Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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No worries Chris. :) Glad to have you back.

And thank you for the nice compliments, they're very much appreciated. :D

To answer your question, when we first met Tim's brother, it was when the team was in the Hummerhome and someone had suggested that they travel to New York. And then another one of the team suggested they visit Speed's parents, because they lived in New York. So contrary to Speed's objections, they drove up to New York and stayed at his parent's house for a few days.

We then discovered that Speed has a brother named Josh, and at the time it was meant for him to be the complete opposite of Tim, so I decided to give him different tastes. ;) It was actually quite humourous. Josh was searching all over the house for his eyelash curler, and then he was selling hand cream to everyone. He also chased Eric around the house and outside until Eric climbed up a tree to save himself from Josh, lol. Anyway, we got to know a little bit about Josh in those chapters, and it turns out he was a very well-liked character. --Most likely because he was pretty funny, and this is what the RT is all about. :)

Then we saw him again a few thread later, and it was Carly who met him at a club in Miami and they hit it off. We then discovered that Josh had grown up a little more and matured. --And fell in love with Carly. They then got married some time later. :) Hope that clears some things up!
Yes, that clears everything up. Wow, things sure do change don't they. Josh chased Delko up a tree, and now he's kissed Delko's wife? how can the two of them stand each other? Thank you for the wonderful updates, my dear. I will be back (hopefully) tomorrow after I get off work.
State Of Minds And States Of Heart

Hospital, midnight

Horatio: Doctor.

Doctor: Lieutenant Caine.

Horatio: My CSI was brought in this afternoon, I was wondering what had happened.

Doctor: Well when she was brought in, it took five police officers to keep her on the gurney. Her heart rate was through the roof, and so was her pulse. She was confused, frantic, angry, and terribly emotional.

Horatio: Did you do up a tox screen?

Doctor: We did and there was no drugs in her system. Her blood alcohol level was also normal.

Horatio: What can cause this sort of behavior?

Doctor: Well right now we're considering it to be a chemical imbalance in her brain. It can be caused by extreme stress or depression. People with this condition might burst out in rage, or sadness, and even resort to hurting themselves. Has she done this before?

Horatio: Never.

Doctor: Have you noticed a change in her behavior lately?

Horatio: She...Has been acting more serious and less extroverted lately.

Doctor: Is she worried about anything? Or some kind of job-related stress?

Horatio: Not that I know of.

Doctor: Has she had any children?

Horatio: No.

Doctor: Okay. Well, we'll start her on some medication once we get permission from her family.

Horatio: I'll call her husband.

Doctor: Alright.

Horatio: May I speak to her?

Doctor: Go ahead. She's slightly sedated though.

Horatio: Okay thank you. *walks into room*

Hospital room

Anni: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: *smiles* Hi.

Anni: *lifts arm, yanks restraints*

Horatio: That's for your own safety.

Anni: *nods*

Horatio: *sits* Do you remember what happened?

Anni: *nods*

Horatio: Good.

Anni: ...I'm sorry.

Horatio: Don't apologize Anni you did nothing wrong. The doctor told me you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. It's caused by stress and depression.

Anni: *angry sigh*

Horatio: You want to tell me what's going on?

Anni: No.

Horatio: Alright, you don't have to say anything.

Anni: *starts to cry*

Horatio: ...Um...Okay.

Anni: *yanks on restraints* Get them off!

Horatio: I can't do that.

Anni: *crying* GET THEM OFF!

Machines start beeping

Doctor: *walks in*

Horatio: What's going on?

Doctor: Her heart rate is increasing. What did you say to her?

Horatio: Nothing.

Doctor: Anni, Anni you need to calm down.

Anni: *spits at doctor*

Doctor: *wipes face* Anni, can you lay still for me?

Anni: *screams*

Doctor: Nurse!

Nurse: *runs in*

Doctor: Get me the syringe.

Nurse: Yes doctor. *runs over to cabinet*

Anni: *screaming, kicking*

Nurse: *runs back over*

Doctor: *grabs needle*

Nurse: *holds Anni down*

Doctor: *opens syringe cap*

Anni: *elbows doctor in face*

Doctor: AH! *falls backwards*

Anni: *screaming*

Nurse: Doctor!

Doctor: *stands* I'm bleeding. I've contaminated it.

Nurse: I'll go get another one.

Doctor: *holds Anni*

Nurse: *runs to cupboard, grabs syringe, runs back*

Doctor: *grabs needle*

Anni: *screaming obscenities*

Doctor: *removes cap, injects Anni*

Horatio: *closes cellphone*

Nurse: *looks at doctor*

Doctor: *nods*

Anni: *falls back onto pillow*

Doctor: Make sure she stays like this. I don't want her going into cardiac arrest tonight. *wipes nose*

Nurse: Are you alright?

Doctor: I'm fine. *leaves*

Nurse: I'm sorry about this Lieutenant.

Horatio: It's okay. I've called her husband, so he can sign the papers to get her medication started.

Nurse: Good, she'll need it.

Carly/Josh's house, 12:30am

Carly: *sitting on couch* Josh, the door. Get the door.

Josh: *sigh* Who would be there at this hour?

Carly: I don't know.

Josh: *walks to door, opens it*

Delko: *punches Josh in the face*

Josh: AH!

Carly: *stands* Eric! What are you doing!

Delko: *grabs Josh* You son of a bitch. *punches Josh*

Josh: *falls over*

Carly: *runs over* Eric knock it off!

Delko: Stay out of this.

Carly: NO!

Josh: *stands, touches face* Ugh. *looks down at hand*

Delko: If you ever touch my wife again, I'll kill you.

Josh: *frowning* It was a mistake.

Delko: Mistake my ass.

Josh: Hey at least it was a hell of a lot more than what you were doing for her.

Delko: That's none of your business. She's married! And you're married!

Josh: Yeah well it doesn't feel like it lately!

Carly: WHOA, HEY!

Delko: Don't go near her again.

Josh: Yeah well don't worry I was never really that much interested in women anyway, remember Eric? *winks*

Delko: *frowns*

Josh: *frowning*

Delko: *grabs Josh*

Josh: *punches Eric*

Delko: AH! *kicks Josh*

Josh: *falls against wall*

Delko: *grabs Josh by the hair*

Josh: OW!

Delko: *slams Josh against adjacent wall*

Carly: *runs for phone*

Josh: *turns around, grabs bottle, breaks it*

Delko: You have got to be kidding me. Does this look like happy hour at Hooters?

Josh: *smackes Eric in the head with bottle*

Delko: AH! Ow. *rubs head*

Josh: *kicks Eric over couch*

Eric falls over the couch, and onto the coffee table

Josh: *grabs Eric*

Delko: *punches Josh in the head*

Josh: *falls backwards*

Delko: *starts to strangle Josh*

Josh: UGH! *knees Eric in the stomach*

Delko: OW!

Josh: *punches Eric in the face*

Delko: *falls over*

Josh: *punching Eric repeatedly*

Carly: *runs over* STOP IT! *grabs Josh*

Josh: *turns around, punches Carly*

Carly screams, and falls into bookshelf which collapses

Delko: *holding head*

Josh: *glaring*

OMG Riley's back! OMG Josh cheated on Carly! OMG Jess cheated on Delko! OMG Speed is dying! OMG there are more rt babies! OMG I can't believe I've been too busy to be online. for those of you who care at all, Mr. Ed had me painting the floor and set pieces for into the woods and I had sooooooo much homework I think I'm gonna cry. And Cindy (my crazzy assistant manager) thinks I'm responsible enough to take care of the team (I had ducklings today) even though I'M ONLY 16! *mental break down*
When I saw riley i was like "OMG It can't be her, she's dead, but OMG it's here! HOLY F***!" and my brother is like "Marissa, there's a straight jacket down here with your name on in" Horray for siblings and Chem labs.
Carly: *runs over* STOP IT! *grabs Josh*

Josh: *turns around, punches Carly*
OH EM GEE! I seriously gasped so loud when I read that....Josh doesn't hurt the ones he loves! HE JUST DOESN'T! Now this has me wondering what words were exchanged between Eric and was just a kiss! I'm really wondering what's going to happen now between these couples. They were fighting, and now I want to see the real talking. I want to know what each party is feeling and what they're going to do about it, because ANGST EFFING RULES...............*shuts up* Great update Geni, can't wait for more!
I'm gone for only a couple hours and i miss 3 parts?!? Aw man i got alot of quoting ahead of me..i think.

Delko: I'm not spoiling her. If I was spoiling her, she'd have candy bursting out of her ass.

Jess: ...Interesting visual.
Intresting visual....oh. Nevermind. I'm just being an echo again. :lol:

Riley: Did you find her parents?

Speed: Why?

Riley: I'd like to know who my real parents were. What kind of people they were at least.

Speed: A few minutes ago, you didn't care.

Riley: *nods* And I'm guessing he doesn't have beautiful brown eyes, dark hair and a stubbled face either.

Speed: Nah.

Riley: Good. Because I'd kick his ass. I've always wanted blue eyes.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Great, send her a card.

Speed: *shakes head*
That's just cold. Shame on you Katie.


Calleigh: *walks over* Hey, hey, you're breaking lab property. Why don't you just stop and s-

Anni: *pushes Calleigh* DON'T COME NEAR ME! *grabs piece of broken glass* STAY AWAY!

Calleigh: What's wrong?


Speed: *walks over*

Calleigh: Do something.

Speed: Like what?
Like shooting her! .....with a tranquilizer. :lol:

Horatio: Doctor.

Doctor: Lieutenant Caine.
THANK YOU. We finally see H again!

Carly: *runs over* Eric knock it off!

Delko: Stay out of this.

Carly: NO!

Josh: *stands, touches face* Ugh. *looks down at hand*

Delko: If you ever touch my wife again, I'll kill you.
Finally! He found out! It took you this long Eric?

Josh: *turns around, punches Carly*
What the f***??! What the hell is wrong with you Josh!? I think Eric ought to shoot you now. *menacing glare*

Thanks for the updates Geni! Especially so quick! :p Enjoyed the part, hope to see more!
*puts on news reporter voice*This Hannah reporting live from the Miami finest Road Trip-Its Psycho Day here today with Anni having a mental breakdown and a full on fight taking place *cough* anyways!!!yeah man.

Poor Anni, man shes scary when shes angry....
Poor Carly, first you get cheated on and then you get punches in the face by the cheat..thats a bad couple of days...
Poor Delko, found out who Jess cheated with :(
Poor Speed, His wife has gone mad
Poor Hortatio having to watch Anni, one of his beloved team like that...

Oh its all so sad :( *goes to make cup of tea in an attempt to make everything ok!!!*

But as ever superb updates Geni...hope to see more when I come back :D
O_O (yes, yes I know...BUG BUG BUG :lol:) Riley is alive?...WOAH! Poor Speedy...those "parents" of hers were total jerks. Poor little thing got raised by them...but she's pretty much like Lori when Lori came back from Columbia. Awww, I hope she and Speedy get to talk...and no-one ends up in hospital :lol:

...Hm. Joshie has gone a little psycho. But hey, Eric started it...but then Joshie went all 'creeper'...only it wasn't creeper Josh, it was more...angry Josh. though he did complete the transition into the bad Speedle with the whole 'hitting the wife' thing :rolleyes: Pfft, Speedle men... :lol:

And hm (again). Whats up with Anni. Poor thing...poor crazy thing. Ok, I think everyone in the RT has been crazy at some least, I think I was...i can't remember anymore. Though she did go a little overboard crazy...I thought she was gonna do something bad with that broken glass.

please update soon!
Ah! Geni, you have My heart racing, I don't think I can handle all the RT stress! Punch-Ups, crazy mental breakdowns, back-from-the-dead kids! :eek: Man oh man!

Katie: Hey I guess you heard that Josh cheated on you, huh.
:lol: She's so nonchalent(sp?) about it!

Katie: Well, I'm the only one not in a relationship besides Missy, JC and Megan. Although Megan seems to have a thing for Stetler. Ah well, story for another time I guess.
Woah, Stetler? When did THAT happan?! :eek: And, lol, Katie rambles a lot in this update, doesn't she! :lol:

Katie: Hey I'm not even attracted to Speed anymore. My will is strong.
Speed: *walks over* I need to talk to you.
Katie: *screams*
*coughLIARcough* One, you contradicted yourself and two, who WOULDN'T find Speed attractive! :D lol

Katie: I try not to make a big deal out of my children anymore.
Aw! *huggles*

Katie: Thank you. Now what happened to Anni?
Speed: Mental breakdown.
Katie: Harsh.
Speed: Yeah
Again, so nochalnet! (sp?)

Josh: Yeah well don't worry I was never really that much interested in women anyway, remember Eric? *winks*
:lol: :lol:

Carly: NO!
Yeah, you go girl!!!

Update sooon! :D Oh! *passes round cookies!* See, now you have to! :p

Riley: And what about him?

Speed: He got re-married.

Riley: Does he work here too?

Speed: Yes.

Riley: Does he have any other kids?

Speed: No.

Riley: What's he like?

Speed: A complete pain in the ass.

Sometimes, yes. Other times, no. Other other times, he's funny. :lol:
Free My Soul


Megan: Alright I'm bored. Who here brought Monopoly?

Missy: I brought the game of Life.

Megan: *sigh* We always play that game.

JC: I know what we can play! The shutting up game because JC has a headache.

Megan: That game's not fun. OH! How about we name the number of murders in Coconut Grove. Okay I'll start. *lifts fingers*

Missy: No that's a dumb game.

Colton: *runs in* I HAVE A DATE TONIGHT! ME! I HAVE ONE!

Missy: Congratulations. I'm sure the alligator you're dating will appreciate a tie or something.

Colton: What are you talking about? I'm dating Calleigh.

Megan: Oh smooth ma man.

Colton: *runs hands through hair* I know. I'm a smooth foxy tiger.

Megan: *laughs* Okay I wouldn't go that far.

Colton: You're all mean.

Missy: Well you're dating Calleigh.

Colton: So?

Missy: It's something to do on a Friday night. It isn't fair.


JC: Yeah stop yelling I have a headache.

Colton: *frowns* I'M SO EXCITED!

JC: Jerk.

Hospital room

Speed: *walks in*

Anni: *grabs papers, walks to door, bumps into Speed*

Speed: Whoa, where are you going?

Anni: Home.

Speed: I'm kind of your ride.

Anni: I'll take a bus.

Speed: You want to tell me what happened?

Anni: *shakes head*

Speed: Well you're not leaving until you do.

Anni: I freaked out okay? It's not a big deal.

Speed: It is a big deal.

Anni: Why?

Speed: Uh because you never do that.

Anni: I'm just going through a hard time.

Speed: Why, because I'm dying?

Anni: Yeah. And I can't help you and I can't do anything to stop it, and I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life.

Speed: I think there's more to it than that.

Anni: Like what?

Speed: You're worried about something else.

Anni: I'm not.

Speed: No one freaks out over just that.

Anni: Tim just let it go. You're always sticking your nose into things. LEAVE IT ALONE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: JUST GET AWAY FROM ME! *leaves*

Speed: ...Oh...Kay.

speed_cochrane said:
Free My Soul


Megan: Alright I'm bored. Who here brought Monopoly?

Missy: I brought the game of Life.

Megan: *sigh* We always play that game.

JC: I know what we can play! The shutting up game because JC has a headache.
Hah! I always say stuff like that :) Good one.
speed_cochrane said:
Megan: That game's not fun. OH! How about we name the number of murders in Coconut Grove. Okay I'll start. *lifts fingers*
Loved the whole Colton/Cal thing. He is excited. Well it is Valentines, he deserves a good night :)
Good one. Update soooon. :D
Yay! *claps* Update!!

JC: I know what we can play! The shutting up game because JC has a headache.
*points* THAT'S a classic. :lol:

Colton: What are you talking about? I'm dating Calleigh.
I was wondering when you were going to write that Geni. :) *good job Colton *winks* ;) * And i mean you saraholic. ;)

Anni: Tim just let it go. You're always sticking your nose into things. LEAVE IT ALONE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: JUST GET AWAY FROM ME! *leaves*

Speed: ...Oh...Kay.

Oh crap she's at it again....

Thanks for the update Miss C!
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