Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: *starts whistling the song from Kill Bill 1, that Daryl Hannah whistles*

Hawkes: Um, Danny, can you stop that? It's annoying.

Danny: *still whistling, smiling*

Hawkes: Danny, seriously...

Danny: *gets to the high part, hopelessly shrill and off-key*


Danny: *shuts up, looks down like a little kid*

Hawkes: ... *continues work, then starts whistling song* Damn it, now look what you did!

Danny: *rolls on floor laughing*

hehehe, I'm watching KB right now, so I had to do that.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

jorjafan, please tell me you read Gossip Girl too. Because I so remember that Buck Naked thing from the first book. Or I could just be mistaken.


Yup, I've read the gossip girl series and I'm excited about the movie. The books are excellent. I actually took the Buck Naked thing from a Seinfeld episode entitled "The Outing" George told Jerry that if was a porno store he would call himself Buck Naked hahaha.

*edit* Before I meant to say "star", not "store" It was a typo.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac: Guys, I have a confession to make?
Flack: Uh-oh?
Danny: What is it Mac?
Mac: *sighs* My name's not Mac, and I'm not a CSI. My real name is Buck Naked and I'm a porno store.
Lindsay: Oh I so knew that.
Stella: Ooh that's kinda hot Mac I mean Buck.

Oh my God-- I just had this visual.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Horatio: Send my regards to Stella...
Mac: Ok... *thinks* DO not... Smack Hiiim doooooooooooownnnnnnnnnnnn....*
Stella: *walks in* Good bye Horatio...
Horatio: Bye stella *smiles* *puts on sunglasses of justice dramatically*
*Mac hallucinates(sp?) that Stella near faints*
mac: Aright! That's it! Get the hell out of this city Caine! *catfight ensues*

Horatio: Pants party?
Sunglasses of Justice: This is a bad idea, H...
Horatio: I want to... um... test the aspects, you know, the causes and effects of a pants party. Hell, any kind of party, I haven't been out in ages!
Sunglasses of Justice: Don't do it! Haven't you ever heard of entendre?
Horatio: But... But I wanna go!
Sunglasses of Justice: Just trust me. Bad. Idea.
Horatio: *siiiigh* Fine.


Horatio: Just so you know, this doesn't mean you're the ruler of me.
Sunglasses of Justice: The hell it doesn't!
Mac: Caine! I thought I told you to get out of this city! And take your stupid glasses with you!
Sunglasses of Justice: Oh no he di'int.
*another catfight*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

(there are 2 new CSI's at the lab, and theyre twins)
(twins enter)
Mac: Hey.
Twins: hey
Mac: what are your names
Twin 1: My name is Jezel.
Twin 2: And my name is Trista.
Jezel(me): And who are you?
Mac: (to both)I am Detective Mac Taylor.
Trista: We're honoured to meet you, Detective Taylor.
(Stella enters)
Stella: (to mac)who are they?
Mac: Stella,these two are Jezel and Trista.
Stella: (to twins) ok, so you must be our new CSI's.
Twins: yep. And you are?
Stella: Detective Stella Bonasera.
Twins: glad to meet you too.

(Mac and Stella exit and go off to somewhere quiet)
Stella: I've got a feeling about those two.
Mac: Tell me what it is, i'm all ears.
Stella: that they don't know who their parents are.
Mac: and what the hell are you sayin' that for?
Stella: Don't know, but i wanted to tell you.

(Flack enters)
Flack: Hey girls.
Jezel(me) and Trista: Hey Flack.
Flack: I need the pair of you to get a test done, ok.
Jezel: What kinda test?
Flack: just a simple test but it requires a DNA sample from each of you.
Jezel and Trista: Ok.
( they give flack a saliva sample, on swabs of course!)
Flack: thanks.
Jezel: No probs.
(flack exits the area and ends up speaking to both Mac and Stella)
Mac and Stella: Hey Flack.
Flack: Hey.
Mac: whatcha here for?
Flack: Could I get a DNA sample from each of you?
Mac: Swab?
Flack: Yeah.
Stella and Mac: Why?
Flack: Please don't ask me that question right now, just
swab inside your mouths and hand them over.
Mac and Stella: (grumbling) Fine.
(they hand the DNA samples over)
Flack: Thanks.
(Flack leaves and gets the 4 samples tested, then goes and speaks to the twins again)
Flack: I have something to tell you two.
Jezel and Trista: Come on, Spill!
Flack: ok, i tested DNA samples, from both of you and compared 2 other samples to them , don't tell Mac about this but..
Jezel: Spill your guts already!
Flack: Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasera are your parents.
Both twins: WHAT?
Flack: Yep.its true.
Both twins: (looking puzzled)
Flack: Ok, then.
(flack exits)
Jezel: (to Trista) I can't believe that our lives have just changed in a simple ,little moment.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^Awww how sweet. If only...

Mac: Elaine Benes, will you please take a seat.
Elaine: Uh-oh, what did I do this time.
Mac: Don't worry, you have not done anything...yet.
Elaine: Ok, so why am I here? I'm supposed to be going to my office party. We're having a dance off.
Mac: That's why I need to talk to you about. Your dancing is well...a crime.
Elaine: What's wrong with the way I dance. Everytime I run into a co-worker they always dance the way I do.
Stella: Ms.Benes, it's just unbearable. The way you jerk your thumbs back and the way you lock your knees before you kick them up is just plain brutal.
Elaine: Listen miss...
Stella: Bonasera.
Elaine: Yeah whatever. I happen to think my dancing is fine.
Danny: You call that fine?
Elaine: Yeah I do actually. Jerry doesn't seem to mind. Hey, George likes it.
Stella: George compared it to a full body dry heave.
Elaine: Oh, that George. He's a bad seed. Stay away from him. I better go warn everyone else. *gets up and runs*
Mac: *yells* Promise me you won't dance.
Elaine: Are you kidding me. I'll be dancing so well Usher is gonna call me to be his back up dancer.
Stella: *shakes head* Hawkes.
Hawkes: Yeah.
Stella: Bring in man hands.
Mac: Oh god not man hands.

:lol: If you watched that episode of Seinfeld entitled Little Kicks it might be more funnier.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Wouldn't it be hilarious if we see Mac dancing like Chicken Little to Numa, Numa, Yay?? :lol: :lol: ROFLMAO
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hahaha! That would be so funny!

This is my first one here, sorry if it's bad...

Preferebly happening after 'On the Job':

Danny: I'm starting with the man in the mirror! Oooww!!(Stares into the mirror in his locker and strikes a Michael Jackson pose) I'm asking him (does a twirl) to change his (sees Mac's reflection in the mirror staring at him)wa- gaaaa!!!! (screams high-pitched like a girl)

Mac: No, no... carry on... (walks out, heaving a big weary sigh.)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac turns the corner, and once out of sight of Danny, also strikes an MJ pose.

Mac: [Singing] Billy Jean... is not my lover...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: :lol: :lol:
*Flack spots Mac dancing to Billie Jean*
Flack: *walks away slowly, and also strikes MJ pose**voice goes very high pitched* Because I'm bad... I'm bad...

PS: This reminds me of the Numb3rs episode I watched last night. 'Sniper Zero', where Charlie explained about the 'virus spreading' thingy. Like how the white houses slowly get painted blue one by one.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

OMG. Let's not go there.

Danny: Ick! Michael Flackson just tried to get his hands down my pants!

Get it? "FLACK-son..."

I thought it was clever. *pouts*

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hmm... then, Stella walks past locker room, sees Danny dancing away (Man in the mirror, ow!), then sees Mac (I am the one, but the kid is not my son! Oooh!), then sees Flackson ( ;)) (I'm bad, I'm bad...)...

She walks on sighing and then, "Heal the lab... make it a better place... for Stella Bonasera and the entire human race... Mac Taylor's, going crazy, and so are the rest of the guys... let's hope, that Hawkes is alright..."

*Walks into morgue, sees Hawkes standing on the autopsy table*
Hawkes: It's Black, it's white, it's Black, it's white, oohhh!

*Stella sighs and walks out, singing to herself softly*
Stella: Heal the lab... make it a better lab.... for Stella Bonasera... and... just Stella Bonasera...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

hehe... I love this thread!
(note to self: try and get computer to a more secluded place. Whenever I laugh at the quotes my mum will always ask, 'Siau liao ah?')

'Siau ah?'- means 'have you gone crazy?' :lol:
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