~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Hi Sammy! That's same name as my little sister. :lol:

Ryan: HI H how are you I'm fine did you figure out who the bad guy so we can go play cops and robbers and.....

H: :eek: How much of the break room coffee did you drink?
Ryan: All of it why did you want some cause i can go get more...

No puncutation on purpose Ryan is talking really fast but I spaced it so it could be read easily.

H - I just made the biggest mistake of my life
Eric - What?
H - I sold my sunnies to Ryan
Eric - YOU WHAT?! Do you know what this means?!?!! How much for?
H - Ten dollars
* Ryan walks in *
Ryan - I am the new boss * Put on sunnies * Clean my shoes!!!
* Eric and H feel this urge to clean his shoes and do so *
* Cal walks in *
Ryan - * Points at Cal * And you will give me a massage!
Cal - * Gives massage *
hahaha!!! i like the fact that the sunnies have powers of control!!!! :D ok here's one.......regarding last nights epp. it's long but funny :D

Calleigh:*looking at Ryan's shoes* uhhhhhhh. Ryan??
Ryan: ya?
Calleigh: are those Speed's shoes?!?
Ryan: ya why?
Calleigh: where did you get them!?!?
Ryan:his locker..
Calleigh: you went through Speed's stuff!?!?
Ryan:yeah. i got my shoes dirty and i needed a pair so.
Calleigh: :mad:
Ryan: and they are nice too. perfect fit.
Calleigh: I can't believe you!!!!!!!
Ryan: what? he said i could borrow them.
Calleigh: wait, how? he's dead!!
Ryan: no he's not *Speed walks in*
Caaleigh: :eek: *faints*
Speed: what's up with her?
Ryan: don't know.
Speed: those shoes don't really do you justice man
Ryan: ah who cares.
Speed: i sure don't :D *they laugh*
Ryan: hey lets go grab a beer or something
Speed: ok
*they walk out*

:D i just had to :lol: because the shoes Ryan was wearing looked a lot like the ones Speed wore in Lost Son.
Inspired by speed_cochrane’s Road Trip fic:

*Eric and Ryan are on the Internet, and snickering when Calleigh walks in*
Calleigh: What are you two boys up to?
Eric: *laughing* Oh man Cal, you have to see this.
Ryan: *giggling madly*
*Calleigh walks over and peers over Eric’s shoulder*
Calleigh: It’s MySpace, so what?
Ryan: Look.
Calleigh: … Horatio made a MySpace page… for his sunglasses…
*Eric and Ryan burst out into uncontrollable laughter*
Calleigh: … and there are over 100 photos of his sunglasses…
*Eric and Ryan fall to the floor laughing*
Calleigh: … and the sunglasses apparently posted a bunch of pictures of Eric and Ryan drunk and square-dancing at the last Christmas party…
*The boys stop laughing abruptly*
Eric and Ryan: Say what?!?!
Calleigh: Looks like the sunglasses have the last laugh. *leaves*
Thanks for all the welcomes guys!!!
(i feel at home already)

H: this must be the scence of the crime...
Calleigh: ok lets look for clues....
Ryan: I don't wanna!!
C: will u do it for a Scoobie snack?
R: nope.
C: 2 scoobie snacks?
R: NO!
C: how about a Wolfie snack?

Have anyone noticed that in an eppy (cant remember)
hes wearing an purple shirt then whan hes looking at a car.....
it changes 2 orange.......then purple again.....

Ryan: hmmmmmm.....ive got 2 check this car....but I don't want my new shirt 2 get dirty...
Eric: :eek:HOW DID HE DO THAT!?!

Ryan - I love you, you love me, let's get together and kill -
H - Cal?
Cal - Eric?
Eric - Alexx?
Alexx - H?
Ryan - Erm no.. let's get together and kill Stetler with a knife in his stomach and a bullet through his head, good news doods 'cause Stetlers dead!
Everyone - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! < Parties >
Oh my god! RyanAddict!!! Ahaha!!! You are great! I have never laughed so hard in my life! Whew! Okay. Here's one.

Here is one I most definatley do not see happening.

Ryan - "I like Rick Stetler better than Horatio."

haha i liked how you took the "Kill barney song" and put Stetler in it....genius!!!!!!

ok here's one.......

*H had called the team into the break room for a meeting*
H:Ok, under this sheet is a memorial for a very special friend, who was always there, never complained and was very close to us all....
Cal:awww, you made a memorial for Speed?
H: Speed? No.
Eric: who then?
*H pulls off the sheet. it is a plaque with a picture of his sunnies that reads:
H's Sunnies
this plaque is dedicated to H's sunnies
they served the team well and never let us down
they saddly broke on Friday August 14th, 2007
they will be missed.
Team: :rolleyes: *the team all start to mutter things*
Ryan:eek:h please......
Alexx:eek:h brother.....
Cal:i don't believe it...
Eric:no way.....
H:what was that?!?
Team:uhhhhh...nothing!!!! *they run out*
H: that's what i thought!!!

the ???? on the date because no one truly know when or where he hot them . only he knows.......

i was looking at some totally sexy pics of Adam adn my heart almost gave out and i almost had to call 911...here's how it would have went if my heart really did give out from sexy pics of Adam :D

911 operator: 911. what's your emergency?
Me: help!!! my heart is giving out!!
911 operator: from what?
Me: looking at sexy pics of Adam Rodriguez....
911 operator: uhhhh.........
*dies from all the sexiness*
H:so Alexx, what killed this girl?
Alexx:uhhh. this is a new one Horatio.
H: what?
Alexx:she died from shock
H: and that's new how?
Alexx: she died from staring at sexy pictures of Adam Rodriguez.....the sexiness stopped her heart and sent her into shock..
H: well sexiness *puts on sunnies* sometimes has a price

We won't get fooled again!!!!!!
Don't get fooled again!!!!
NO NO!!!!!!!!

^:lol: silly. now the kid next me thinks I'm weird... and he's right.

H would definatly say that if it happened and also have a talk with Delko. ;)

*Ryan sits on a chair*
Ryan: Oops. Why would H leave his shades there?
Delko: You'd better start running now.
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