Re-examine the episodes! ['Extreme']

Re: Re-examine the episodes!

Awesome idea, FallenForFlack! :D

I voted for 'Dispo Day'.

Can't wait to find out which episode wins out on the poll so we can get started! I may even have to pull out my DVDs to get a refresher which is always a good thing. ;) It's interested me for a long time as well to know what everyone thought about the earlier episodes.
Re: Re-examine the episodes!

This idea is absolutely fantastic FallenForFlack :D

I've always looked for very old threads about the earlier episode, but I didn't find anything about the first 3 season.
It's good to know that now we can talk about also about some of our fav. episodes.
In fact I voted for "Dispo Day" my fav. episode of Miami ever :lol:

Can't wait to read all of your ideas on it & the other episodes :p
Re: Re-examine the episodes!

this is a reallyl good idea, i voted for "Dispo Day" since it was one of the only episodes from season 1 that i have really watched before. i missing a lot of episodes from seasons 1-4 since i just started watching in season 4
Re: Re-examine the episodes!

I think is a great idea.Although, the summer part? not so true for me LOL
Is starting to be very cold here.
Ok,I voted for Dispo Day too,even though I don't think I have watch a lot of episodes of seasons 1/2 (see,it was Mr. Wolfe who converted me to Miami,so I really got hooked up on season 3).
But is gonna be a great way to catch up.
When does the discussion begins?
*runs to watch ep*
Re: Re-examine the episodes!

I think I can safely say that our first episode to discuss is Dispo Day! So go ahead and watch it for the first time if it's new to you or enjoy it again if you've seen it before! Then come back and share your thoughts. I myself loved this episode so I can't wait to rewatch it! We'll vote for the next one to watch next Monday and then we'll just start discussions on Wednesdays! Enjoy! :)
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

This is a great idea! I didn't vote because I honestly haven't watched the earliear eps much, but this gives me a chance to go back and watch them. :)
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

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Note from mod: Please refrain from episode sharing/promoting downloading of any kind unless from legal source such as iTunes. Thanks.

Also you can go on A&E and watch most of the reruns I think they are in season 3 right now but they will be starting over again before long they always do! Also if you like NY or LV you can catch those old eps on Spike TV daily!

I voted for Dispo Day! Yay! Speed Speed Speed! Oh! and Speed!
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Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

I just watched "Dispo Day" for the first time (I don't think I've watched more than 10 eps of seasons 1 and 2 :rolleyes: ) But I loved it!!
Even though some of the characters seemed so different from what they are now,or even from what they were in season 3 ,which is when I started to watch Miami.
I love Eric in this,maybe because he still had that freshness,being the youngest member of the team at the time.
And Calleigh was hilarious, I don't know if that's the way somebody who accidentally took cocaine would react,but she made it look even cute !
I also enjoyed a lot to see Horatio before he became Super H, I love the man,but I hate what they did to the character since season 5. I love How he acted as the team leader,caring about his people.
And the evolution of his relationship with Frank is great too!!It was funny the way he called him "detective",and they're like buddies now LOL.
(Oh,and H was sooooooooooo in love with Yelina :lol: )
Anyway,that's it,thanks FallenForFlack for your great idea,you made me enjoy an otherwise bored tuesday night.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

Seriously people! If you have never seen the first three seasons or at least the first 2 seasons up to the first Ep. of season 3 where Speed is shot and killed, you have deffantly missed the best of CSI Miami!

Dispo day was one of the best eps. in the series and I can't say enough about it. And yes Lucy there was a time when Horatio Caine was an actual human with a lot more lines to quoate in a scene. Lol! Eric was the cute little Player Player, And Calleigh was the talkative beautiful blonde that caught everybodys eye except Speeds, But we can dream can't we! Lol! And Speed well he was the baudy, bruding, sarcastic, pain in the ass that everybody fell in love with! Speed & Eric were like Martin and Lewis! The writing has suffered sence speed was gunned down!

Frank was the new bruding Det, on the scene and Yulena was teasing H. with her sultry dilect and sexy looks. Ahhhh! Them were the good old days! I wish we had them back again! I miss they way they all would gather around the layout table and talk about who had what info on the current case! They always had some silly little quip to through into the mix. Calleigh had that great hair in Dispo Day! I wish she hadn't cute it off I thought it was so pretty.

I loved the end when H. gives Speed the Gun Cleaning kit for a belated B-day present, and in typical H. fasion he doesn't let his best CSI blame himself for the other guys death! Poor Speed he just couldn't take a complament either he wanted takke the blame so bad! (foot note: If you've seen Bang Bang you dept, in the scene where Eric is looking in Speeds locker you will see the Gun cleaning kit in the top of Speeds locker where probably has sat Collecting dust since Dispo day!Also you see His gun is there and of course his badge. ) Thought that was great for Triva!

But really Dispo Day is one of the best Eps. if you are Speed fan. You get to see a differant side of Speed! In this one! His character really comes through in this Ep.You start lerning about the real Speed! Not the ass that thinks his job is just a paycheck!

Calleigh is also great when she gets dosed and is flittering around, the best part though is when shes hooked to the lie detecter! She really cracked me up! And I really love how the lines that Horatio has for Jack the IAB guy. He totally makes him look like an Jackass!

Well thats is for me! have fun everybody!
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

Love this episode! The whole storyline is really good and there's a good amount of Speed in it so that's great too!

Things I loved:
-Horatio: "Kevlar? At a funeral?"
-Speed in that white t-shirt then those sunglasses :drool:
-the paramedic commenting the lady wanted to bake Horatio a cake and gave him his address :lol:
-Eric: "Car's stolen." Calleigh:"Based on?" Eric:"Based on the screwdriver in the ignition." :guffaw:
-Eric's comment about being Catholic so he always feels guilty :lol:
-Calleigh asking Speed if he's going to shave before going to IAB and he replies it's a 'polygraph not a portrait' :lol:
-Horatio to IAB guy: "You miss being a real cop?" Niiiice!
-Calliegh high :lol::lol: Way too funny!
-Horatio standing behind his CSI when the IAB commented about Speed and at the end when talking to Speed (nice birthday gift by the way, shame he apparantly never used it)

Things I didn't like:
-that reporter, he was so annoying!
-the IAB guy
-that woman in the DNA lab, I mean really? :rolleyes:
-the polygraph lady-yikes, will it kill you to smile?
-Speed doesn't clean his gun so that's why it misfired? Makes him seem a bit irresponsible which I don't like
-hate that the not cleaning the gun thing will eventually be used against Speed to kill him off the show
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

hi i watched Dispo day last week , and it is one of my favorite episodes from season 1
the things i like :

H giving Speedle the gun cleaning kit
Calleigh high it was very funny :lol::lol::lol:

the things i didn't like

the Reporter
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

Dispo Day is such a great episode :)

There are so many great lines (some have been mentioned already but they are so great I want to post them again :)):

-Frank: We should burn it at CSI
Horatio: Remind me to order the industrial size incinerator next time.

-Eric: Car's stolen.
Calleigh:Based on?
Eric:Based on the screwdriver in the ignition. :lol:

-Eric: Did I mention I was Catholic? (to the lady doing the polygraph)

-Speed and Calleigh's exchange on shaving for the polygraph and him saying it wasn't a portrait.

-IAB guy: Don't make me call Horatio.
Calleigh: I wouldn't make my LT take a call from you.:p

-Yelina: Sorry I couldn't help.
Horatio: I wouldn't say that. :adore:

-Bad Guy: ...visit from an angel.
Calleigh: You might think I'm the devil in just a second.

-Calleigh to IAB guy after giving her the cup to pee in: But I'm not doing it in front of you :lol:.

-Calleigh: I feel like a hummingbird on six cups of coffee.

-Bad guy: My name is the only one on the company's paper.
Frank:That's cause you're stupid.:lol:

Other things I liked:

-Horatio wearing a "Crime Scene Unit" jacket

-Calleigh, Eric, and Speed in the break room :thumbsup:.

-Calleigh and Eric's exchange about the coke and him being catholic.

-Calleigh's talk with Speed telling him to clean his gun.

-High Cal :lol:

-Showing Horatio's office.

-The end with H giving Speed the gun cleaning kit.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

Ok Dispo Days was one of the best episodes ever of Miami, IMHO & I'll never get over its cuteness.

We had the best Horatio since he was so human & when he gave Speedle the Gun Cleaning kit for a belated B-day present was just too cute!!!

We had probably the best Calleigh ever especially during her test!

Delko was so enjoyable to watch especially during his talk w/ H about him changing girlfriend once a week :lol:. I really miss this Eric Delko.

Speed, poor guy, didn't clean his gun & almost died b/c of this stupid error. BTW do you really think it is that realistic that such a nice person who really cares about the victims & human beings could have such a dirty gun? I mean I could have thought this kind of problem for a person like Eric (also b/c a person like him who changes girlfriend every week doesn't care too much about people :p). IDK I really think it wasn't that appropriate to create this kind of problem to a person like Tim, that's all ;)

As for the storyline of the episode it was soooo nice. I really love whenever they bring out some drug stuff.
The beginning was just crazye w/ the fake funeral & I couldn't help giggling over the woman who kept screaming "the baby" :lol:.

Of course I just loved the scene w/ my fav, trio (Calleigh, Speed & Eric) when they used to enjoy their time together. Not to mention that I just adored when Jack stepped in w/ Calleigh & Speed who brushed him off in such a good way & poor Eric had to be the first one :lol:

As for the tests, I have to say that I loved all of them, but the best one was Calleigh's one :guffaw:.
The contrast between her & the polygraph lady was just too much for me :guffaw:. Seriously, I loved TPTB & both the actresses for such a cute scene like this. Loved how Calleigh was all crazy & rambling some things & the lady was so serious, no to mention that when she saw Calleigh's values, the lady's face cracked me up while Cal was nodding proudly like saying "I know I'm good" :lol:

As for the question on a dosed person, I do think they did a good job in portraying a dosed Calleigh. Not to mention that what we saw was the first step of her problem. I mean when you get dosed or when you take drugs at first you feel high & you can't understand what's happening around you & you feel so happy about the life. Once this first step ends you start having the real problems. In fact, when that lady watched her values, she saw she was in tachycardia & of course, she wasn't all :lol:.
Then, normally you start feeling cold, nauseated & other things like these that all you need ist just an I.V. in your arm so that you can solve that kind of problem.
So yeah Calleigh doses was a little bit realistic also b/c they showed us the fist phase & we don't know what happened once she went back home, if she managed to do it :shifty:

As for Speed's polygraph test, I loved how he was so serious & oh boy I loved when he came out & Calleigh wanted to talk w/ him about his "little" problem.
Ok my shipping soul is coming back, but this scene was really good. You could sense Calleigh's concern for Speed & you could sens he cared about her & he didn't want her to worry too much. Unfortunately he didn't listen to her & yeah that's a bad thing, that I'd always like to imagine he didn't do that mistake another time :shifty:.
Plust I must say that I adored how Calleigh tried to cover him at first w/ H trying to avoid any kind of discussion on the bullet he eventually had fired;)

IDK, I really miss this kind of episodes b/c we had to see the real team spirit & I still think that the real characters of the show were the ones we've seen in this episode ;).
I mean gosh I adore when Calleigh tells the polygraph lady "Yes, I did. But my nickname is "lamb chop". But only my dad calls me that now. Oh, I know, I'm sorry. Okay, "yes" or "no"only. Fire away." :adore:
I just love Tim during his dialogues w/ Calleigh & Delko & I loved Delko talking about his religion.
I miss these moments :(
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

This is one of my favourite eps. It has everything- action, character development, comedy moments.
  • I really like the team interaction. Cal, Eric and Speed in the break room talking about the lie detector. I miss those kind of scenes.
  • Cal was so funny with the coke. 'lambchop'
  • Speed was so upset about the dead cop. And the scene with H at the end where he gave him the cleaning kit. It was done very well. (I hate that they used the gun thing to cause Speed's death!)
  • H was very protective of his team. He was a proper leader back then. And he had Yelina. I loved the two of them together.
The twist with the reporter guy was rather far-fetched but the rest of the storyline was well gripping. 10/10 for me!
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day']

Florry86 said:
BTW do you really think it is that realistic that such a nice person who really cares about the victims & human beings could have such a dirty gun? I mean I could have thought this kind of problem for a person like Eric (also b/c a person like him who changes girlfriend every week doesn't care too much about people :p). IDK I really think it wasn't that appropriate to create this kind of problem to a person like Tim, that's all ;)

I think it's possible for Speed to have this kind of problem. It always seemed to me like his service pistol was more of an accessory or just something he was required to have rather than something he relied on while on the job. I also never really got the feeling that he took his own safety very seriously but obviously the safety of others was on his mind (when Hollis was killed).

That said, this was an overall awesome episode and in fact, it was one of the first episodes I'd ever seen. The opening sequence, in particular was action packed and something we'd expect out of a 'Miami' teaser and it was well-executed -- it definitely sucked me in to watch the rest of it! :)

Calleigh getting high on the cocaine had to be my favourite part. :lol: I liked that this was the way they ultimately broke the case without it seeming unrealistic (and from what I understood - or rather remember -from the commentary, it actually happened in real life).

By the way, the reporter Enrique was totally sleezy -- he was awesome. Now everytime I see him on any other show, I automatically think 'JERK!' :p

The balance of development, investigation, team interaction and humour made this one of my favourites in the entire series. :)
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