Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

It's Valentine's Day, and Danny walks into the Lab with a box of heart shaped chocolate's, and a little envelope.

Linds: Awww...Danny you shouldn't have". :rolleyes:

Danny: I didn't, these aren't yours, this card is yours". ;)

Linds: "Oh.... opens the card and sees, a membership for the "Whiner's of the Month club "What the hell is this Danny"? :confused:

Danny: It's a membership, where once a month, you can go and whine, to a therapist, about how you can't do this, or can't handle that, this way, our team doesn't have to listen to you whine anymore" ;)

*walks away*

haha lol now id pay money to see that happen :guffaw:
^ Darling, I'm sure some idiotic 15-year-old (no mean to offend 15-year-olds in general) with a twisted mind and no sense of proper writing or humor has already written something similar.
No, honey, I am not offended. At least not by you. Your brainchild was so weird it was completely OOC, thus, something we will never hear on CSI:NY (I hope!). What offends me is the fact that I've seen stupid fanfics way more absurd and that kind of pseudo-funny stories irk me. Your comment was perfect *hugs her*
No, honey, I am not offended. At least not by you. Your brainchild was so weird it was completely OOC, thus, something we will never hear on CSI:NY (I hope!). What offends me is the fact that I've seen stupid fanfics way more absurd and that kind of pseudo-funny stories irk me. Your comment was perfect *hugs her*

Thank you Plenilunio for your response, I felt just terrible when I read your post, so much so I deleted my attempt at trying to be funny! (not), I have only been here a few weeks and I had already upset someone, Not Good!

As for fanfics, I must admit I haven't read one or felt compelled to write one, it's not really me but I certainly do not have a problem for those that do, I am sure they are only meant as harmless fun, each to their own. As you can see I get a little bit over-sensitive at times and I must confess to being a lot over 15 years of age:eek:

*hugs Plenilunio back* - so relieved. :)

Elsie and Top41 I do realise that this is more of a personal post to Plenilunio and hope that for this occasion you will allow me to get away with it, I just wanted to acknowledge. I am not ready to leave here yet ;)
Mac walks into the lab and smells something odd.
Mac: Adam, what kind of test are you running?
Adam: Huh? Oh, sorry, I had a burrito for lunch.

:p (Apologies if someone has done something similar before.)
I don't think I've posted a quote in hear yet, so here goes nothing!

This is a little adaptation of a scene from the episode "Hush" where Hawkes brings a spatula to the crime scene. If you haven't seen it, he brings it because the victim has been squashed between two shipping containers.

Hawkes: So, I brought the spatula. . .
Stella: Oh that's great, thanks Hawkes.
Hawkes: I also brought the frying pan and a little cooking oil. I mean, I know it says it's a non-stick pan, but you can never be sure and. . .
Stella: Wait a second, Hawkes, what are you talking about?
Hawkes: (sees dead body) Wait, he's already dead?! Oh, I get it now! I brought my "Kiss The Cook" apron for nothing?! :scream: *storms off*
Stella: :wtf:

Hope it wasn't as bad as I suspect :lol:
Mac/Stella/Flack arrive at crime scene

A man is sitting (Dead of course) in a hot tub full of milk and well...read on

Stella: Do you guys hear something?
Mac: Yeah, I do
Flack: I don't hear anything.

Mac walks over and kneals down to edge of hottub and puts his ear closer.

Mac: Its Rice Crispies...Snap Crackle Pop

Stella grins

Flack: Ok then...You guys start processing the scene, I"ll go get 3 spoons!

Adam walks in..
Adam: Can I have the prize in the box?:)
This is a quote that I could actually hear them using (they haven't done something similar already, have they?):

Sid: Damnit, Mac, I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker!
Allo! I'm new here. This topic has been killing my abs from making me laugh so much. At least I have been getting my workout!

So, it's probably pretty lame, but I thought I'd try for one that I never want to hear on CSI:NY.

Flack: *shows up to crime scene dressed in a billowing white shirt with tight black pants and tap shoes*
Stella: Flack...what's with the new wardrobe?
Flack: I decided I wanted to create Riverdance: Lord of the Crime Scene.
Mac: If anyone did that, don't you think it would be me?
Someone commenting to Danny about Flack, "I wish someone would look at me the way he looks at you."
You guys are too funny! I doubt I can be as funny....but this is something I would like to see.

Mac: (talking to Flack) What are you so excited about?
Flack: I'm getting finger printed!
Mac: Why would you need to be finger printed? You are a detective.
Flack: You never know with detectives. We are a sneaky lot. We use our power of good looks and charm to get the women tell us everything. Then there is our cunning ability to scare the crap out of the men who soil the chair they are sitting on.
Mac: I'm afraid you have lost me.
Flack: That's okay. After you are finger printed, we can find you too.

Sad...really sad I know. But I do have to get finger printed, guess it just stuck in my mind! :rolleyes:
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