Horatio is running through the hallways, past Eric and Ryan.
Ryan: Uhhh...
Eric: Look!
See a group of women chasing Horatio. Calleigh walks up to Eric and Ryan.
Calleigh: What's going on? I just saw a crowd of woman run by.
Eric: They're chasing Horatio.
Horatio runs by again, comes back and hides behind Ryan and Eric as the women run by.
Eric: H, whats going on?
Horatio: *out of breath* all started...lab...crazy women...
LABCOAT! *attempts to grab Horatio*
Damn! * races away with Calleigh chasing him*
Calleigh: Labcoat. Sexy. Horatio!
Horatio: I knew I should of had Ryan run that trace.
Eric and Ryan: :lol:
Ryan: Uhhh...
Eric: Look!
See a group of women chasing Horatio. Calleigh walks up to Eric and Ryan.
Calleigh: What's going on? I just saw a crowd of woman run by.
Eric: They're chasing Horatio.
Horatio runs by again, comes back and hides behind Ryan and Eric as the women run by.
Eric: H, whats going on?
Horatio: *out of breath* all started...lab...crazy women...
Calleigh: Labcoat. Sexy. Horatio!
Horatio: I knew I should of had Ryan run that trace.
Eric and Ryan: :lol: