Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

hey guys, i got another weird idea. probably because i'm supposed to be sleeping.

Aiden: *walking into room* Danny, did you ever recover the rest of that skele-*stops and stares*
Danny: *dancing with skeleton* the TOE bone's connected to the FOOT bone! the FOOT bone's connected to the LEG bone! the leg bone's connected to the SHOULDER bone! the shoulder bone's connected to the....DOG bone! *puts arm bone between his teeth like a rose*
Aiden: *stares* Danny! Whats wrong with you?
Danny: *stops dead* oh....i...erm...*throws bone at aiden and runs away*


Mac: *turns to stella* have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?
Stella: dammit mac, you aren't in that movie! *starts to walk away*
Mac: *far off voice* run forrest...run!

there was my bit of randomness for now. *terminator voice* I'll be BACH. *dun-dun-dun DUHHHHHH....*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

hey guys, i got another weird idea. probably because i'm supposed to be sleeping.

Aiden: *walking into room* Danny, did you ever recover the rest of that skele-*stops and stares*
Danny: *dancing with skeleton* the TOE bone's connected to the FOOT bone! the FOOT bone's connected to the LEG bone! the leg bone's connected to the SHOULDER bone! the shoulder bone's connected to the....DOG bone! *puts arm bone between his teeth like a rose*
Aiden: *stares* Danny! Whats wrong with you?
Danny: *stops dead* oh....i...erm...*throws bone at aiden and runs away*

there was my bit of randomness for now. *terminator voice* I'll be BACH. *dun-dun-dun DUHHHHHH....*

I can so imagine Danny dancing with the skeleton!! LMAO. :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Aiden: *to mac, who's watching stella from afar, stalker like* ok mac, we're flipping the coin to see who gets to go with danny on his DOA. heads i win, tails you lose.
Mac: *still staring at stella* o...kay

*mac loses coin toss*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Aiden: *walking into room* Danny, did you ever recover the rest of that skele-*stops and stares*
Danny: *dancing with skeleton* the TOE bone's connected to the FOOT bone! the FOOT bone's connected to the LEG bone! the leg bone's connected to the SHOULDER bone! the shoulder bone's connected to the....DOG bone! *puts arm bone between his teeth like a rose*
Aiden: *stares* Danny! Whats wrong with you?
Danny: *stops dead* oh....i...erm...*throws bone at aiden and runs away*

For some unknown reason, this is one of the few that really made me laugh :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

OMG these are so funny!
STELLA: *walks into mac's office to see him, danny and aiden playing twister* what are you lot doing! we have work to do!
MAC: stella, you need to lighten up. all you do is work and work is so boring!
AIDEN: danny! quit touching my butt!
DANNY: i can't help it!
AIDEN: sure you can't.
MAC: why don't you join us, stella?
STELLA: you lot are pathetic! *storms out and slams the door.
MAC: sterresssy!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol!! :lol: hehh, ollie, i totally pulled that on my brother once...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

yeah...i pulled it on my dad. parents should be smarter then that. hmm....*thinks* i wanna do a musical one. alrighty, prepare yourself for a weird one.

*body of a cheerleader on a football field*
Mac: *serious face* poor girl...she was so young.
Hawkes: yeah...she died of strangulation.
*danny, aiden, flack and stella walk up*
Flack: This girl was a cheerleader? I played some football in my high school years...
Danny: yeah? i was a cheerleader! i even remember the cheer! *drops kit and runs onto field* ok, i'm a cheerleader now! *dances the robot* U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi, YOU UGLY!

*points to flack* i saw you walking down the street just the other day, i didn't see your damage from that far away!
*points to hawkes* did you fall off a building and land on your head? or did a truck run over your face instead?
*points to stella* your hair was all frizzy and your face was a mess!
*points to aiden* when looks were handed out you were last in line!
*points to mac* there ain't no pill cuz you ain't ill-
you ugly!
Aiden: *runs off crying*
Flack: *pulls out mirror and checks his face* My face has no DAMAGE!
Hawkes: *thoughtful* actually, i just did an autopsy on a man who fell off a building and landed on his head...*wanders off into forest*
Danny: *grins* yeah, i still got it.

sorry if that was weird. i really wanted to do a danny/cheerleader quote thingy. it turned out really long. :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Now I got you back for that time you hung me on the ceiling!

lmao, i dont even know what that MEANS! but its funny. flack daring aiden? hmm :devil: so many possibitys.(sp?)

Flack: Aiden, I dare you to go to the morge and hit on hawkes using really corny pick-up lines.
Aiden: Aww, c'mon guys i don't wanna embaress him! or myself!
*2 minutes later, in the morge*
Aiden: is that a mirror in your pocket? *prepares to finish corny pick up line*
Hawkes: no, its a finger cut off a man who was found dead in sea world without a-
Aiden:*cuts him off* uhm.... ok. *clears throat* i hope you know CPR, because *end of corny pick up line gets cut off again*
Hawkes: of course i know CPR! i was a surgeon once! this one time, i had to do CPR on a moose, because it choked on a-
Aiden: *shocked* Hawkes! *prepares for one last pickup line* there must be something wrong with my eyes, i can't take them off you...*fake dreamy stare*
Hawkes: *pulls out flashlight* well, the corneas look alright, and the pupils are-
Flack and Danny: *standing in corner of morge, laughing silently, they follow her out*
Danny: aiden, if i told you, you had a nice body, would you hold it against me? *snicker*
Aiden: *slaps him*

:lol: I was cracking up throughout this whole damn thing.

And by the way, I have curly hair like Stella. No big deal. Just a lot of volume, and when I put gel in it it really looks good. But when it gets humid I have to pick it up, because it's Frizz City.


Stella: Uh... Aiden?
Aiden: Yeah, Stella, what's up?
Stella: Uh... do you think I could borrow some frizz control stuff from you?
Aiden: Why? For a case?
Stella: Not exactly... Mac said... *starts crying loudly* Mac said I have frizzy hair!
Aiden: Aw, Stella, don't-
Stella: *blubbering incoherently*
Aiden: Stella- hey, Mac! Are you jealous because you don't have enough hair to have it be frizzy?
Stella: *starts crying even louder*
Aiden: Stella, I didn't mean that! I didn't!
*Stella jumps up and rushes out*
Flack: *looking behind him* What's wrong with her?
Aiden: Mac's got frizz envy.

:D Not as good, but w/e.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

heres a short little DnA one. what else were you expecting from me?

*at a crime scene*
Aiden: ok danny, i'll talk to the witness, you check out the body.
Danny: *checks aiden out* hell yeah, already did.

edit: new page! *dances with skeleton* :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

(i'm too sexy is playing on the radio and danny starts stripping off)
Flack: (joins in with danny)
Hawkes: What the F--k?
Aiden: Whoa.. Danny....(starts touching his chest)
Stella: (enters with a love bite on her neck) Go boys!
Mac: (also enters the lab with a love bite on his neck)
Yeah! go for it!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

shortest one ever:

Danny: *singing* a goose and a goose is two geese, a moose and a moose is two meese!

sorry. my friends was singing that, and he got it stuck in my head. guys are so dumb. :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

heres a short little DnA one. what else were you expecting from me?

*at a crime scene*
Aiden: ok danny, i'll talk to the witness, you check out the body.
Danny: *checks aiden out* hell yeah, already did.

edit: new page! *dances with skeleton* :lol:

LMAO nice!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

i'm got the last two from things me or my friends have said. like the check out the body one? i was talking to my friend, and she said imagine you were a CSI working with greg! and i told her "yeah, he'd say go check out the body! and i'd give'm a once over then say already did! ---wait, you mean the DEAD guy"

...and i guess i must remind me of danny somehow.
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