: At least you guys don't murder people too often.
Lora: We try not to.
Heather: Hey has anyone seen Horatio lately? He was supposed to give us our daily "don't talk to strangers, hold hands when crossing the street and no monkey business in the Hummerhome" like an hour ago.
Lora: Maybe he got tired of giving the speech. You guys can take care of yourselves.
Delko: But basketweaving's tomorrow and he was so excited about it. I think we should at least look for him.
Lora: Okay we'll go in teams.
Delko: No no no. You'll mess it up.
Lora: I don't mess anything up. You're not on my team.
Katie: Why do we need a team to find one guy?
Delko: Because we're bad at our jobs.
Katie: I see. So can I be on your team?
Delko: Sure.
Lora: Yeah, great, steal the one smart person away from my team.
Heather: Hey! I consider myself on your team and I consider myself rather smart.
Lora: Newsflash hun. You aren't.
Heather: *frowns*
Lilly: I call being on Lora's team! She sounds fun. *grabs Ryan* You're on the team too.
Lora: Well I would have liked an all-female team but whatever. Ryan counts enough as a girl.
Delko: So you get them and we're stuck with Jess?
Jess: HEY. *slaps Eric*
Delko: OW.
Jess: I pick Anni on my team.
Anni: YES!
Katie: No, I don't want her on our team.
Delko: Too bad.
Ryan: I have a simpler solution. We've been parked outside this bar all day. Why don't we just go so inside if he's there.
Lora: And if he's not?
Ryan: There won't be many places a sunburned red-headed senior would go.
Lora: HE IS NOT OLD. *slaps Ryan*
Ryan: OW!
Inside club
Katie: HORATIO CAINE! I'M LOOKING FOR A HORATIO CAINE! I don't think they can hear me over the music.
Lora: Either that or they're ignoring you.
Speed: Maybe we should just look before we start screaming at people.
Lora: Maybe you should keep your trap shut and just follow our lead like a good little soldier.
Calleigh: *grabs bouncer* Hey there. *smiles* I was lookin' for someone by the name of Horatio. I mean, we call him H but he'll look like a Horatio. Have you seen him around by chance?
Bouncer: No, but I'd like to get to know you better. *winks*
Calleigh: Ugh. You know, that never works on women so I don't know why men try. *walks away*
Horatio: *sitting at bar*
Speed: *walks over* They're looking for you.
Horatio: I know. *slams glass down*
Speed: *looks at Horatio* You drunk?
Horatio: You got a problem with that BUB?
Speed: *lifts brow* Bub? Uh *shakes head* No, I don't have a problem with it. You're just...never drunk.
Horatio: Sometimes being the leader of people who don't listen to you takes a toll. Y'know? I mean GUH. And it doesn't even got to do with makeup.
Speed: Uh, okay. Is there something going on? With you?
Horatio: You never want my help, why should I spill my buts to you?
Speed: It's um, guts.
Horatio: Whatever.
Speed: You seemed pretty edgy the past week.
Horatio: Yeah. *nods* Yeah I am. See 'cause it's like I dunno man. Like, yeah.
Speed: I definitely know what you mean.
Horatio: Lora.
Speed: *looks at H* What about her?
Horatio: She's the only one who cares if I'm sick. She, she even gave me cream for my burns. *whispers* Even for the ones down there. *points* And she didn't even
laugh. I need a girl like that.
Speed: *squints* You need someone who can change your dressings without laughing?
Horatio: It's not just that. I've been alone for the past 50 some years and I always have to be nice to victims and even suspects. And the whole thing with Yelina, pshhh, don't even get me started on that. Like, it's whack.
Speed: *lifts brow*
Horatio: I just want a girl who cares about me period and isn't afraid to say it. I need someone to look out for me instead of it being the other way.
Speed: So you want to become needy to help satisfy the 'need' of someone else.
Horatio: The enigma that is my grey matter. I mean, you got girl issues too.
Speed: *tilts head* Well I wouldn't say it's of the same caliber as you and Lora. But I can tell you that that girl definitely is out for your well being. She's not playing you.
Horatio: You think?
Speed: Definitely. Besides, she's perfect for you. Overbearing, loud, obnoxious, slightly rude, it's your complete opposite with great legs.
Horatio: *smiles* She does have great legs.
Delko: *runs over* I FOUND HIM! I FOUND SPEED! Was Speed lost too?
Anni: No.
Delko: Damn. Well then FINE. *walks away*
Horatio: *slamming head on table*
Anni: What are you doing?
Horatio: Getting the Horatio out of my head.
Anni: Um, to do that you might want a whole bunch of plastic surgery.
Horatio: No no no. I have to change. Time is change. Change is time and it's time to change so that I can change.
Anni: *looks at Speed*
Speed: *shrugs*
Horatio: I gotta stop being so busy all the time. I have to stop worrying about other people and pay attention to myself. I have to start having more respect for myself and try to do something worthwhile.
Anni: Please tell me you aren't doing the same thing as Katie.
Horatio: Leaving? No. But I'm definitely going to take a look at my head and start backspacing.
Speed: I don't understand half of what you just said.
Horatio: Good. Because I don't understand why you're speaking so loudly.
Anni: We're not speaking loudly.
Horatio: Well the universe needs to tone it down.
Anni: *nods slowly*
Katie: *runs over* I need to talk to H.
Anni: Um, it looks like he's out of commission for a bit. Anything I can help you with?
Katie: I fell down when Lora pushed me getting out of the Hummerhome and I have a piece of glass in my side. I wanted to get H to take a look at it. *shrugs* I hate hospitals and he seems pretty professional.
Anni: I could take a look. I know my way around a med kit.
Katie: Um...is there a way for someone else to do it? *looks at Speed*
Speed: *looks at Katie*
Katie: Someone I trust.
Anni: *looks at Speed*
Speed: *staring at Katie* I could take a look at it.
Katie: Thanks. Meet me in the girls washroom. *walks away*
Anni: It's not about a cut, is it?
Speed: She wants to say something. It's better than cutting herself up for good. *walks away*
Anni: *grabs H* Okay, come on big guy, we have to get you back to the Hummerhome.
Anni: Yeah it sure is.
Horatio: *grabs onto light pole* You know, I always wondered what it would be like to climb one of these things. *grabs onto light pole, jumps* YEEEHAAWW! *slips* ...Well that didn't turn out how I'd planned.
Anni: I can't believe I'm the most mature here, this is insane.
Horatio: You're insane. I always knew it. One time I wanted to get you into therapy but you decided to get married instead.
Anni: Oh yeah, real therapy. *grabs Horatio*
Horatio: I don't need your help. *swings arm away* AH *falls over* Are those headlights?
Anni: Er, yeah. Only they're cops so just try to act natural.
Horatio: *waves* HI COPS! HOW ARE YOU!
Anni: *covers eyes*
Cop: *gets out of car* Hey man, what's up.
Horatio: You are doing such a BANG UP job out here guys. Look! That prostitute over there is going for the bushes. It's a safe sidewalk now.
Cop: You noticed the hooker.
Horatio: Oh yeah. It's my job.
Cop: And uh, why is it your job?
Anni: *whispers* Shut up, shut up.
Horatio: *grinning* I make sure they don't get hurt. I'm a cop.
Cop: *nods slowly* I see. Well, we have a bunch of you back at the station if you want to talk to them.
Horatio: No no no. I'm just here with my friends on a road trip to see if we can hook up my friend with some guy she met online and after that, we were going to basketweaving but that was put off until tomorrow. *wipes forehead*
Cop: Is that...makeup?
Horatio: Oh yes. I got burned while I was asleep at a theme park at Bromley Mountain. It has WALLS full of water EVERYWHERE. But the sun found me anyway.
Cop: *grabs Horatio* Why don't you come and lean against this car over here.
Anni: He's just drunk. I'm trying to get him back to his room.
Cop: We should still check him out. *typing on computer*
Cop2: Sir do you have anything on you that will stick me or anything?
Horatio: God no. Unless you count the package of hand cream. The corners give
serious papercuts.
Cop2: Uh huh.
Katie: *hops onto counter*
Speed: *walks in*
Katie: Thanks for comin' here.
Speed: What do you need?
Katie: *lifts shirt*
Speed: That's a nasty gash.
Katie: You don't think I'll need stitches, right?
Speed: Well I brought a med-kit from the Hummerhome, so we'll see. I need you to take off your shirt.
Katie: Why.
Speed: Because you fell on glass. It's either in you or not but I need to take a look. You said it yourself, you weren't going to a hospital.
Katie: Fine. *takes off shirt*
Speed: How hard did you fall?
Katie: It's Lora. How hard do you think I was pushed?
Speed: *nods*
Katie: *sigh* I've had enough crap going on as it is without being pushed by some behemoth.
Speed: I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you. *puts on gloves, reaches into med-kit*
Katie: Yeah.
Speed: *touches Katie's side*
Katie: *squints*
Speed: Sorry. *grabs gauze*
Katie: You know, I bet 10 bucks Horatio's going to get arrested.
Speed: Why.
Katie: Someone always does.
Speed: *smirks* Part of being on the team, I guess.
Katie: Yeah. I must have belonged to this team way too long.
Speed: No such thing.
Katie: Right.
Speed: Okay, it's all cleaned up. You're good to go.
Katie: Thanks. *grabs shirt* How do you feel about Anni dissing you earlier? It kind of felt like she wanted the guy's number to ditch you or something.
Speed: Anni's Anni.
Katie: Yeah but still. She was a little mean. Besides, she tried to make things work and it does and there she goes with the petty insults. What's she trying to do?
Speed: I don't know. But a few petty insults just because she's being herself doesn't mean I love her less. She wasn't totally serious anyway.
Katie: And if she was?
Speed: Then she was. No big deal.
Katie: *laughs* You're fine with living with a woman who insults you in front of everyone, tries to get guys' numbers and doesn't even kiss you or anything?
Speed: Katie, it's personal. And it's not a big deal.
Katie: So you're not gettin' any in the sack.
Speed: We're not rabbits you know.
Katie: I mean generally.
Speed: *drops gloves ino garbage* Generally, no. So?
Katie: *sigh* People should still have a physical connection with each other once in a while.
Speed: We don't. There's just a lot of other things we both need to take care of and that's not the highest on the list, okay?
Katie: Alright.