Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL! I loved that, labguysrule. Especially the *dances with skeleton* part you added at the end, LMAO I can so imagine Hawkes putting on classical music and waltzing with one of the dead bodies.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I can so imagine Hawkes putting on classical music and waltzing with one of the dead bodies.

ok, three words for ya: EW!

Danny:(to me) your stupid. that was one word.
Flack:(joins in) yeah, your MOM goes to collage!
Aiden:(pokes danny)

think i'm losing my touch?

Danny: nah. its still funny to me.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

aw! ollie's having conversations with fictional characters. isnt that sweet?

Aiden: who ya talkin' to?

Mac: there's nobody there.

Hawkes: y'see, technically the internet is just one big cyber illusion, and whether or not there are actually other existences isn't proven or...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Hehehehe! I'll continue...

Mac, Aiden and Hawkes: *stare*

Me: Message board? See? On the Net, there's a message board for us to talk about...well, you guys. Haha.

Mac: *turns to Aiden and whispered* Call Flack. I think we need to subdue this strange person.

Aiden: *whisper* Right.

Hawkes: *whipers too* I think I'll be going now, be careful, the person might not be mentally stable...

Me: What are you all whispering about? Do you see what I'm showing you on the computer here - HEY! *grabbed by Flack*

Flack: I think you should calm down and just -

Me: *runs*

Flack: *calls to radio* We need backup! Strange person loose in the building! I repeat, strange person loose in the building!

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LOL! Good one!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

ROLMAO that was hilarious....ummm do you mind if i continue??

ME: *turns corner and sees Flack* CRAP
Flack: Hey you strange person *runs after me*
ME: *turn and runs and soon finds closet ducks in* *whispering* that was close.
*someone breathes and I back up from the noise. Soon someone flicks on the light*
Danny:*low and freaky* Hellooo.
*I scream and try to find my way out*

LOL don't know if that is good but yeah...g2g school bye know
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

LMAO brilliant! I'm gonna try...

Me: *bangs on door* HEEEELLLP!!

*Door bangs open*

Flack: *grabs me* Gotcha, strange person! Good work Danny!

Gah, I'm not a comedic genius. :p
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: Er... no! We were going to chase this strange person down.

Danny: *pouts* But I wanna play hide-and-seek! *stomps around* I WANT TO I WANT TO I WANT TO!

Me: Alright! What's going on here?!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac: *pokes head out* Is Danny being a drama-queen again?
Flack: See for yourself.
Danny: *rolling around on the floor throwing a tantrum* I WANT TO I WANT TO I WANT TO!!!!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Mac: *sighs* Alright, Danny. We'll play hide and seek.

Danny: *claps hand* Yay!

Mac: Flack, you go count.

Flack: What the -

Me: *whispers* Just do it or else Danny's gonna get another bitch fit.

Flack: Oh alright. *turns around to count to 100* 1, 2, 3, 4...

Danny: *giggles and runs off to hide*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

*Danny hides behind me, thinking I'll cover him, never mind I'm 5'4 and he's 5'9*

Danny: He'll never find me here!
Me: Uh, what are you doing?
Danny: Playing hide and seek with Flack!
Me: Uh-huh. Um, listen, you're cute and all, but you're kinda weird. See, we stop playing that ridiculous game in third grade, unless you have small children who haven't reached said grade.
Danny: ... here he comes! *ducks down behind me*
Flack: Hey, have you seen Danny?
Me: Uh... no?
Flack: Okay. Let me go find that idiotic man...
*goes off*
Me: Wow, it worked.
Danny: I toleja! I toleja! HAHAHA! *note: "I toleja" is a little kid's way of saying, "I told you" for those of you who don't know.*
Me: Dude, you need help.

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: *runs around clapping his hands and laughing in a high-pitched voice* Hehehehehe it worked it worked!

Flack: Is that you Danny?

Danny: *looks surprised* Uh-oh. *looks around wildly then jumps into nearest dustbin*

Flack:Hey, strange person... Have you seen Danny? I swore I heard him.

Me: Er......
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