Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: Why didn't you get involved in other work? I'm sure you can do other things...
Aiden: I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.
Flack: Okay, sorry I asked.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL! I'm going to email you now, celefinwe. jk.

Flack: *in the middle of a football field, don't ask, I'm very hooked on football today* The snap, backpedaling, backpedaling... looking, firing... the receiver catches... he's going, going, gone! TOUCHDOWN! Um... uh-oh... *sees Danny looking at him from the bleachers*

Danny: I won't tell anyone as long as you don't make me your cheerleader.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

But... But... the Danny cheerleader image again! It's priceless!

Danny: RAH! RAH! RAH!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

This is due to the "Professor Burn" talk in DnA thread 4...

DANNY: *walks into Mac's office* *hands Mac some papers*
MAC: You're going on a vacation why?
DANNY: To... Uhh... Pursue knowledge.
MAC: *Raises eyebrow* To pursue knowledge?
DANNY: Hey, I'm doing my part just to do what you ask me to! You're sitting there, telling me to become a better CSI, and when I am here, doing what I can, you're just gonna blow it up on my face!
MAC: *startles* O-kay...


Danny is now on "vacation".

DANNY:*mutters to himself* Uh... Where the hell is... Ah!
*enters room*
AIDEN: And so that is the end of our lecture... Read the whole chapter again for the teat tomorrow!
*some random students line up*
RSTUDENT 1: Uhm professor? Could you help...
AIDEN: *Sees Danny* uh, not today boys... I'm sorry...
*random students leave*
RSTUDENT 2: Bet that Messer guy is up to no good.

AIDEN: What is it Messer?
DANNY: Uhm, ma'am? I need some help... With my... Uhm, anatomy project...
AIDEN: How can I help?

neh. that's lame. Lame lame lame.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

heheheh anatomy class!!! i'm sure she wants to check out his anatomy :devil:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

This was from a frame line notebook I had for my comics. Would post them later on if I have time, but heck. I also based a couple of lines from a post here... I can't remmber whic. Smack me if you are the poster.

PART 1. Interrogation
Mac: *walks in with Lindsay* Danny, this is Aiden's replacement, Lindsay. Here's your case, Bye Bye.
Lindsay: Hi Danny! *sunshine and flowers appear*
*Danny looks at flowers darkly*
*Flowers wilt and die*
Danny: Who are you?
Lindsay: Well, I'm Lindsay Monroe and I-
Danny: You know how to operate a robospanker?
Lindsay: The what-
Danny: WHAT THE!!! THE ROBOSPANKER It's like the coolest evidence in our crime lab! I cannot believe Mac assigned me to you! You're such a noob! *whimpers off*

Lindsay: What the heck is a noob?
Hawkes:*pops up out of nowhere carrying a "Dr. Hawkes Dictionary of Danny Messer* Noob- a noun. Means a newbie to anything he likes. In other words *shuts book in a snap* YOU! *hawkes disappears*

*Danny receives information that Mac is in the evidence room.*

Danny: Mac! Mac! I know you're in there!
Mac: *comes out* what?
Danny: I don't want to be assigned with that Montana girl! She's such a noob and-
Stella: (from inside) Maacccccccc! You better not be a snail out there! Hurry! *spank*
Mac: DANNY!!!!
Danny: outta my way! *shoves Mac* *gasps!* STELLA! *whips out camera and starts taking pictures* OHHH!!! BLACKMAIL!
Stella: OMG!
Mac: Give me the pictures Danny...
Danny: Uhoh! Bring Burn Back, or else I'll post this in every known corner of the lab! *evil laugh*
Mac: Uhm...
Mac: Oh alright!!!

*Aiden is back in the lab, walking side by side with Danny*
Danny: Nice to have you back, Aiden.
Aiden: How the heck could Mac have reconsidered?
Danny: *shows pictures* Lookie here.
Danny: Oww, baby... I wouldn't do it without you!
Aiden: Quick. TO the robospanker!

ETA: I did not mean to offend Lindsay or her fans in anyway! Though it seems I did... *waits in line of the Robospanker*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny, Aiden, robospanker. What would the world be without them? :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I was listening to the radio and a certain song inspired me to write this...

*All of them are gathered in Mac's office*

Mac: Ok guys, the talent show is tomorrow. I don't think we're prepared so we should practice some more.
Flack: Booo.
Danny: Yeah, how come I gotta sing the solo part?
Stella: Because you're the cutest. Now everyone be quiet and let's start from the beginning ok.
Mac: 1, 2, 3
Stella:*singing*Uh-huh, this my s#it, all the girls stomp your feet like this.
Mac: *singing* Few times I've been around the track so it's not just gonna have been like that
Flack: *whispers* 'Cause I aint no hollaback girl
Stella: Louder Flack. Do you want first place or what?
Flack: *singing* I ain't no hollaback girl!
Mac: Better. Time for your solo Danny.
Danny: Aww do I have to?
Mac: Yes!
Danny:*sighs then starts singing* This s#hit is bannas...
Hawkes:*yells* B-A-N-N-A-S!
Danny: *singing* This s#it is bannas!
Flack: *yells* B-A-N-N-A-S!
Danny:*yells* THIS S#IT IS BANNANAS!
Stella: *yells* B-A-N-N-A-S!
Danny: Finish it off Mac.
Mac: *singing* Oh oh, this my s#it, this my s#it...

*Everyone breaks apart*

Stella: Great work everyone. All we need to do is find some back-up dancers and we're ready!
Hawkes: I could do it.
Stella: Excellent. Now go take a break and we'll rehearse(sp) our dance moves.

:lol: A little lame I know.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: *talking to himself in the mirror* OOH, look at you. You sexy devil, you sexy beast. You make the girls go nuts, tiger. Go get em. Rrrow. *blows kisses*

*Danny pops up out of nowhere, giving Flack a half a heart attack*

Danny: You know what? My imaginary friend says you have serious problems.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny singing hollaback girl is brilliant.

Funny that you worried about misspelling rehearse, but you got it right, and missed some A's in B-A-N-A-N-A-S...! lol.

ROFL!!!!!! ahhhh, angie, you are my hero. ine. heroine.

Imaginary Friend: You tell 'im, Danny. He's got some serious issues.

Danny: Yeah- you got issues, man. ISSUES!

Flack: At least I don't have an imaginary friend!!

Flack's Imaginary Friend: HEY! Watch it, bitch, or I'll brainwash you into watching a Mariah Carey Marathon!

Flack: *screech* ANYTHING BUT "GLITTER"!!

Danny: ...wtf?
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