On that note. here's a a couple of letters about her in the latest TV Guide.. she's, I guess not popular with everyone from past eps.
Catherine The Great?
CSI's Catherine needs to be fired!! How many laws has she broken? How many people has she stomped on or disregarded? And now she flashes her bra while attempting to lure a man into telling her what she wants? Victoria..Thousand Oaks, CA.
I amuses me to think that you'll probably get more hate mail about Grissom telling Sara goodbye from three feet away than Cath giving a "perp" a psskaboo in exchange for a confession..Sarah ********, Vancover,
If showing Catherine's breasts were supposed to win back the audience, I think CSI, just cut itself off at the knees. Give us Grissom and Sara kissing, give us Warrick with proper screen time, but please, please, stop giving us Catherine the middle-aged sex goddess..Victoria.. Westlake Village, CA. OUCH!!!
Only posting these here, because it does relate to Cath, and her antics, and not everyone is thrilled!!!this iS NOT my opinion
This is just to reiterate , that in no way was I personally attacking the character Catherine. I think she rocks

, and was extremly impressed by her performance in "BTK2" sensantional, she's a great actress,was just commenting with this TV Guide lettes due to the post above me!! on some things she's done in past episodes that were in a way relating to the ep 'REDRUM"
Edited: To remove the first persons last name, what they willingly submit to tvguide is on them, what is copied here, is another.