~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Meh, I never posted it anywhere but a dutch site. It is in English though. If you really want it, PM me and I'll see what I can do.

labgeekluvr, that's so true.
WatchinCSI said:
Ryan and Calleigh, just jumped out of the window of a burning house.
Ryan: *throws an accusatory look to Calleigh*
Calleigh: What did I do?
Ryan: Guess what, I already said. You are too hot to handle.

:lol: So true! :lol:
love that one labgeek!

Ryan: Hey Calleigh I was wondering...
Calleigh: (holds up a hand silencing him.) Gay now...
Hey...! Let the man declare his lov...oh shit this is not shipper central? Whoops! *runs off* :lol:

Calleigh: *dancing around in the lab*
Valera: *walking in and joining in dancing*
Natalia: *walking in and joining as well*
*Horatio, Eric and Ryan watching through window in shock*

Wouldn't you love to see that? I would! :D
Calleigh: Eric, are you crying?
Eric: My sister died
Calleigh: *hugs Eric*

Viewers: It's about time!
labgeekluvr said:
Horatio (stepping out of hummer) Burn, baby, burn
(Hummer fails to blow up)
Horatio: I said Burn, baby, burn
Director: (whispering) you forgot to put your sunglasses on.
Horatio: Oh. (puts on sunglasses) Burn, baby, burn!
(massive Hummer explosion)
Horatio: That's how we do it Miami style.
:lol: :lol: OMG you're all so funny! :lol:

Hmm I'm still waiting for this line to appear on CSI Miami...

Horatio: What time is it, Mr. Wolfe?

Ryan (dancing around the lab and singing):
"I don't think you're ready for this jelly
I don't think you're ready for this jelly
I don't think you're ready for this
Is my body too TOGOLICIOUS for you babe?"
Dutchie said:
Calleigh: *dancing around in the lab*
Valera: *walking in and joining in dancing*
Natalia: *walking in and joining as well*
*Horatio, Eric and Ryan watching through window in shock*


And I would add:

Eric: Are they drunk, high or both?
Ryan: TBTP just called. They've quitted.
H: Gentlemen, this *puts on shades* is what I wanted to hear. *joins girls in dancing*
OMG Luna, that's hilarious! OMG that's exactly the ending I couldn't make up. :eek: *hugs to ground* Hey, does that mean I finally get to write for CSI:Miami? :lol:
Horatio: I have an announcement to make: I am never wearing sunglasses again because I think they're evil and look awful on me!
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