Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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Oh YEAAAAAh...we've seen the rest of the gang-ooooo Colton got his date with Calleigh...congrats Colton!!!

oooooooh Anni and Speed.... :( hmmmm could she be pregenat-not wanting kids and not knowing how to tell Speed....awww Speed.... :( the beginning of the end already??

will sleep now to awake to my brekkie entertainment-Looking forward to the update(s) Geni :D
Setting of The Sun

Back of CSI building, 7pm

Anni: *walks up steps*

Josh: *turns around*

Anni: You got out of holding.

Josh: Yeah.

Anni: ...I can't keep these secrets anymore.

Josh: You'll be fine.

Anni: I can't keep lying to Tim. I'm going insane, it's just too much.

Josh: You can handle this.

Anni: No I can't. I freaked out.

Josh: Look, this can't get out or I lose my job and you lose your job.

Anni: Lose my job? I could go to jail.

Josh: You'll be fine. Has Tim been asking questions?

Anni: About us? No. About me, yeah.

Josh: ...Are you okay?

Anni: Yesterday I wasn't. Today I'm a little better, knowing that you're okay.

Josh: Anni, I don't feel comfortable taking you with me on this. Eric already volunteered.

Anni: Hey I'm part of this family now. And I can't help that I got it out of Eric. By the way, did the Jess thing blow over well?

Josh: Yeah I did what Eric told me, I kissed her. Although Eric's plans aren't always the most well thought out. *scratches head*

Anni: Don't worry, it was enough to give him a motive to beat you, and for you to hit Carly so she wouldn't ask questions. Gets her out of the way faster.

Josh: Yeah I kind of feel bad about that. I didn't want to hurt her. How do we know she was going to ask questions?

Anni: Because she's suspicious of everything. She would have found out that you and Eric are going back up to New York to find Kayleigh and she'd try to keep you down here.

Josh: I can't stay down here, not when my sister is in danger. I mean, I just found out she was alive after all this time.

Anni: We'll find her. But right now, you have to get Tim mad enough that he won't follow you anywhere. We don't want anyone getting suspicious.

Josh: I'm not a bad guy, I don't want to hurt these people.

Anni: If you don't do this, I'm going to tell Tim everything. It's been eating me up inside for a year. And with all the questions, it's too much so we have to do this.

Josh: ...What about my kids?

Anni: What about them?

Josh: ...I don't want to leave them without a father.

Anni: I know.

Josh: Anni, if I don't come back...Promise me, that you'll have Tim look in on them.

Anni: I promise.

Josh: And tell Carly I love her.

Anni: You might come back alive.

Josh: They want a trade, I don't think there's much I can hope for.

Anni: It was your dad's fault he got caught up in this mob mess, and you're brave enough to go clean it up and save your sister.

Josh: I can't believe she got pulled into that crap with the fake abusive boyfriend who was really a mob member just so they could hold her hostage all this time to get back at my dad.

Anni: Your dad might not have cared about her, but you do.

Josh: *nods*

Anni: ...Man I wish I had thought this fake affair with you through. I don't know which secret to blab about first.

Josh: Don't blab about anything.

Anni: Fine.

Door opens down the stairs

Anni: Okay here he comes, so get liplicious.

Josh: *rolls eyes* This is for the greater good, this is for the greater good, th-

Speed: Josh?

Josh: *kisses Anni*

Speed: *walks upstairs*

Anni: *pushes Josh* EW YOU....GROSS....MAN.

Josh: *whispers* Very funny.

Speed: Uh, what the hell?


Anni: *laughs*

Speed: *frowning*


Josh: You can cut it out now, I think he got it.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Josh: What?


Josh: No, don't punch me. I was already Eric's punching bag.

Speed: *glares*

AWWWWWWWWWWW it was all a big conspiracy! Wow, Eric was in on it huh? I bet a whole bunch of us are gonna feel pretty used when all of it is over. I mean, come on, I think that Eric is angry at me because I kissed Josh when he really knew about it the whole time. Anni knew about it too huh? Hmmmm I hope Joshy comes back alive, I love him too much to see him die! Let's get liplicious hahaha I love Anni, she's a sweetheart lol, and apparently very sneaky. Great update Geni! I can't wait to see what happens! No doubt there will be a lot of emotions going around! Update soon please! :D

Anni: I can't keep lying to Tim. I'm going insane, it's just too much.
What?? No! NO! Geni, is this another scare like 'Speed dying'?

Hey! HEY! I remember that! Anni had a daydream with all of those names! Like Timtron and stuff! I remembe reading it a LONG time ago! Am i right Geni? Something like a daydream, or dream or something.

Anni: Okay here he comes, so get liplicious.

Josh: *rolls eyes* This is for the greater good, this is for the greater good, th-

Speed: Josh?

Josh: *kisses Anni*

Speed: *walks upstairs*

Anni: *pushes Josh* EW YOU....GROSS....MAN.

Josh: *whispers* Very funny.

Speed: Uh, what the hell?


Anni: *laughs*

Speed: *frowning*


Josh: You can cut it out now, I think he got it.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Josh: What?


Josh: No, don't punch me. I was already Eric's punching bag.

Speed: *glares*
Sock it to em' Speed!

Thanks for speedy update! Hope for another one soon!
*SQUEEEEEEEEALSSSSSS and runs around the thread high fiving everyone* Geni, you rock. *hugs Geni supertight* :D

Update sooner than the soonest that you can possibly update. :D
Yes Hunter, you're right. :) Anni seems to have a lot of dreams that start off innocent enough but then get twisted and turned into a fantasy mess. :lol:

*hugs Colton* Aw honey you're the best. :)

Lost Yourself Completely

CSI building, 7:30pm

Anni: Well it looks like I'm not needed here anymore. *runs down stairs, trips* AH! *stands, runs away*

Josh: ...

Speed: *places hands in pockets*

Josh: It's not what it looks like.

Speed: I know. I already got it out of Eric.

Josh: ...Got what out of Eric?

Speed: Your little suicide mission.

Josh: He wasn't supposed to tell you.

Speed: Look, I've been down that road a hundred times. You didn't invent manipulation.

Josh: Neither did you.

Speed: That's not the point. You should have told me that Kay was alive.

Josh: I know how hard her death was for you.

Speed: You have no idea, Josh.

Josh: She might actually die unless I get to New York.

Speed: Absolutely out of the question.

Josh: Tim, I know you don't want to let her get hurt again.

Speed: I don't want you to get hurt either. And you have a family. Let me go instead.

Josh: *shakes head* No. No, Anni needs you. You could die out there.

Speed: I'm going. You're staying.

Josh: We'll both go. I'll have your back.

Speed: Josh, Eric and I can take care of it.

Josh: I'm going.

Speed: I'll see you when I get back. *turns around*

Josh: I'll tell Horatio!

Speed: Tell him. *walks away*

Josh: *frowns*


Colton: AH!

Calleigh: What? What's wrong?

Colton: This is the coolest date ever.

Calleigh: *smiles* You had me worried for a minute there.

Colton: Oh don't worry about worrying about anything my worryless princess.

Calleigh: Ooh princess. *laughs*

Colton: *grabs Calleigh's hand* You're my princess if that counts.

Calleigh: *smiling*


Megan: I can't believe we're having a sleepover in the lounge.

Missy: Hey it beats sleeping in the Hummerhome. That thing is falling apart.

JC: Headache still here. Turn off the sun.

Megan: It's dark in here.

JC: Okay everyone close your eyes. I can still see white gleaming beams of eye juice.

Megan: Close your own eyes.

JC: I have X-ray eyes.

Missy: No you don't, I can see your eyes are open.

JC: I sleep with my eyes open.

Missy: Sleep with them closed.

JC: I can't. How can you dream with your eyes closed? It's like putting on a virtual reality headset thingy and not moving a muscle.

Missy: That has nothing to do with anything.

Megan: Okay let's gossip. I haven't done any girl-ish type things for a while.

Missy: I miss Carly.

Megan: Okay I think you missed the point.

JC: OH I want some hot chocolate.

Megan: Good idea! I'll go get it.

Missy: Can we at least have marshmellows?

Megan: If you can find some, be my guest.

Calleigh's house, 10pm

Calleigh: Well I had a wonderful evening. Except that one guy who spilled wine all over me.

Colton: Sorry about that, I should have punched the guy out.

Calleigh: No need. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself.

Colton: *coughs* Exactly why I didn't do anything.

Calleigh: *walks closer* Colton, you don't have to impress me. I know the real you.

Colton: D-Do you now? Oh..Well that's a relief. I mean, well because it's not like I was always this big impressive person. I mean, I spent a whole bunch of years in prison and then I was forgotten for a while and GOSH you have the most amazing eyes I've ever seen in the dark.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Colton: This is the real me. Nervous and all over the place. Impressed?

Calleigh: Very.

Colton: *laughs* Well, I'm glad you had a great evening. *opens Calleigh's door* Have a good night and I'll see you at work tomorrow.

Calleigh: *lifts brow* ...You're not going to come in?

Colton: Wh-Why would I do that?

Calleigh: So we can talk.

Colton: About what?

Calleigh: *laughs* You're so cute.

Colton: Oh well my boyish charm is quite a babe magnet, I know.

Anni/Speed's apartment

Anni: *runs in*

Speed: *sitting at table*

Anni: Oh...Husband. Hello.

Speed: I know about Josh's suicide mission.

Anni: You do..

Speed: I also know everything has been a setup. So was the breakdown a setup too?

Anni: No, God no. I have been stressed lately. That was part of it. I didn't want to hurt you, and I was worried about you and there was so many secrets to keep and...I freaked.

Speed: Do you have any more secrets while we're at it?

Anni: ...No.

Speed: What happened to you?

Anni: What do you mean?

Speed: I fell in love with your vibrant living free-spirited personality. And now you're an emotional wreck half the time. I haven't seen you smile since we got married.

Anni: I'm sorry.

Speed: *stands, walks over* No, don't be sorry. I just miss you, that's all.

Anni: *looks down at floor* I miss me too.

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I love you.

Anni: *smiles*


Katie: *runs in* I SMELL CHOCOLATE!

Megan: We made hot chocolate, where were you?

Katie: I was running around the lab looking for you guys.

JC: We're always in here. We're the forgotten team members.

Katie: Oh. Well, can I join in? I seem to be forgotten too.

JC: Sure, grab a couch cushion.

Katie: It would be my pleasure.

Carly/Josh's house

Carly: *crying*

Josh: *hugging Carly* I won't be gone long.

Carly: *hugs tighter* No, don't leave.

Josh: I thought you would have hated me.

Carly: I could never hate you.

Josh: I am so sorry that I'm doing this to you guys.

Carly: No, really, I understand that it's family but couldn't you let someone else handle it?

Josh: *lets go* Remember when I told you I'd always come back?

Carly: *nods*

Josh: I'm going to keep that promise.

Carly: ...Please be careful.

Josh: I will.

Cait: *runs downstairs* Daddy!

Josh: *smiles* Hey.

Cait: *jumps onto couch* I looked after Ethan today.

Josh: Good girl, I'm going to have to start paying you allowance.

Cait: *giggles*

Josh: Now, listen, I'm going on a trip for a few days so I need you to look after mom.

Cait: NO! No no no! You're staying right here.

Josh: I'll be home in a few days.

Cait: *hugs Josh's arm* No daddy. I've seen police men on tv get killed. You can't' go.

Josh: I have to.

Cait: NO!

Josh: *wraps arm around Cait* Tell you what, as soon as I get to New York, I'll call you and I'll let you know that I'm safe. And then every day I'll call you, okay?

Cait: *nods*

Josh: Love you kiddo.

Cait: I love you too, daddy.

Carly: Cait, you need to get back in bed.

Cait: I know mum. G'night. *stands, runs upstairs*

Josh: *angry sigh*

Carly: No, don't get upset. I'll start to cry again.

Josh: ...How can I leave them?

Carly: Come back for them.

Josh: *nods*

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh How on earth without making it the lones review EVER do I sum all that up, all the drama, emotion, twists and turns its enough to make me dizzy!!!!!
It was all a coverup????I don't know whether to laugh or cry...I mean-its great cause you know The affair wasn't real and all and yeah but now Josh is going to New York....
Josh: *angry sigh*

Carly: No, don't get upset. I'll start to cry again.

Josh: ...How can I leave them?

Carly: Come back for them.

Josh: *nods*
I would've quote the whole of that last section cause *sniff sniff* PLEASE COME BACK FOR THEM JOSH!!!!!

Speed: I fell in love with your vibrant living free-spirited personality. And now you're an emotional wreck half the time. I haven't seen you smile since we got married.

Anni: I'm sorry.

Speed: *stands, walks over* No, don't be sorry. I just miss you, that's all.

Anni: *looks down at floor* I miss me too.

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I love you.

Anni: *smiles*
*sniff sniff sniff* That made me cry too....won't go into reasons!!!

but on a slightly happier note-
Colton: *laughs* Well, I'm glad you had a great evening. *opens Calleigh's door* Have a good night and I'll see you at work tomorrow.

Calleigh: *lifts brow* ...You're not going to come in?

Colton: Wh-Why would I do that?

Calleigh: So we can talk.

Colton: About what?

Calleigh: *laughs* You're so cute.

Colton: Oh well my boyish charm is quite a babe magnet, I know.
Amen Calleigh-oh Colton you're so cute :D

and finally
JC: We're always in here. We're the forgotten team members.

Katie: Oh. Well, can I join in? I seem to be forgotten too.

JC: Sure, grab a couch cushion.

Katie: It would be my pleasure.
the team may have but...WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU!!!!

Looking forward to updates :D ps didn't quote about whole New York thing cause that would take far too long!!!
Awww *sniff* That last bit almosr made me cry. Thats so sad! And so sweet!...I don't really have much time because I'm being ushered off the computer and it's late, so here goes.

Aww yay! Calleigh and Colton finally got their date. And RT Colton is so cute! He's like an awkward teenager on a date with a cheerleader or whatever (I meant RT Colton, not real Colton *hugs real Colton*

:lol: Missy and Megan and JC and Katie are awesome! poor guys, I haven't forgotten you! *hugs* poor JC and her headache :lol:

Aww, I read that last part again, and it's so sweet! Poor little Cait, and poor Joshie! He has to come back *nods* Awww, the Speedle men are so cute when they realise they're probably gonna die :( *sniff* Poor Speedle family *shakes head*

please update soon!
******giggled and smirked throughout reading the update****

But then it was more like, smile, frown, cry, smirk, giggle, from, smirk, smile cry. :lol: See, Geni pegged me, I ramble when I am nervous and/or bored and/or a bunch of other emotions. :lol:

Calleigh likes me, she really likes me. :D But the last part made me sniffle and get really sad. Poor Cait and Carly and Josh. :(
Yes Hunter, you're right. Anni seems to have a lot of dreams that start off innocent enough but then get twisted and turned into a fantasy mess.
Ah ha! I was right! *does the jig*

Colton: AH!

Calleigh: What? What's wrong?

Colton: This is the coolest date ever.

Calleigh: *smiles* You had me worried for a minute there.

Colton: Oh don't worry about worrying about anything my worryless princess.

Calleigh: Ooh princess. *laughs*

Colton: *grabs Calleigh's hand* You're my princess if that counts.

Calleigh: *smiling*
Aww! Congrats Colton!

JC: I have X-ray eyes.
I wish i had them.
And it looks like H married the right chick... :lol:

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I love you.

Anni: *smiles*

Cait: *hugs Josh's arm* No daddy. I've seen police men on tv get killed. You can't' go.

Don't remind me!! *start to cry* :(

Josh: I have to.

Cait: NO!

Josh: *wraps arm around Cait* Tell you what, as soon as I get to New York, I'll call you and I'll let you know that I'm safe. And then every day I'll call you, okay?

Cait: *nods*

Josh: Love you kiddo.

Cait: I love you too, daddy.

Carly: Cait, you need to get back in bed.

Cait: I know mum. G'night. *stands, runs upstairs*

Josh: *angry sigh*

Carly: No, don't get upset. I'll start to cry again.

Josh: ...How can I leave them?

Carly: Come back for them.

Josh: *nods*
10 bucks that he gets shot and the NY crew trys to solve it, but the Miami crew gets involved too. So a NY and Miami crossover.
But i hope he doesn't get shot! ....Kinda....

Thanks for the update Miss C!
Arg, me too. Hunter I love your banner.
I feel guilty now...I haven't updated my fic in a day or two...
Well, we miss it! I really wanna see Josh in The Big Apple!
Holy dingoes that's a lot of reviews. :lol:

I know, I know, I haven't been in here all day. I apologize. But the good news is, there's an update coming up!

Boom Chacka Lacka Lacka

Miami CSI Garage, Next morning

Katie: Seriously guys, I need my shoes back. Stop hiding them in or around the Hummerhome.

Missy: What are you talking about? We didn't hide anything.

Katie: I'm missing a shoe. I look like a hooker.

Missy: Don't wear heels.

Katie: *frowns* I want it back.

Missy: I don't have anything.

Katie: Then why are you in here?

Missy: Why are you in here?

Katie: To get my glass slipper, now would you mind finding it?

Missy: You're a CSI, you can go find it.

Katie: I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.

Missy: Oh I do. You won't be able to walk properly unless you take off the other glass slipper and even then, you'll be walking around bear-footed like some kind of animal on welfare.

Katie: Exactly.

Missy: Sounds like fun to me. *runs off*

Katie: MISSY! Ugh come on.

Megan: *walks over* I found a shoe in the varnish.

Katie: WHAT! *runs over to counter* Oh my God that costs 400 dollars. PER SHOE.

Megan: Ouch. Wasn't the best investment, eh?

Katie: Shut up you stupid Canuck.

Megan: Bite me Yankee.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Oh it's on.

Megan: Bring it.

Katie: IT'S BRUNG!

Megan: *pulls Katie's hair*

Katie: AH! AH! AH!

Megan: HA! I win!

Katie: Oh you asked for it. *smacks Megan in the face with shoe*

Megan: EW! I just swallowed varnish!

Horatio: *walks in* What's going on?

Megan: She's poisoning me.

Katie: They were hiding my shoes.

Horatio: Why is there varnish everywhere?

Katie: ...My shoe was in the varnish.

Megan: And I got it splashed in my face.

Horatio: Clean this floor with toothbrushes.

Megan: What?

Katie: No!

Horatio: Right now, let's go.

Katie: I don't think so bub. I need new shoes.

Megan: And I need moutwash.

Horatio: If you don't clean this floor, I'll decorate the lab in sunglasses and make the staff wear tutus.

Megan/Katie: *stare at Horatio*

Horatio: And I'll start wearing short shorts.



Horatio: That's better. *puts on shades, walks away*

Miami Lab

Carly: Hey, I heard Katie and Megan got drafted to clean the floors.

Calleigh: Looks like it's just you and me on Katie's case.

Carly: Oh I heard about your date yesterday. How was it?

Calleigh: *smiles* I don't kiss and tell.

Carly: Oh so there was kissing involved. *winks*

Calleigh: *laughs* There might have been.

Carly: Lucky girl.

Calleigh: So where's Josh?

Carly: He had a business trip.

Calleigh: Where?

Carly: New York.

Calleigh: Oh, it must be nice for him to go back home.

Carly: I guess.

Calleigh: So about this dead cheerleader, have you talked to the sports teams?

Carly: Well Katie spoke to some of the football team, but I was thinking...Teeth, fake teeth...Hockey.

Calleigh: There is a hockey arena there.

Carly: Exactly so I'm going to go check it out this afternoon.

Calleigh: Great, I hear Alexx has some subcutaneous photos for me so I'll meet you there later.

Carly: Alright.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Speed: *walks over* Carly.

Carly: Hey I thought you were in New York.

Speed: ...What?

Carly: Josh spilled.

Speed: No I'm not in New York. Josh stole my credit card and now I can't get a plane.

Carly: That sucks.

Speed: Yeah he's going to get killed out there and I'm stuck in Miami.

Carly: So drive.

Speed: Do you know how long that will take?

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: I can't believe he stole my wallet and credit cards. What a piece of work.

Carly: ...How did you drive here?

Speed: Uh...Don't mention anything to Horatio.

Carly: My lips are sealed.

Speed: Good.

CSI Garage

Katie: *scrubbing floor*

Megan: This is like watching varnish dry.

Katie: ....We are watching varnish dry.

Megan: ..Huh..Interesting.

Katie: Ugh, the fumes are giving me a headache.

Megan: I don't know, it's making my head feel a little funny. Kind of neat actually.

Katie: Are you serious?

Megan: Yeah.

Katie: You're so lame.

Megan: *laughs*

Katie: *laughs*

Horatio: *walks in* What are we up to?

Megan: WHOA! IT'S H-MAN!


Megan/Katie: *burst into giggles*

Horatio: ...This place needs to be ventilated better.

Katie: *rolling around on the floor*

Megan: Oh I need to brush my teeth.

Katie: NO! Stupid you'll be getting varnish on your teeth.

Megan: Ah...Well I don't want to smell like my grandma.

Horatio: *sigh* This isn't fair. Why am I always unaffected?

Megan: Join us for a while H.

Katie: Yes, JOIN us!

Megan/Katie: *stare at Horatio*

Horatio: And I'll start wearing short shorts.



Horatio: That's better. *puts on shades, walks away*
HAH! I loves that! H in short shorts...*shudders* I can admire a man who dresses formally. :) Good one
Horatio: *walks in* What are we up to?

Megan: WHOA! IT'S H-MAN!


Megan/Katie: *burst into giggles*

Horatio: ...This place needs to be ventilated better.

Katie: *rolling around on the floor*

Megan: Oh I need to brush my teeth.

Katie: NO! Stupid you'll be getting varnish on your teeth.

Megan: Ah...Well I don't want to smell like my grandma.

Horatio: *sigh* This isn't fair. Why am I always unaffected?

Megan: Join us for a while H.

Katie: Yes, JOIN us!
JOIN THEM! H! Join the extremely high girls! It'll be FUN!
Hehe. Imagin Horatio high. ROFL. :)

AMAZING update. one of my faves for 8 so far. Keep up the great work Geni. :)
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