Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

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Bride Wars. Hm, I expected such a film to be made in the 1950s or 60s. You know, when women wanted nothing more than to get married and would do anything to get there. Definitely not in the 21st century.

Anyway, there were a few laughs but overall ... really? Really? Is that the way women want to be portrayed in the 21st century?

I think it started well, and did look promising. But it well downhill pretty fast. I thought it was boring to see those "reality shows", and it was just weird when Alice (main character) thought she heard noises and went insane. But the end was the biggest disappointment, as it was really awful.
Sherlock Holmes= good movie. power of deduction is always my favorite. i have a little problem with the clothing that Rachel McAdams was wearing in the movie: women back before the 1900s did not wear tight pants. they had bloomers which were kinda like MC Hammer pants. the dresses were correct in some ways, they got the tailored tops and bustle right.

Terminator 3 Salvation= i thought i would just sit through a few minutes of the movie but i sat through the whole thing. it was a good movie and good story.

the rest are Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies. i just got a pack of all 10 of the pairs' movies and it is awesome :)

Flying Down to Rio= this is the first movie Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were in together but they were supporting characters and Astaire had 5th billing behind Rogers's 4th. they were really good and very funny. Rogers plays a kind of airhead while Astaire is a sly guy.

The Gay Divorcee= the situation/plot is basically the same thing that form the situation/plot for the rest of the pairs' movies. the dance to "Night and Day" is one of my favorites.

Roberta= after top billing in The Gay Divorcee Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers go back down to supporting characters. Ginger Rogers was hysterical as this fake Russian countess. i liked seeing the scene where they sing "I Won't Dance" b/c i listen to their version (and Will Young's version) all the time. the looks Rogers gives Astaire in this movie are fantastic they're one of the reasons why i laughed so much.
I just saw Leap Year. Now, I don't normally go in for the "chick flicks" but I'm a Matthew Goode fan (keep your eyes peeled for him folks, he's goin' places! I'm sure of it) so I thought I'd give it a go. Plus Amy Adams is usually decent too, so I thought it was a pretty good cast for a Rom/Com.

OK, so there was nothing surprising about this movie- all the usual cliches were in place and there was nothing unpredictable about the plot. Then again, I had those expectations going in, so I couldn't really complain much about it. Aside from that, though, it was just a cute little movie, and sometimes I just need one of those, you know? Every now and again, I want to be able to check my brain at the door and just enjoy some romance and misadventure. And, as expected, Matthew Goode's was a standout performance, and I found myself utterly beguiled by "Declan" and the Irish countryside. I may move there tomorrow and try to find my own version! :lol:
Halloween II (remake)- I hated this one. The remake of the first one was okay (though I wouldn't watch it a second time), but this one was just weird.
Michael isn't supposed to talk, yet he said "die" to Loomis. They made Loomis a money-hungry creep (the original doctor loomis never would have profitted from someone else's pain let alone put a pic and name of someone in their book!). They put in some deal with Michael's dead mother appearing to him in white, with a white horse. :wtf: And people thought the whole druid thing in "The Curse Of Michael Myers" was messed up? This was even worse. It almost seemed like Michael was on an acid trip or something. And the ending was just sucky.
The Barkleys of Broadway- Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. this was their last movie together made ten years after their last pairing. this is the only movie they made in color and to me after seeing them in black and white. the story is kinda based on their real lives: Ginger Rogers had made some dramatic movies to break away from musical comedies and her character wants to be a dramatic actress and Fred Astaire still wants to dance and sing. they could still dance together like no one two people ever could.

Finishing School- old Ginger Rogers movie from 1934. she was a supporting character but she was funny. she played the girl that was the bad influence. i liked it it was a good story and a good ending. the lead in the movie was so pretty.

Holiday- Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. it was ok, Katherine Hepburn as usual was way over dramatic but very good.
Watched AVATAR in 3D!!! James Cameron has out done himself with this one!!! It was SIMPLY AMAZING!!! loved it... cant wait for the sequeal!!! :thumbsup:
^^^ I'm sure with the kind of money they made, the powers that be will try to convince Cameron to do another one. And it's not like he hasn't done them (sequels) before.

I just saw The Book of Eli and I really liked it. Dark and gritty and overall just interesting. I always like Denzel so I wasn't surprised that I did again, and it's nice to see that Mila Kunis is really getting into some cool projects these days. One thing I liked about this movie was that the bad guys were bad, but not cartoonishly so. There was no ridiculous hyperbolic dialogue and rants, just normal (but cool) levels of respectable badness. And, the end had a twist which I was not completely expecting for a change, which I definitely liked.
Sherlock Holmes-Awesome movie had the complete package of action, mystery and humor and the acting was excellent!

I loved how they made the supernatural stuff actually being just science and tricks in the end. Also I somehow knew the guy was going to get hanged when he said he was a long way from the rope or something similar to that. Oh the irony of that.
The last 2 movies I watched were Avatar and Sherlock Holmes.

I hated Avatar. I like the actors (the real ones) and the animated characters, and I like how the movie was made. The story was okay. But I was really disappointed and don't understand the hype. The movie is not fantastic and brilliant.

Sherlock Holmes was great. I am not a big fan of Jude Law, but I thought he was awesome here. It was hilarious at some times, and exciting. A pretty good movie.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner= this is the last movie Spencer Tracy made before he died. Katherine Hepburn and Sidney Poitier are also in the movie. made in 1967, it seems odd to see the main plot being about a white girl who wants to marry an african american man but it was a big deal back then. very well acted by everyone in the movie and a good story.

Joyless Street= this is the first movie Greta Garbo made and it is silent. another good story and it echoes true to made things still going on today.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith= this is the ORIGINAL Mr.and Mrs. Smith with Robert Montgomery and Carole Lombard. the movie is a comedy directed by Alfred Hitchcock. odd situation but funny. Movie trivia: the genre "screwball comedy" was named after Carole Lombard. a critic commented on Lombard for one of her movies that she was a screwball and all her movies were like and became known as screwball comedies.

I Confess= not one of Hitchcock's best films but in terms of lighting and filming some scene from the characters point of view the film is a great study. the story is different and captivating, it definitely had me on the edge of the couch a few times with anxiety.

The Major and the Minor= Ginger Rogers plays the main character who pretends to be a 12 year old girl for a cheaper train ticket back home. the movie is directed by Billy Wilder who wrote and directed "Some Like It Hot" so there were a lot of very funny parts in the film. there were some some references to Ginger Rogers's work with Fred Astaire that were cleverly added in and made the parts funnier. just like "Some Like It Hot" the movie has a ridiculous situation that makes for great comedy.
I saw "Sherlock Holmes". I always loved reading Sherlock stories so I was super excited to see this movie. Especially when I heard that Robert Downey Jr. was going to play Holmes. Well I got what I wanted. Loved the story, the whole atmosphere, the cast and the music. Robert was great in his role. A little quirky, he really deserved that Golden Globe. His humor was fantastic, as always. Robert Downey is one of those actors that hypnotizes me. I don't hear anything around me when he's on TV. Great actor, my weakness! Jude Law was charming as ever and so was Rachel McAdams. And Gladstone, the dog, was super cute.
I liked the scene with the big and the little hammer and the part where they were trying to 'save bullets' (go see it when you want to know what I mean). The ending was open, so Sherlock number two is coming!! Can't wait. But for now, go see it. It's definitely worthed.
i just watched couples retreat and it was very disappointing. for the people who are in it i was expecting so much more. it was actually quite boring. another case of all the best parts being in the trailer. it did make me want to go to french polynesia very badly though :lol:
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