State Of Minds And States Of Heart
Hospital, midnight
Horatio: Doctor.
Doctor: Lieutenant Caine.
Horatio: My CSI was brought in this afternoon, I was wondering what had happened.
Doctor: Well when she was brought in, it took five police officers to keep her on the gurney. Her heart rate was through the roof, and so was her pulse. She was confused, frantic, angry, and terribly emotional.
Horatio: Did you do up a tox screen?
Doctor: We did and there was no drugs in her system. Her blood alcohol level was also normal.
Horatio: What can cause this sort of behavior?
Doctor: Well right now we're considering it to be a chemical imbalance in her brain. It can be caused by extreme stress or depression. People with this condition might burst out in rage, or sadness, and even resort to hurting themselves. Has she done this before?
Horatio: Never.
Doctor: Have you noticed a change in her behavior lately?
Horatio: She...Has been acting more serious and less extroverted lately.
Doctor: Is she worried about anything? Or some kind of job-related stress?
Horatio: Not that I know of.
Doctor: Has she had any children?
Horatio: No.
Doctor: Okay. Well, we'll start her on some medication once we get permission from her family.
Horatio: I'll call her husband.
Doctor: Alright.
Horatio: May I speak to her?
Doctor: Go ahead. She's slightly sedated though.
Horatio: Okay thank you. *walks into room*
Hospital room
Anni: *looks at Horatio*
Horatio: *smiles* Hi.
Anni: *lifts arm, yanks restraints*
Horatio: That's for your own safety.
Anni: *nods*
Horatio: *sits* Do you remember what happened?
Anni: *nods*
Horatio: Good.
Anni: ...I'm sorry.
Horatio: Don't apologize Anni you did nothing wrong. The doctor told me you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. It's caused by stress and depression.
Anni: *angry sigh*
Horatio: You want to tell me what's going on?
Anni: No.
Horatio: Alright, you don't have to say anything.
Anni: *starts to cry*
Horatio: ...Um...Okay.
Anni: *yanks on restraints* Get them off!
Horatio: I can't do that.
Anni: *crying* GET THEM OFF!
Machines start beeping
Doctor: *walks in*
Horatio: What's going on?
Doctor: Her heart rate is increasing. What did you say to her?
Horatio: Nothing.
Doctor: Anni, Anni you need to calm down.
Anni: *spits at doctor*
Doctor: *wipes face* Anni, can you lay still for me?
Anni: *screams*
Doctor: Nurse!
Nurse: *runs in*
Doctor: Get me the syringe.
Nurse: Yes doctor. *runs over to cabinet*
Anni: *screaming, kicking*
Nurse: *runs back over*
Doctor: *grabs needle*
Nurse: *holds Anni down*
Doctor: *opens syringe cap*
Anni: *elbows doctor in face*
Doctor: AH! *falls backwards*
Anni: *screaming*
Nurse: Doctor!
Doctor: *stands* I'm bleeding. I've contaminated it.
Nurse: I'll go get another one.
Doctor: *holds Anni*
Nurse: *runs to cupboard, grabs syringe, runs back*
Doctor: *grabs needle*
Anni: *screaming obscenities*
Doctor: *removes cap, injects Anni*
Horatio: *closes cellphone*
Nurse: *looks at doctor*
Doctor: *nods*
Anni: *falls back onto pillow*
Doctor: Make sure she stays like this. I don't want her going into cardiac arrest tonight. *wipes nose*
Nurse: Are you alright?
Doctor: I'm fine. *leaves*
Nurse: I'm sorry about this Lieutenant.
Horatio: It's okay. I've called her husband, so he can sign the papers to get her medication started.
Nurse: Good, she'll need it.
Carly/Josh's house, 12:30am
Carly: *sitting on couch* Josh, the door. Get the door.
Josh: *sigh* Who would be there at this hour?
Carly: I don't know.
Josh: *walks to door, opens it*
Delko: *punches Josh in the face*
Josh: AH!
Carly: *stands* Eric! What are you doing!
Delko: *grabs Josh* You son of a bitch. *punches Josh*
Josh: *falls over*
Carly: *runs over* Eric knock it off!
Delko: Stay out of this.
Carly: NO!
Josh: *stands, touches face* Ugh. *looks down at hand*
Delko: If you ever touch my wife again, I'll kill you.
Josh: *frowning* It was a mistake.
Delko: Mistake my ass.
Josh: Hey at least it was a hell of a lot more than what you were doing for her.
Delko: That's none of your business. She's married! And you're married!
Josh: Yeah well it doesn't feel like it lately!
Carly: WHOA, HEY!
Delko: Don't go near her again.
Josh: Yeah well don't worry I was never really that much interested in women anyway, remember Eric? *winks*
Delko: *frowns*
Josh: *frowning*
Delko: *grabs Josh*
Josh: *punches Eric*
Delko: AH! *kicks Josh*
Josh: *falls against wall*
Delko: *grabs Josh by the hair*
Josh: OW!
Delko: *slams Josh against adjacent wall*
Carly: *runs for phone*
Josh: *turns around, grabs bottle, breaks it*
Delko: You have got to be kidding me. Does this look like happy hour at Hooters?
Josh: *smackes Eric in the head with bottle*
Delko: AH! Ow. *rubs head*
Josh: *kicks Eric over couch*
Eric falls over the couch, and onto the coffee table
Josh: *grabs Eric*
Delko: *punches Josh in the head*
Josh: *falls backwards*
Delko: *starts to strangle Josh*
Josh: UGH! *knees Eric in the stomach*
Delko: OW!
Josh: *punches Eric in the face*
Delko: *falls over*
Josh: *punching Eric repeatedly*
Carly: *runs over* STOP IT! *grabs Josh*
Josh: *turns around, punches Carly*
Carly screams, and falls into bookshelf which collapses
Delko: *holding head*
Josh: *glaring*