Hunter, you're right.
Anni seems to have a lot of dreams that start off innocent enough but then get twisted and turned into a fantasy mess. :lol:
*hugs Colton* Aw honey you're the best.
Lost Yourself Completely
CSI building, 7:30pm
Anni: Well it looks like I'm not needed here anymore. *runs down stairs, trips* AH! *stands, runs away*
Josh: ...
Speed: *places hands in pockets*
Josh: It's not what it looks like.
Speed: I know. I already got it out of Eric.
Josh: ...Got what out of Eric?
Speed: Your little suicide mission.
Josh: He wasn't supposed to tell you.
Speed: Look, I've been down that road a hundred times. You didn't invent manipulation.
Josh: Neither did you.
Speed: That's not the point. You should have told me that Kay was alive.
Josh: I know how hard her death was for you.
Speed: You have no idea, Josh.
Josh: She might actually die unless I get to New York.
Speed: Absolutely out of the question.
Josh: Tim, I know you don't want to let her get hurt again.
Speed: I don't want you to get hurt either. And you have a family. Let me go instead.
Josh: *shakes head* No. No, Anni needs you. You could die out there.
Speed: I'm going. You're staying.
Josh: We'll both go. I'll have your back.
Speed: Josh, Eric and I can take care of it.
Josh: I'm going.
Speed: I'll see you when I get back. *turns around*
Josh: I'll tell Horatio!
Speed: Tell him. *walks away*
Josh: *frowns*
Colton: AH!
Calleigh: What? What's wrong?
Colton: This is the coolest date ever.
Calleigh: *smiles* You had me worried for a minute there.
Colton: Oh don't worry about worrying about anything my worryless princess.
Calleigh: Ooh princess. *laughs*
Colton: *grabs Calleigh's hand* You're my princess if that counts.
Calleigh: *smiling*
Megan: I can't believe we're having a sleepover in the lounge.
Missy: Hey it beats sleeping in the Hummerhome. That thing is falling apart.
JC: Headache still here. Turn off the sun.
Megan: It's dark in here.
JC: Okay everyone close your eyes. I can still see white gleaming beams of eye juice.
Megan: Close your own eyes.
JC: I have X-ray eyes.
Missy: No you don't, I can see your eyes are open.
JC: I sleep with my eyes open.
Missy: Sleep with them closed.
JC: I can't. How can you dream with your eyes closed? It's like putting on a virtual reality headset thingy and not moving a muscle.
Missy: That has nothing to do with anything.
Megan: Okay let's gossip. I haven't done any girl-ish type things for a while.
Missy: I miss Carly.
Megan: Okay I think you missed the point.
JC: OH I want some hot chocolate.
Megan: Good idea! I'll go get it.
Missy: Can we at least have marshmellows?
Megan: If you can find some, be my guest.
Calleigh's house, 10pm
Calleigh: Well I had a wonderful evening. Except that one guy who spilled wine all over me.
Colton: Sorry about that, I should have punched the guy out.
Calleigh: No need. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself.
Colton: *coughs* Exactly why I didn't do anything.
Calleigh: *walks closer* Colton, you don't have to impress me. I know the real you.
Colton: D-Do you now? Oh..Well that's a relief. I mean, well because it's not like I was always this big impressive person. I mean, I spent a whole bunch of years in prison and then I was forgotten for a while and GOSH you have the most amazing eyes I've ever seen in the dark.
Calleigh: *smiles*
Colton: This is the real me. Nervous and all over the place. Impressed?
Calleigh: Very.
Colton: *laughs* Well, I'm glad you had a great evening. *opens Calleigh's door* Have a good night and I'll see you at work tomorrow.
Calleigh: *lifts brow* ...You're not going to come in?
Colton: Wh-Why would I do that?
Calleigh: So we can talk.
Colton: About what?
Calleigh: *laughs* You're so cute.
Colton: Oh well my boyish charm is quite a babe magnet, I know.
Anni/Speed's apartment
Anni: *runs in*
Speed: *sitting at table*
Anni: Oh...Husband. Hello.
Speed: I know about Josh's suicide mission.
Anni: You do..
Speed: I also know everything has been a setup. So was the breakdown a setup too?
Anni: No, God no. I have been stressed lately. That was part of it. I didn't want to hurt you, and I was worried about you and there was so many secrets to keep and...I freaked.
Speed: Do you have any more secrets while we're at it?
Anni: ...No.
Speed: What happened to you?
Anni: What do you mean?
Speed: I fell in love with your vibrant living free-spirited personality. And now you're an emotional wreck half the time. I haven't seen you smile since we got married.
Anni: I'm sorry.
Speed: *stands, walks over* No, don't be sorry. I just miss you, that's all.
Anni: *looks down at floor* I miss me too.
Speed: *smirks*
Anni: *looks at Speed*
Speed: I love you.
Anni: *smiles*
Katie: *runs in* I SMELL CHOCOLATE!
Megan: We made hot chocolate, where were you?
Katie: I was running around the lab looking for you guys.
JC: We're always in here. We're the forgotten team members.
Katie: Oh. Well, can I join in? I seem to be forgotten too.
JC: Sure, grab a couch cushion.
Katie: It would be my pleasure.
Carly/Josh's house
Carly: *crying*
Josh: *hugging Carly* I won't be gone long.
Carly: *hugs tighter* No, don't leave.
Josh: I thought you would have hated me.
Carly: I could never hate you.
Josh: I am so sorry that I'm doing this to you guys.
Carly: No, really, I understand that it's family but couldn't you let someone else handle it?
Josh: *lets go* Remember when I told you I'd always come back?
Carly: *nods*
Josh: I'm going to keep that promise.
Carly: ...
Please be careful.
Josh: I will.
Cait: *runs downstairs* Daddy!
Josh: *smiles* Hey.
Cait: *jumps onto couch* I looked after Ethan today.
Josh: Good girl, I'm going to have to start paying you allowance.
Cait: *giggles*
Josh: Now, listen, I'm going on a trip for a few days so I need you to look after mom.
Cait: NO! No no no! You're staying right here.
Josh: I'll be home in a few days.
Cait: *hugs Josh's arm* No daddy. I've seen police men on tv get killed. You can't' go.
Josh: I have to.
Cait: NO!
Josh: *wraps arm around Cait* Tell you what, as soon as I get to New York, I'll call you and I'll let you know that I'm safe. And then every day I'll call you, okay?
Cait: *nods*
Josh: Love you kiddo.
Cait: I love you too, daddy.
Carly: Cait, you need to get back in bed.
Cait: I know mum. G'night. *stands, runs upstairs*
Josh: *angry sigh*
Carly: No, don't get upset. I'll start to cry again.
Josh: ...How can I leave them?
Carly: Come back for them.
Josh: *nods*