(Horatio is in his office holding a camera.
He presses 'Record', turns camera to face him.)
HORATIO: Hello Miami! You're on 'H cam'! (gives big cheesy grin)
HORATIO: This is 'A Day in the Life, Miami Style!'
(goes around filming everyone.)
HORATIO: Here's Ryan... and Eric... guys come back!! (runs after them.)
RYAN: I'm camera shy!!
ERIC: I look awful! Get away!!
HORATIO: Those are my top CSIs, running away from the limelight... (sigh)
(Horatio sees Calleigh.)
HORATIO: Calleigh!
(She turns.)
CALLEIGH: Yes? OMG, get that camera away!
HORATIO: No way! Say hi to everyone in Internet land! I'll get a thousand views on my Blog thanks to you!!
(zooms in on her face)
HORATIO: 'Calleigh Duquesne - Brains and Beauty' Nice package!!
CALLEIGH: (embarassed) Oh, stop! (waves camera away)
HORATIO: Come on, give me a smile!
(Calleigh waves, smiling widely.)
CALLEIGH: Now go away!
HORATIO: Alright, Miss Brainy Beauty...
(Calleigh smiles.)
HORATIO: Now, off to the Morgue, and Dr. Alexx Woods...
ALEXX: I'm working, Horatio! And I've got camera fright!
HORATIO: Say hi!!
ALEXX: Hi... buh-bye!
(Horaito goes to his office again, and films the Miami skyline, the sun setting.)
HORATIO: Beautiful... that's all folks!!
A bit silly but I like it!