~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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ForgottnEvidence said:
Dude! I could SO see that!!! :lol:

That would be something you see on CSI:Miami bloopers... :D


DVD of only CSI: Miami Bloopers... I would so buy it
Well, yeah! I could also picture some of them going "No! Jo...I mean Ryan, yeah Ryan!" lolz thats pretty much my favorite thing to see
oh yeah!! does any one know if they have bloopers on the DVD box sets?!?! anyways.....

here's another one from last nights epp.....

Ryan: what is this the wild west?!?
*h walks over to them in a cowboy outfit and cocks a revovler and shoots at the celing* H: as a matter of fact today is Cowboy day!!
Ryan: acording to who?
H: acording to me and my sunnies*puts em on* got a problem with that? *holds gun at Ryan*
Ryan:*nervously* uhhhh...no *runs away*
:lol: O. M. G! Hilarious! I have this GREAT pic of H in a cowbay outfit with his "sunnies of justice".

Good stuff. Good stuff.

By the by, I don't think they have any bloopers on the Box Sets because I own all of 'em, and I have yet to see and bloopers.. *sigh*

HA HA HA lol that made me laugh so hard the cowboy one
god puts a woderful immage in my mind h as a cowboy in chapps and boots twirling a gun on his finger and a half gallon hat on his head (i *think* thats what its called)
uhhh that's so messed up!!!!!! cause CSI: Vegas has bloopers. at least that's what my friednsaid. i wouldn't know i'm not a CSI Vegas fan. she is. but anyways......

*H walks in with blue sunnies*
Team: :eek:
Ryan: uhh H waht happened to your black sunnies?
H: they wer SO last 4 seasons and besides blue looks better on me anyways...
Team: :eek:
ha ha lol hmm

*cal comes into work, in a long dress*
Eric: cal what are you wearing we have a scene to process
Cal: Oh naw count me out, ill sit and watch, maybe file my nails
Eric: :eek:

not that good but i wanted to post
That was funny, xTriggerX.

sorry still picking Ryan
Ryan: H, it looks like someone stabbed this guy.
H: Thank you, Captain Odvious.*dope slaps ryan*
^ that would be the quote that inspired it. Anyhow...

H: Hi, Steler. How are you today?
Steler: Very well, thank you for asking. And youself?
H: Not too bad. Would you like to go Jellyfishing with me?
Steler: That would make it the best day ever!

The Sponge Rules!! so there. :p
ForgottnEvidence said:
Ryan has "a keen grasp of the obvious". :D (One of his great quotes!)
ha ha i made a t shirt with a really good pic of Ryan on the front and under it it says "Ryan Wolfe Rocks!"
and on the back it says "I have a keen grasp of the obvious"


*Ryan is reading the news paper and Eric walks in*
Eric:anything good?
Ryan: nah just this crap about these two guys named Jon Togo and Adam Rodriguez...
Eric: who the heck are they?
Ryan: i don't know. just these two guys on some show called CSI: Miami.
Eric: yeah like anyone would watch that.... :rolleyes:
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