~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Natalia and Calleigh watch Ryan tear the breakroom apart.

Ryan: Has anyone seen my blanket?

Natalia: What is this some odd version of a Charlie Brown cartoon?

Calleigh: That just means we have to wait for the anvil to fall for this to be over.
Ryan:what's OCD?

*The team was watching as Eric was in a crazed state*
Eric:I'm not crazy!! just because i see little birds flying around the room when there aren't any doesn't mean that i'm crazy!!!
Speed:uh, man, yeah it does.
Eric:shut up, Speed!! i didn't ask for your opinion!!!!
Speed:Eric, man that's not my opinion, that's fact.
H, Calleigh, Speed:HAHAHA!!!!!
Eric:shut up!!! i'm not crazy i tell you!!!!
Speed:ssssuuurrrreeee.and i'm the easter bunny, H is king kong and Calleigh is the boogey monster. *H, Speed and Calleigh laugh*
MacsGirlMel said:
*At the hospital, after an accident*

Horatio: How is she?
Eric: Calleigh's okay,not seriously--
Horatio: No, the hummer. How's my hummer? Is it hurt?
Eric: *Man he's weird* Totaled
Horatio: NOOOOOOO! My poor baby!
Eric: Oh, and these must have fallen out in the chaos *holds up smashed shades*

*Two days later*

Eric: He's lost it
Calleigh: You're telling me. A funeral for the car and sunnies?
Horatio: You can't understand. No one does. I loved them both so much and now they're gone! *cries* It's only right i bury them so they can rest in peace
Calleigh: Oh brother


OMG! That was so funny. Its my favorite of all the ones i have seen. LOL :)
Miami VS Vegas football game-inspired by Match Game thread

Nick: Hey H, go long! *throws ball*
*Warrick tackles H* *H stands up, looks at busted shades*
Calleigh: Run, Warrick!
*H chases Warrick* You killed my shades!
Calleigh: I told you...never mess with the man's shades or his hummer
Greg:*to Gris, who's watching* Uh,Gris...Is this a good time to say I had a little accident and dented a Miami hummer?
*Horatio is heard yelling* WHO HURT MY BABY????

I hope that's not too long...I edited to get it shorter but if you want I can move it.
This is for all of you who have referred to Horatio as robo H over in the SEASON 6 WISH LIST THREAD I started.
This is as short as I can make this and it still be funny.

Robo H Malfunctions.
Calleigh: Horatio.
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh: I have a...
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh: Ihaveaquestion.
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh: Would you...
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh: I didn't...
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh: Didn't finish.
Horatio: Yes.
Eric comes up and whispers in Calleigh's ear. Points to Horatio and then points to Calleigh's right, straight down the hall.
Calleigh: Oh...
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh: Thank you, Eric.
Horatio: Yes.
Calleigh walks toward where Eric pointed. While walking, Calleigh yells...
Hey!!! Ann Donahue!!! Can we get robo H off the set???
Horatio: Yes.

Calleigh: You can never trust a man without his shades
Eric: I know!
H is runing around ever witch way trying to find his shades!
Ryan is looking at this thread. Ryan gets up and goes to the men's room. When Ryan returns Horatio is looking at the computer.
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, have you read this??? These people are nuts.
Ryan: Read what??? Who's nuts???
Horatio: Look. *points to this thread*
Ryan: Oh, yeah. I was looking at it before I went to the toilet.
Horatio: Look at these by Carolyn318. What is with the Head On commercial at the end???
Ryan: They're called posts. The Head On commercial is part of Carolyn318's signature.
Horatio: You know this how???
Ryan: Well...I...uh...I'm a member.
Horatio: You're what???
Ryan: A member???
Horatio draws his gun.
Ryan: Can't we talk about this, H???
Horatio aims his gun at Ryan.
Ryan: Guess not.
Ryan runs, Horatio chases him.
*Horatio arrives at a crime scene sporting a nice hat*

Eric: What's with the hat, H?
Horatio: I'm trying out a new look. *Stares intently at the sun and removes hat*
Eric: ...
Horatio: That didn't work, did it?
Eric: No
i came up with these when i was bored one day at school :L

[[*Ryan, Horatio & Calleigh are in the Room*]]
Ryan: Did you two hear about the cat that got rang over?
Calleigh: Yes, that was terrible.
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* Drive By, Miami Style

[[*Same people Involved*]]
Calleigh: Do you wanna grab an ice-cream guys?
Ryan: Can't, sorry.
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* You know what they say,curling up in corners kill!

[[*Mac & Horatio*]]
Mac: I ran into Stella the other day, she split her coffee all over herself, I feel so bad even though it was an accident.
Horatio:*Puts on Shades* So our 'accident' wasnt an accident at all!

[[*Danny & Horatio getting coffee*]]
Danny: Oh Horatio, Yelina told me to tell you she can't make it tonight, other plans came up.
Horatio:*Puts on Shades* Thats makes Yelina a Liar!

[[*Horatio & Lindsay*]]
Lindsay: I'm going shopping afterwards, they've got this new top in.
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* Well there's more were that came from.

[[*Horatio & Alexx*]]
Alexx: He's been dead for 2 hours.
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* He's either dead or dying!
Alexx: No, fuck sake, I just said he's dead NOT fucking dying!

[[*Natalia & Horatio*]]
Natalia: Did Mac catch DJ Pratt?
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* He got my attention!
Natalia: That's nice but I din't ask if he did!

[[*Eric & Horatio*]]
Eric: I'm going to be late tonight, work to catch up on!
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* Thats means you'll end it dead on arrival!
Eric: *Puts on Pink Barbie Shades* I know what you mean!
Horatio: *Takes off Shades* Don't ever do that again!!!

[[*Calleigh, Eric & Horatio*]]
Calleigh: I sat on my on cat *curls up in a corner*
Eric: That sucks
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* Eric, it's a Killer!

[[*Frank & Horatio*]]
Frank: I'm gonna get a cheeseburger, do you want anything?
Horatio: *Puts on Shades* I....am going to get to the truth!
Frank: I've been warned you'll say stupid one-liners when we're talking about something else
Horatio: I'm trying out a new look. *Stares intently at the sun and removes hat*
Eric: But a straw hat? You look like Old MacDonald. E - I - E - I - O.
Eric, Calleigh, and H are in a strip club.
they sit down to get a drink.
Eric:I wanna glass of tequila
Calleigh:uhh...strawberry daquiri
H:*slips down shades* my shades and i will have a stripper
all of them laugh
haha!!!! mysexyericdelko, you just gave me a funny idea!!!

Eric, Calleigh and H are in a strip club.
the Strippers come out, then they see something much to thier shock.
Eric:OMG!!!! Is that Ryan!?!? :eek:
Calleigh:OMG!! YES!!!!! :eek:
H:uh, that's uh, yeah i can't even think of a one liner for this one.
Calleigh and Eric: :eek:
H: I'm giving up being a CSI and going to live my childhood dream of being a super hero.

Ryan: Can I be your side kick?

Eric: Some days I wander what people put in the water around here....
Horatio is visiting Mac in New York.
These quotes take place in Mac's apartment on the couch in the living room.

Mac(holding a cigarette): Got a light???
Horatio: Nope. Got change for a 5???
Mac: Nope. Wanna watch tv???
Horatio: Nope. Wanna listen to some music???
Mac: Nope.
Mac and Horatio: What do you wanna do???
Horatio: How about we just make out??? Right here.
Mac: Okay.
*Some serious making out between Mac and Horatio*
HAHA!!! sorry this one is a little long but i couldn't pass it up!!!!

*The team is in LA chasing a killer, they are walking down the street when they bump into a group of people*
Ryan:sorry dude. Whoa!!!
Jon:wow!! you look like me!!!
Calleigh and Emily:OMG!!!!!
Eric:hey good looking!!
Adam:right back at ya!
H:cool!! now there can be twice the sunnies action!!!
DC:Cool!!! *they both do the SOJ thing*
Ryan and Jon:eek:ne was bad enough!!!
Calleigh and Emily:tell me about it!!
Eric:looking good! (to Adam)
Adam:hey sexy! (to Eric)
Everyone else: :rolleyes:
Ryan and Jon: Oh brother.
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