~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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*H is at body dump in the Everglades when a gator jumps out and eats his sunglasses*((
H: Give those BAck!!! *dives into the swamp and wrestles gator, who coughs them up*
H: That's a good gator
Alexx: You seriously have a problem. :rolleyes:
H: But they give me superpowers.
i just thought of this....

*H arrives at the crime scene and he sees his team wearing sunnies*
H: what do you all think you're doing?!?
Eric:uh...processing the scene...
H:no i mean why are you all wearing sunnies!! you're taking away from my coolness factor!!!!
Ryan:we're wearing sunnies because we can...got a problem with that......
H: yes, i do remove them immediatly before any one sees and i may still be the coolest........
H:You're all fired!!!!
Calliegh:fine...do it you're self *They all walk away..*
H:what did i just do???? ....oh i know...i just kept my coolness factor up..... :D
^ You gave me a good idea.

The team are processing evidence in the lab, all silently, while Horatio watches.
Ryan: I'm so freaking tired of this processing evidence! Ugh! I quit!
Calleugh: Me too! This is so boring.
Eric: Right behind you guys! Lab work sucks! I'm out of here.
Horatio:...guys? How do I do this again?

:lol: Ya know, how he never does lab work anymore?...
Ok this one has to do with the sunglasses....

H is standing in his office and Eric walks in with a box*
H: What's in the box Eric?
Eric: Well, I thought your sunglasses are black and they give you superpowers I thought maybe a different color will give you better superpowers.
*Eric opens the box and a pair of purple sunglasses are inside*
H: Ummm Eric purple is really not my color.
Eric: I thought of you having better superpowers.
H: No Eric I want to keep my black ones, they are the best powerful sunglasses ever and don't you forget that!
kinda like cainesugars... sry if it sucks

Calliegh: ok im done for the night, im headed home night guys
Ryan: ya im tired too anyone up for a beer?
Eric: ill come with u if u treat me
Ryan: ya when i said anyone i wasnt takin to u but watever umm H u good to finish this up?
*eric and ryan take their coats and are just by the door about to leave*
Horatio: wait guys!! what does this box with all the buttons do again?
*eric and ryan sigh and hang their coats bak up*
Horatio: o u guys wanna do it? iight dont forget to lock up when your done *whips keys at erics chest, makes him fall on his ass* Caleigh wait up!

okok i know lol it sucks... sry i copied ure cainesugar
Horatio *walks into break room* Guys, we have a DB on the beach; we have to go now.
Calleigh: *holding XBox controller in hand, punching buttons furiously* In a minute.
Eric: *also playing Xbox* Yeah, what she said… Ryan you did not just shoot me with a rocket launcher!
Ryan: *laughing with controller in hand* You were just standing there!
Horatio: … *places hand on hips* Guys…
Ryan: Yeah yeah, in a minute!
Horatio: … Valera? What are you doing here?
*Shooting sound is heard from the tv; Ryan throws his hands up in dismay*
Valera: *smiling* Fragging Ryan.
oooh i got one.......

*while H is in the lab talking to Calleigh, Eric and Ryan sneak into H's office...and take his sunnies.....* *eric pulls out a box full of identical sunnies...and mix H's in there*
*They run back to the break room* *all of a sudden shouts can be heard...*
Eric and Ryan: ha ha ha ha
H: guys, are you behind this?!?
Ryan: YES!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA...
*H chases them out*
ok ive never tried this so please dont laugh at me if it sucks.

H and Eric are after a gang who have been kidnapping and killing people.
Eric: H are you sure we shouldn't wait for armed police to help us?
H: NO!!! Noone can defeat superH (puts on sunglasses)
Eric and H walk into warehouse where gang are hiding. it is dark and there are no signs of the gang. suddenly H and Eric are hit on the head and knocked out.
***10 minutes later***
Eric: groans H?? Are you there??
H: Yes...OH NO!!!!
Eric: What is it ... are you ok?
H: they stole my sunglasses!! they STOLE my Sunglasses!! MY sunglasses!! THEY stole them!!!
H: don't u understand...they glasses give the powers to anyone who wears them!
Eric: Oh c**p!
Ryan: really?? (puts on sunglasses)
H and Eric look confused
H: that was you?
Caleigh: No! We just waited for back-up!!
Eric and H turn round to see the gang in cuffs.
H: SO...Can i have my sunglasses back??
Ryan: no! (runs away)
H chases him

OK so that was longer then i expected...sorry
Horatio: Robin, my faithful sidekick, pleae send in Eric.
Ryan: Super-H, stop calling me Robin. HEY ERIC, H wants you.
Eric: What's up, H?
Horatio: I've got a new uniform for you. You are now "E-man."
Eric: Oh, cool. Thanks, boss.
Horatio: You are now officially the Errand Man. Now, take my sunglasses out and get them detailed. Remember, I do not want to see any smudges.
^^ :lol:

Alexx: And the myoglobin, caused by the muscle death, was toxic to the kidneys.
M.E Student 1: Mrs. Woods, you're just the most fantastic M.E i've had yet!
Alexx: Why, thanks Bryan. That means alot to me. *smiles*
M.E Student 2: Would it completly crush your world if we told you we were kidding?
Alexx: *tuts and makes a mark on the clipboard*
^^haha that funny Dynamo1
SpeeD: Hi, H
H: *smacks him* clean your gun. (sounding like OBI-WAN KENOBI) Your weapon is your life.

sorry to Speedle fans... but maybe H should have tried that approach. *ducks pointy flying objects*

here's another:

Eric: Stop it!
Ryan: Stop what?
Eric: You're turning into a penguin!!
i like penguins... and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
ok here is another 1.

Caleigh and Ryan walk into the lab laughing and carrying on. They suddenly stop seeing H standing in the middle of the room with a gun in his hand.
Ryan: (shocked) H??? What are you doing???
H: I cant take this! Its too much!!
Caleigh: What is? Whats going on?
H: Its those writers!
Eric walks in and sees what is happening.
Eric: Whats happening?
H: They have been reading those forums on talk csi and have decided to change my character!
Ryan: So...Whats the big deal? Everyines character gets changed.
Eric: Yeah man. Hes right.
H: But...but...but they want to make me work in the lab again. (starts to sob)
Eric and Ryan look at each other and start to gigge. Caleigh stops them)
Caleigh: H its not the end of the world. U are a good CSI.
H: Yes but they also want to take my sunglasses away! How will I do dramatic pauses when I dont have the sunglasses to put on and take off? (sobs and runs out of room throwing gun at Eric)
Eric: Wow! I thot he was foing o kill himself there!
Ryan: Yeah. And that was all because of the lab work?
Caleigh: Actually I think it was the sunglasses.
oooo...i've got one.....

*Ryan and Calleigh are in the break room* *Eric walks in*
Eric:What the hell are you two doing!?! *they were tangled on the floor*
Ryan:what? we're only playing twister.....want to join...
Eric:eek:k....*Eric joins in*
*H walks in*H:uhhhh???? what are you three doing?!?
Eric:playng twister...wanna join???
H: no...i'm way to cool for that *puts on sunglasses* it would ruin my perfect image.....
Eric,Ryan,Calleigh:what perfect image?? :lol:
*H chases them.....*
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