Recent Purchases

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wibble said:
*feels guilty 'cause Tinky's bought her Mother's Day card and wibbsy hasn't*'s this sunday? ...Thanks for bringing that up. :p I need to buy something tomorrow then. ;)
Yeah mother's day is in May here too.. I always thought that it was some universal date.. uhm.. apparently not.. well I learn something new every day :D

My last purchase was 1 bag of crisps.. for mum.. and it's not even mother's day :lol:
Let me think...

Book: "The Impressionist", by Hari Kunzru;
Gift (teddy bear) for my co-worker's daughter;
...that's it.

The next one will be my father's gift (for Father's Day).
blood pressure cuff
Highlights for hair
make up foundation
clear mascara
To Live and Die in LA DVD
The Spring DVD
Medicine for back pain
Tinkerbell said:
kazzy said:'s this sunday? ...Thanks for bringing that up. :p I need to buy something tomorrow then. ;)
It's next Sunday kazzy. You still have a week to go. :D

Oh yeah. Well, I had ot get it today anyway.

Aromatheraphy stuff. *not for me :p *
Gun N'Roses poster.
Gun N'Roses Shirt.
2 bottles of Diet coke.
2 cartons of Juice.
A cinema ticket.

Yeah, back to square one. No money left, gotta save up again. :D

Omg...Im so sorry! I do like a few songs but I only bought them for my brother, he's in love with Gun N'Roses. He's going to Download just to see them. :D But nice top, you've got a better one than my brothers. :lol:
wibble said:
*gasps* OMG! You like Guns N Roses too? :eek:
Whoooooo! Paaarrrrttttyyy! :D I have a t-shirt of theirs - looks like this

Holy crap, I'm WEARING that exact same T-shirt right now! o_O
Anyhoo, Back to the topic..

Ice Age DVD
Canadian Joe Boxers
Wallace and Gromit DVD
Pink Panther Original Cartoon DVD
Sense and Sensibility DVD
2 Black Shirts (For Comm)
Palm said:
wibble said:
*gasps* OMG! You like Guns N Roses too? :eek:
Whoooooo! Paaarrrrttttyyy! :D I have a t-shirt of theirs - looks like this

Holy crap, I'm WEARING that exact same T-shirt right now! o_O
Anyhoo, Back to the topic..

Ice Age DVD
Canadian Joe Boxers
Wallace and Gromit DVD
Pink Panther Original Cartoon DVD
Sense and Sensibility DVD
2 Black Shirts (For Comm)

And a partridge in a pear tree...:lol:

I bought a Switchfoot CD today! Yeah they rock!
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