Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

omg picks self off floor from laughing so much......that was hilarious, best one to date :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^Haha thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'll try to do a continuation(sp) of it sometime maybe if it's popular enough.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

OMG LMAO! That was awesome! Stella... "Did you eat the cookies and milk I left out for you?" Okay, I just had to laugh at that. I can't even imagine that.

Jorja_fan... hey, what can I say. We all have a word that trips us up. Although I had to laugh when I saw you misspelled it again. (Don't worry, I'm going to punish myself for it.)

Danny: I'm... too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...*takes off shirt*
Mac: Um, Danny, could you stop doing that?
Danny: I'm too sexy for my pants, too sexy for my pants... *takes off pants, reveals boxer briefs*
Mac: Danny, could you stop that? Please.
Danny: I do my little turn on the CATWALK... *turns, poses*
Mac: Danny... *loses patience*
Danny: I'm too sexy for the rules, too sexy for the rules...

Another one... you see, this was stupid and I'm sure someone's done it before but w/e...

Stella: Um, Mac...
Mac: Yeah?
Stella: You have... teehee...
Mac: I have what? A nice smile? Toned arms? Sexy eyes?
Stella: You have a milk mustache. *falls on floor laughing*
Mac: Oh... oh, I do... *wipes off mustache, looks at Hawkes* What are you looking at?
Hawkes: Oh I dunno, at the rate you were going I half expected you to ask her to lick it off for you.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^LMAO I love the Danny one. That's priceless. Don't worry, I misspell things all the time. It's kinda sad that I listen to "Hollaback Girl" tons of times and I still can't spell bananas(ah ha, I did it). If I can laugh at myself you can too hehe. Anyway I'm gonna do another one and hope that I spell something right hehe..

*Everyone's gathered in Mac's apartment playing Charades(sp?)*

Mac: Ok Stella it's your turn now.

Stella: *Gets up and stands in centre and makes these signals* One syllable. Animal. *starts mouthing a barking sound*

Danny: Oh wait, I got it. Is it a cat? No, it's a bird. No no, it's definitely a tree.

Flack: *rolls eyes* It's a freakin' dog.

Stella: You are correct Flack. It's your turn now.

Danny: Holy crap. That was a dog. You're seriously telling me that right there was a dog. Oh my god, that was the worst dog impression that I've ever seen. You suck!

Stella: *sarcastically* Gee Danny, I figure the damn barking would give it away.

Danny: Well, y'know, I mean, trees have bark too right.

Hawkes: *mutters* You are right Danny.

Flack: *stands up in the middle* Mac, I know it's againist the rules of the game but can I use sound?

Mac: Sure, if it helps Danny get it right.

Danny: I heard that you big jerk.

Flack: Alright, quiet everyone. *Starts mimicing Danny* Hi there. I'm a bit of a drama queen and I tend to think that I'm a big shot. I always think authourity's out to get me. When nobody's around I play tea time with my dolls. I wear glasses to make myself appear smart. Who am I?

Danny: Ooh Ooh wait I know who that is. That's me. Hey, wait a second...

Flack: Wow, you are absolutely correct Danny. It's your turn.

Danny: Yes! *gets up to the middle* Guess what everyone. I've decided to use sound too! *starts mimicing Flack* Look at me everyone. I'm Mr.Tough guy with snarky attitude. Nobody knows this but when Stella's not looking I steal her hair gel to style my hair. I am such a girlie guy and I just LOVE pink. It's so precious. *bats eyelids*

Danny: Hmm, can anyone guess who I am.

Stella: *glances at Flack* Is it Flack.

Danny: Yes it is Stella. I wonder what gave it away.

Flack: Oh I am so going to kick your ass Danny.

Danny: Oh bring it Flack. I just hope I don't mess up you're pretty hair.

Flack: *gets up* You're mine!

Hawkes: Wow, this is getting really fun. This never happens when I play this game.

Mac: Uh-oh, they're fighting again.

Stella: Quiet I wanna see this!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LMAO Angelica and jorja_fan86, that was damn funny! LMAO and don't worry, Angelica; I'm not taking candy so I didn't choke. ;)
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

OMG jorja_fan that was hilarious! How the heck do you think up these kinda stuff??
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*wakes up*
what'd I miss?
*attempts to wake awesomepossum up*
Look! Shower scene! With Danny and Flack! My gosh, they've gotten to the soap part!
I... wh... huuuhhhh...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Ok that didn't work. *tries again*
Um... Look! DnA! They're, er, reproducing! On the bed!!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Breathe! Breathe! *thinks* No, mention of a shower scene will make it worse, what to do, what to do...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

OMG jorja_fan that was hilarious! How the heck do you think up these kinda stuff??

Well, the one with Flack and Danny fighting was inspired by someone saying that they wanted another Flack and Danny one. Also, the thread with discussing both Danny and Flack made me write it too.

The Charades one just came off the top of my head as I was eating lunch. I don't know how it got there but it just did.

If you want me to make up one for you I can. Just give me the characters, the setting, a brief statement of what's going on and I can take it from there ok.

Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed them. It's nice to know that others laugh at my stuff haha.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I see... You could probrably be a stand up comedian.
Anyways, for now... No ideas coming to me. I certainly should think not, its 1.48am...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^Hehe thanks. Maybe a stand up comedian will be a promising career for me ;) :lol:. Anyway I got another one ready to go...

*Everyone is arriving at Hawkes Halloween party*

Flack: Aww, don't you look adorable Hawkes.

Hawkes: Thanks. It was either this teddy bear costume or Steve Urkel.

Flack: The teddy bear suits you better. So what do you think of me?

Hawkes: You look very...mobsterish.

Flack: Great. That's the look I'm going for.

Hawkes: Are you part of the Russian Mafia?

Flack: Nope, the Italian one. Forza Italia!

Hawkes: Right. Someone's at the door so I'll see you later.

Flack: Alright, I'm gonna go look for Danny.

*Flack takes off and Hawkes answers the door*

Hawkes: Mac, Stella, welcome!

Mac: Sorry we're late. There was some traffic.

Hawkes: No problem man. You are really pimping tonight.

Mac: Thanks. Stella is my girl tonight.

Stella: Don't get any ideas Mac. Besides, did you have to pick out the tighest and shortest dress.

Mac: You needed to look the part so I just helped you out.

Stella: Whatever you say pervert. Excuse us Hawkes but we're gonna look around.

Hawkes: Alright, see you in a bit then. *laughs*

*Flack and Danny are chatting at the corner*

Flack: What the hell are you supposed to be?

Danny: Excuse you, but I am little red riding hood.

Flack: I kinda noticed it. Do you normally like dressing in woman's clothes.

Danny: Oh you are just too hilarious. I had to wear it because of a bet that I lost to Hawkes. I would've come as a baseball player if I had a choice.

Flack: Aww, isn't that adorable.

Danny: Oh, shaddup. Guess what, I spiked the punch bowl.

Flack: Yeah, so.

Danny: Aren't I such a bada$$. Oh, I feel so dilightfully wicked hehe.

Flack: Newsflash dummy, it doesn't matter. This isn't some lame high school dance. We are legally allowed to drink.

Danny: Dammit Flack I thought you would be more supportive. *pouts*

Flack: *gives Danny a blank stare*

Danny: Erm hehe, well this is definitely an awkward moment. Excuse me. *runs away*

*A few moments later*

Mac: Hey Flack, where's Danny? I have not seen him all night.

Stella: Yeah, I really wanted to see his costume.

Flack: Ha ha, don't worry. You won't miss him.

Stella: Wait, what's the sound?

*Danny arrives out of the kitchen, compeletely nude and drunk*

Danny: *slurring* Hey, hey, where, where is Danny? He told me he would give me a hundred bucks if I took off all my clothes.

Mac: Oh, my...

Stella: Wow.

Flack: Danny, you're drunk!

Danny: I'm not drunk Flack. I'm just happy.

Hawkes: Danny, step away from the booze.

Danny: I'm not Danny you silly rabbit. *points to the mirror* That's Danny over there haha.

Mac: Why do I have a bad feeling about this.

Danny: *pointing to his reflection in the mirror* There you are Danny you big jerk. You, you said you would give me a hundred bucks if I took my clothes off. You're nothinh but a great, big, phony. You're just a phony you liar!

Stella: This is getting good.

Danny: I'm gonna get you you bastar*! *runs towards mirror* Ahh, uh, uh, oh god...*falls flat on face after two steps*

Hawkes: Somebody help him, he's out cold.

Danny: *giggling from the floor* Uh-oh. I feel a hangover coming on. I'd better drink it off. Ha ha haha.

Mac: Wait, what are you doing Flack.

Flack: *grabs a camera* I'm talking pictures of our little friend. This is going to be great blackmail.

Hawkes: Oh no..what happened.

Stella: Don't worry. This is probably the best party I've ever been to.

Hawkes: Really?

Mac: Yeah, let's start dancing...

Danny: *singing* 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, you take one down and uh...drink it down...98 bottles of beer on the wall. Wooo!

:lol: I hope everyone enjoyed it ;).
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lmao. Danny is irresistible when he's drunk.

OOH I've got one.

Stella: *wakes up in bed next to Mac* Holy HELL! What?! WTF, MATE?!
Mac: *jolts awake* Yeah? What? Who? When?
Stella: What... did we do last night?
Mac: *scratches head* Hmm, let's see...I don't remember... maybe the right question is what didn't happen last night...
Stella: Oh. My. God. I remember. You called me beautiful...
and... oh. my. god.
Mac: What? You're always beautiful when I'm drunk.

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