Recent Purchases

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One sandstone color (khaki) nursing uniform
One id clip badge with retractable cord.
One pack of trident bubble gum
6 pack of caffinee free diet pepsi
New Scientist
Scientific American (can you tell I'm a scientist? :p)
Eyebrow pencil
Lip Balm
Cinema ticket
Chocolate (a bag of Minstrels - yes I'm going to eat the whole lot myself. Stuff the diet :p ).
A bottle of orange juice.
Chicken Quesadillas at work :) And a tank of gas on the way home.

Most recent significant purchase: a new computer.
I've spent far too much money in the past few days. :eek:

Car Insurance renewal. *CRIES*
Bubble bath
Shower Gel
Kerrang Magazine
A pair of shoes
A pair of sandals
3 Tops
Mothers Day Card
Birthday Card
Goldfrapp CD
Karin Slaughter book
Yay, Tinky likes Goldfrapp too :D

I've spent money on:

New Scientist magazine
Cinema ticket
2 bottles of shampoo
Eating out (went to restaurant for lunch earlier this week)

*feels guilty 'cause Tinky's bought her Mother's Day card and wibbsy hasn't*
wibble said:
*feels guilty 'cause Tinky's bought her Mother's Day card and wibbsy hasn't*
Don't worry wibbs, I normally get Mother's day cards, Birthday cards, etc the day before. :eek: :lol:

Oh yes, I saw the Goldfrapp CD for £6, I really like 'Ride A White Horse' and the 'Oh la la' one. :lol: So I thought I would give it a go, now I'm so please I did buy it, I love it. :D
I went to wally world last night- my mom told me i was only aloud to spend 20dollars- mind u it's my own money. here's what i got....

Awsome sunglasses!
A sweet shiney green wig!
Two fab tank tops!

needless to say that lil bit took me in 30 dollars :(
A microscope <3

And a shirt with Michael Myers on it from Halloween.
Looooooooooooooooove it.
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