Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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OMG I love you Geni.

A boy! Speed actually has to raise his child and be a role model Speed, get ready for the talk. A boy! A boy! I'm so happy for Anni, I'm ecstatic and I'm happy for a fic character. Wow. I'm pathetic.

Geni, your updates are what keeps me going. I mean, it's a freakin Monday! What else do I have? Thanks so much! :D

Welcome back bird_of_flame!
Oh My God they're having a boy! that's so cute! and the whole scene between Cooper and Tyler was amazing. Oh, poor Delko, having his baby girl missing. Hopefully the new speedle baby will be luckier then the other RT kids. Good work Geni!
*gaspage* I live! I kid. But why do I get the feeling that there was something that Speed wanted to tell me? Awwwww Speed and Anni are having a boy....that' unlike Speed. I thought he was only capable of having girls. lol. Or maybe that's just Poor Eric and Jess still can't find Alena. *huggles* I hope everything works out ok. Update soon please!
okay, any one puzzled at the oddity of Speed's demeanor? Really, he just heard he has a boy coming and all he can do is read the paper??? It's just me, I know, but jeez... Now I know something is going on with Speed. I think he's still upset at the check thing. Wonder what kind of trouble this brings the Speedle way???

Awesome, Katie's back! And she worked on a case! Do I sense the old Katie...well, Katie before the drugs and such, coming back? That would be so cool!

On a sour note, Alena is still missing...*cries* I sure hope nothing bad happens to her. Can anyone deal with a morose Delko? Anybody.... Anybody?

Awesome update, Geni, as always!

And welcome back, Bird of flame!

Carly, if we chant loud enough, it just might happen! :lol: ;)
I just got off work and I've never been so happy! So, Anni's baby is going to be a boy, that's so adorable, I wish them the best of luck. God, I hope you guys find Delko and Alena soon, the suspense is incredible! Brilliant job, Geni, keep up the amazing work.
Boy you guys are too good. :p Thankies for the reviews! :D


Layout room

Katie: *walks in* Hey Ryan.

Ryan: Hey, you still wanted my help on the casino case?

Katie: Yes. Can you take a look at these pictures for me please?

Ryan: Sure. *grabs pictures*

Katie: *looks around*

Ryan: The spatter on the wall is inconsistent with the position of the body.

Katie: Yeah that's what I thought too so I went back to the crime scene and drew a scetch.

Ryan: And?

Katie: The body was moved.

Ryan: After he was killed.

Katie: Yeah. So we need to find whoever moved the body.

Ryan: The killer?

Katie: I don't know. I mean, if you're going to kill someone, why move the body afterward? Why not split and be done with it?

Ryan: Maybe the killer had a partner.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *walks in* Can I speak with you for a second?

Katie: What?

Speed: It's important.

Katie: Sure. Ryan, could you give us a minute?

Ryan: I should probably see Alexx about that body anyway. *leaves*

Katie: *crosses arms* What's up?

Speed: I need some advice.

Katie: About what?

Speed: Women.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: Laugh it up.

Katie: *smiling* Why would you need advice about women?

Speed: Can you cut it out?

Katie: *clears throat* Okay, start from the top. What's on your mind?

Speed; Anni wants a house. Our apartment is falling to pieces and there just won't be enough room for a baby. We got a cheque from Anni's mother for...A lot of money but I tore it up.

Katie: What kind of money are we talking about?

Speed: A million dollars.

Katie: ...Huh. And...Wh-Why did you rip up the cheque?

Speed: I didn't want to accept charity money from her parents. I wanted to work for a home.

Katie: Is Anni angry with you?

Speed: No. But she might not be happy if we stay in that building.

Katie: Did you speak with her about it?

Speed: We kind of dropped the subject. But I just want to make her happy and it doesn't seem like she's happy there.

Katie: So you're...Actually trying with this marriage.

Speed: Maybe you weren't the best person to come to.

Katie: No, look, if you want to make her happy you should talk to her. Besides, money's just money.

Speed: We needed it. My damn...Pride got in the way.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: And on top of that, Eric's still being investigated by Internal Affairs and Jess doesn't really seem to be with it lately. If they find Alena, they're going to place her with me until all of this is finished. I haven't even spoken to Anni about it.

Katie: The one thing women want, is honesty. Soften the blow with flowers or chocolate. She goes for that sort of thing.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: And if she yells, don't yell back. Just stay patient. That girl's a walking explosion all on her own you know?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: ...You really love her, don't you?

Speed: Yeah, I do. I want to give her everything she's ever wanted. I want her to feel like she's the only thing in the world to me, because she is. I will die for her.

Katie: I know. She's the luckiest woman on the planet.

Speed: I like to think it's the other way around.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: Thanks.

Katie: Anytime.

Speed: *leaves*

Katie: *smirk fades*

Ryan: *walks in* Alexx isn't down there but I got you a coffee.

Katie: Great.

Ryan: What's wrong?

Katie: Nothing. Come on, let's keep working.

Ryan: Sure.

Speed: Yeah, I do. I want to give her everything she's ever wanted. I want her to feel like she's the only thing in the world to me, because she is. I will die for her.

Ohhhh welll Buuuuurn to me. WEDDINGS OFF! Man it has been forever since I've gotten to say that. lol. I can't imagine what that must have been like for RT Katie or anything who has to talk to their ex husband about another women. And I can't believe i'm going to say this but awww how sweet was it of Ryan to ask what was wrong. lol.

I also understand Speed's motive's for ripping up the check but if he hadn't he wouldn't be kicking himself in the butt right now. Anyways, great chapter as always. Update soon.
Awwwww fab chapter, Geni. Interesting that he trusted Katie to ask for advice from. And interestingly enough was that she gave him great advice. How cool is it that he would die for RT Anni? I think it's great! Of course I would...hehe... And Katie... Ryan... do I sense a love connection brewing????

Awesome update, Geni! Thanks for it...because I really needed it this afternoon! :lol:
:lol: I remember that phrase. That and "Friggin Ann Donahue!" :D

And I'm glad I was able to provide a chapter, Anni. :)


Halls, next day

Calleigh: *walks over* Hey Ryan.

Ryan: Hey.

Calleigh: Did you check with Alexx about Katie's case? She had gone out so she asked me to grab you.

Ryan: As a matter of fact I was just down there. Cause of death was exsanguination from blunt force trauma to the head.

Calleigh: Any suspects?

Ryan: None so far but I've been checking into video surveillance to see if I can track him down and see who he had interacted with that night.

Calleigh: You need any help?

Ryan: No, why?

Calleigh: *smiles* Are you sure?

Ryan: I can handle a case on my own.

Calleigh: You looked a little lost when I came over.

Ryan: I was just looking at the casefile.

Calleigh: Stuck?

Ryan: Of course not. I was just...Re-evaluating.

Calleigh: It's okay to ask for help if you're not sure how to proceed.

Ryan: I know. But, I'm fine.

Calleigh: So you're going to head to the AV lab?

Ryan: Tyler's working on the video.

Calleigh: So what are you going to do now?

Ryan: ...Um...

Calleigh: Ryan it's okay.

Ryan: I was thinking of maybe questioning the employees to see if they saw anything transpire between the victim and his attacker.

Calleigh: You want me to go with you?

Ryan: Sure, if you don't mind.

Calleigh: *smiling* I thought you didn't need my help.

Ryan: I didn't ask for your help.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Katie's house

Katie: *walks over to Hummer*

Hummer pulls up

Katie: *looks at Hummer*

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: You found out where I live?

Speed: I'm a cop.

Katie: Naturally. So is there something you wanted?

Speed: You left this at the lab.

Katie: My kit.

Speed: I thought you needed it.

Katie: I did...Thanks. So did you talk to Anni?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Did it got well?

Speed: As well as can be.

Katie: Good.

Speed: I just wanted to thank you again.

Katie: Well it's no problem.

Speed: I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable yesterday when I asked for your advice. I just didn't know who else to go to.

Katie: You could have spoken to Eric.

Speed: He wasn't around.

Katie: Carly?

Speed: I chose to speak with you.

Katie: Why are you telling me this?

Speed: I thought you should know that just because we're divorced, doesn't mean we have to avoid each other.

Katie: I haven't been avoiding you.

Speed: You haven't been around in a while.

Katie: So? I had some things to do.

Speed: What things?

Katie: I don't have to explain to you what I do on my free time.

Speed: Yeah, I know that.

Katie: I have a boyfriend.

Speed: Oh. What's his name?

Katie: *laughs* I knew you'd do this.

Speed: So this is why you've been avoiding me.

Katie: No, I've been spending time with him, not avoiding you. I met him a-

Speed: At the recovery clinic?

Katie: Yeah. His name's Jack. He's...Actually inside.

Speed: You broke away from work to be with him?

Katie: We had lunch and it's none of your business anyway.

Jack: *walks outside* Katie? What's going on out here?

Katie: Nothing.

Jack: Who are you?

Speed: No one.

Katie: He's my ex-husband.

Jack: Oh so this is the guy you were telling me about. He hurt you, destroyed your life and killed your kids.

Speed: Excuse me?

Katie: Uh...Jack why don't you wait for me inside.

Jack: *walks forward* Nah, I don't think so.

Speed: *lifts badge* Neither do I.

Jack: *stops*

Speed: Get lost.

Jack: *frowns* I'll be inside. *leaves*

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: What are you doing?

Katie: *looks down at ground*

Speed: I killed our children?

Katie: ...That's...Not the way I had explained it.

Speed: I have never laid a hand on my children. Ever.

Katie: Really. That's not what Lori used to tell me.

Speed: *frowns* What the hell are you talking about, I never touched her.

Katie: I guess we'll never know, will we?

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Excuse me, I have a lunch date to finish. *leaves*

Oh man I wa saying "Ohhhhhh" all like...ok I can't think of the word but ayways an then I started laughing and it sounded weird. Anyways, that was agreat chapter. It sounded a little like Calleigh was forcing Ryan to let her work with him. Hmmmm..very interesting. And Oh HECK YES bring on the tension with the ex's. *sighs* I love tension. Its...awesome. Awww I have a boyfrend. Yay me *claps* And ah yes "friggn Ann Donahue" I remember it well. Update soon!
Oh gosh I feel a bit clueless. Ok, from someone who doesn't know if Speed abused Lori or not, I say he DIDN'T! RT Speed may be a cheater, but he would NEVER hurt his kids...would he?
So many questions and we still don't know what happened to Alena! Update soon! Thanks Geni!: :D
GASPAGE! Katie...! Speed...! Can someone say tension? Ok, I agree with cainesugar; Speed wouldn't hurt any of his kids, so that was kind of a low blow. But Speed, really, Katie's allowed to move on and have a new relationship. Oh man *fires starting pistol* Let the chaos ensue!

Calleigh is so making moves on Ryan, but somehow I think Ryan's oblivious to it. Either that or he's edging it on. Great work, update soon! Can't wait!
Speed never would touch his kids. He killed the guy that he thought murdered his daughter. :( Thread 7 i believe.

Louis is still alive!?! Dammit! I want the guy dead, not in a bed in the hospital!

Thanks for the updates Geni! :D this is a new development. Speed didn't abuse his kids. He may not have known what to do with them, but he didnt abuse them. But I agree with the consensus here, Katie has to move on, Speed certainly has. I can't help but think that there is some jealously underlying there.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but *sigh* here it goes... the flirting with Calleigh and Ryan...*sigh* was semi cute...oh alright, it was cute... But I still can't stand him! :lol:

Awesome update, Geni! This gets better and better...
Yay tension! It's always fun to write and read tension. :D And the Alena story is a comin'! As well as a few others.

:eek: Have I semi convinced Anni of something between Ryan and Calleigh? :eek: :lol:


Miami Lab

Horatio: Eric.

Delko: Yeah H.

Horatio: We recieved a call out this morning to The Everglades. A young girl was found.

Delko: ...Is it Alena?

Horatio: We're still waiting on an ID. Gators got to the body before we did.

Delko: *sigh* Jess...Isn't doing too well with all of this. She won't come out of the house, she won't answer the door, she won't pick up the phone...I had to look through the window to make sure she was still alive.

Horatio: I understand.

Delko: And I'm still under investigation. Am I ever going to get back out into the field?

Horatio: Once IAB clears you.

Delko: I need to find out who that little girl is, H.

Horatio: We've got it under control, E.

Delko: ....Did you just call me 'E'?

Horatio: *coughs* What? No. I had something caught in my throat. *coughs*

Delko: Okay because that would be lame.

Horatio: Hey it's not like I go around calling Frank, Francis.

Delko: I could have sworn you did.

Horatio: ...What alternate reality are you living in?

Delko: One with bright colors and babes everywhere but no real plot.

Horatio: Ah. Well get back into the right timeframe.

Delko: Done and done.

Yelina: *walks over* Horatio.

Horatio: Ma'am.

Yelina: Colton was able to get some DNA off of the victim in the Glades.

Horatio: *nods* We'll compare the DNA with Eric's file.

Yelina: Also there's another thing that might interest you.

Horatio: Let's hear it.

Yelina: Stetler's back.

Horatio: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *frowns*


Alexx: You sure you got a court order?

Katie: Oh yeah. It's in the Hummer.

Alexx: May I see it?

Katie: Just open the casket.

Alexx: This won't help you to heal.

Katie: Alexx it's important.

Alexx: Okay but I warned you.

Katie: *crosses arms*

Alexx: *pries open casket*

Katie: *looks over*

Alexx: *stares inside*

Katie: ...Alexx. Where's the body?

Alexx: *steps back* I don't know.

Katie: Where's my daughter's body?

Alexx: ...

Katie: *narrows eyes* Alexx where have you been for the past two days? Ryan's been trying to get a hold of you. And before that you were in the Bahamas for two weeks. Were you really there?

Alexx: One question at a time baby.

Katie: Answer.

Alexx: I've been at the Colombian syndicate.

Katie: Why?

Alexx: I was asked to confirm a death and sign some papers.

Katie: Who's death?

Alexx: *looks down at ground* Look, you shouldn't worry yourself about things like this.

Katie: When you were in the 'Bahamas', where were you really?

Alexx: Colombia.

Katie: Why?

Alexx: Same reasons but that time everything I said about the autopsy reports were recorded via video tape.

Katie: In Colombia?

Alexx: The victim was a citizen of the United States and was recently declared-

Katie: A citizen of Colombia? What the hell is going on? Where's my daughter's body?

Alexx: I can't say specifically.

Katie: Why?

Alexx: Because I can't.

Katie: Does anyone else know about your secret trip to Colombia to sign off on a dead person who was supposed to be in this grave?

Alexx: No. Not even Horatio.

Katie: Alexx, you have pretty good knowledge on comatose inducing drugs and those types of things right?

Alexx: What are you getting at?

Katie: I have to look at some evidence. *walks away*

Alexx: *lifts brow*

Trace Lab, two hours later

Carly: *walks in* Hey what are you working on?

Katie: Evidence.

Carly: ...What evidence? Is that a knife?

Katie: Mhm.

Carly: From your casino crime scene?

Katie: No.

Carly: You working a double case or something?

Katie: Something like that, yeah.

Printer beeps

Katie: *grabs paper*

Carly: You found that on the knife?

Katie: Yeah. C11H17N3O8.

Carly: Isn't that...Puffer fish?

Katie: Pretty poisonous too, if you don't know how to use it.

Carly: So someone was cooking fish.

Katie: No. I read last year that if this this stuff is injested with a controled dose and monitored, it's victim will have temporary paralysis of the limbs, breathing and pulse slows down to almost zero but still keeping the victim alive, pupils dialate and the skin sometimes turns a greyish white. Essentially it mimics death.

Carly: Sounds like whoever took it was close to death after taking this.

Katie: Yes but it doesn't kill if you know what you're doing.

Carly: So a doctor would have administered it.

Katie: Or someone with at least a medical degree and some knowledge about toxins.

Carly: You have anyone in mind?

Katie: I do.

Carly: *looks at box* ...That's Lori's case.

Katie: Yeah and check this out. *pushes knife* Retractible if not locked in place. I didn't see it before.

Carly: Katie I think you've run this case into the ground already.

Katie: Something came up.

Carly: Really.

Katie: Her grave is empty. Looks like it has been for a while. Alexx said she was deported off to Colombia and I want to know why. Except now that I have this information about the toxin, I have reason to b-

Carly: Stop. Just...Stop. Katie, that knife was used in a college kitchen. Of course it would have that substance on it.

Katie: You don't underst-

Carly: I do understand. You're looking for answers where there are none.

Katie: Then how about I test the blood found at the crime scene? See if it's actually hers.

Carly: Katie...Enough.

Katie: As I recall, you're the one who kept Speed away for the majority of the time after she was 'killed'.

Carly: He didn't need to see her like that. And besides, we went back to look over her body and believe me. She was dead.

Katie: Of course you'd say that.

Carly: You're going to go crazy if you keep digging more holes.

Katie: The last hole I dug was empty so you can see why I'm a little concerned about this case. Logan was in Colombia and unfortunately I killed him. What was the real reason he was there?

Carly: He was there because he was working for the people who took the plane and kept Eric and Jess hostage.

Katie: See I think there was a second reason he was there and I think it was Lori. Speed found a note indicating that she was going to get Logan if it meant sacrificing herself. Now there was a fair amount of cocaine in his posession that Lori set up perfectly to be found at the apartment. Convenient. A note and everything.

Carly: Katie...

Katie: She's always felt like the people in Colombia who were being exploited needed some kind of help. My guess is the cocaine was to pay off the bosses there and get the girls out. Or maybe she was going to sell the drugs and get money to help them, I don't know. Maybe she felt she couldn't leave unless she really 'left'. I think Logan helped her fake her death but then got impatient when he couldn't get his hands on the cocaine himself.

Carly: That's a nice theory but you have nothing but a knife with fish poison on it.

Katie: So Logan was involved with these other Colombians as well, trying to make some more bucks but something went wrong. Eric and Jess were on that plane and he didn't expect that. The plan spun out of control and eventually he ended up dead. His greed killed him and now Lori is out there somewhere, alive.

Carly: *frowns*

Katie: Am I close?

Carly: What made you want to open the casket?

Katie: Um, an unrelated event sparked my interest.

Carly: Well you sure know your daughter.

Katie: I'm guessing you guys helped cover it up.

Carly: I made sure Speed didn't overstep his bounds and find out what was going on. He almost did when he went to the morgue but I convinced him to leave before the stuff wore off.

Katie: So she's alive. Alexx was just covering things to make sure that she stayed 'dead'.

Carly: That's right.

Katie: *nods* My daughter's been alive for almost three years and you kept this from me.

Carly: It was necessary. Cocaine is still illegal to pass along the borders.

Katie: You know how much emotional pain we had to go through?

Carly: I'm sorry.

Katie: Three years trying to rebuild my life. Three years of grief for nothing. You took her from me.

Carly: I don't know what to say.

Katie: How about her phone number.

Carly: She made it clear that she doesn't want to bring you guys into it.

Katie: ....Oh my God.

Carly: What?

Katie: Speed. He didn't even react at the funeral. He won't tell me what's going on with his therapist. He knew, didn't he? He found out.

Carly: I didn't ask. But I suspected he might have found out after we left the morgue.

Katie: That's why he won't talk about her. She betrayed us and she left us. That's why he was angry. *leaves*

Carly: Katie! *sigh* It always has to be drama drama drama with those people.

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