~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Frank: *comes rushing in* Horatio! Someone shot...
Horatio: Shhh! Not now, I'm watching CSI:Miami.

Alexx: *to a dead girl on autopsy table* You poor baby, you never saw it coming did you? You didn't deserve to die.
Ryan: Did you know she is only 8 years old and already richer than we'll ever be?
Alexx: ... *turns back to girl* I hope your killer gets away.
Nice Nikki :lol:

Horatio: *standing in lab, looking to the sunset* I was thinking...
Tripp: What were you thinking?
Horatio: I was thinking *grabs inside his pocket to get his sunnies...which aren't there* WHERE THE HELL MY SHADES HAVE GONE!
Tripp: I think Calleigh borrowed them for a while.
sienna said:
:lol: hilarious quotes everyone !!!
i like your alternative ending talyra reminds me of 'Charmed' :p

Oh boy, there's so a crossover quote-you-won't-hear in that.
Or fifty.

Horatio: "You killed her. But what I don't get, ladies..." *puts on shades* "what I don't get... is why..."
Phoebe: "She sorta was a snake-demon out to kill you all."
Piper: "We actually kinda just saved your lives."
*long pause in which H removes shades, puts hands on hips, does sideways-head-thing and raises eyebrows*
Paige: "A 'thankyou' wouldn't go amiss..."
Horatio: Everyone, this is *fill in woman's name here* I'm going to marry her.
Calleigh: NO! OH God don't!
Ryan: Spare her, please! She's still so young!
Horatio: I thought you'd be happy for me...what is this?
Eric: Well, if you marry her, that means she will be dead in the next episode...
Nice one Nikki .

H: Ryan, your desk is a mess. Shouldn't you tidy it?
Ryan: Nah, I've got better things to do...
Everyone: *shock*
That looks like the one Luna posted. Well not exactly. It's still funny.

Horatio: Calleigh, I need you to testfire this gun.
Calleigh: Ugh, have Ryan do it. I'm filing (sp?) my nails.

Horatio: Eric, dive up that pistol.
Eric: No! I'm afraid of water!

Horatio: Valera, I need you to run this DNA sample.
Valera: Can't Aaron do it? I wanna go into the field.

Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, work your magic on that.
Ryan: Not now H, I'm swamped with Calleigh's ballistics work.

... sounded funnier in my head. Bleh.
They are not only funny in your head! they Are funny :lol:
Okey, I'll try, hope it's not too stupid

Horitio: Wolfe, come here!
Ryan runs to Horitio
Ryan: Sir Yes Sir!

Ow my gosh, I suck :(
LOL the CAINE CURSE! *runs away*

Would you date Horatio Caine and attempt to break the curse? SCARY!

Delko: "Got a '69 GTO and a '06 Lexus in a head on H. Both drivers are dead.
Horatio: "Thats what happens.." (dramatic pause) "When two worlds collide."

(The most campy line in Miami LMFAO!)
The Good Rebecca
Ryan and Calleigh, just jumped out of the window of a burning house.
Ryan: *throws an accusatory look to Calleigh*
Calleigh: What did I do?
Ryan: Guess what, I already said. You are too hot to handle.
*Crunch* H's sunglasses are destroyed under foot.

Horatio: (dangerious tone) Eric did you just...

Eric: Running away now!
HEHE, reminds me of a fic I once wrote! Only Eric sat on them, not stepped on them. HEHE.

Frank: Gun was tossed into the water here.
Horatio: Eric...dive it up.
Eric: *in childish tone* NO WAY! The water is coooooold! I'm not going. Oh no I'm never not goi...
Horatio: *push*
Horatio (stepping out of hummer) Burn, baby, burn
(Hummer fails to blow up)
Horatio: I said Burn, baby, burn
Director: (whispering) you forgot to put your sunglasses on.
Horatio: Oh. (puts on sunglasses) Burn, baby, burn!
(massive Hummer explosion)
Horatio: That's how we do it Miami style.
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