Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: Aiden, Stella, what the hell happened... oh... *sees Danny mid-strip* wOw. *faints*
Mac: *comes in, sees Danny* Will you please put your clothes back on, Danny? I can't afford to go to three funerals right now.
Danny: Sorry, Mac. *puts clothes back on*
*Aiden, Stella and Flack come to*
Aiden: Wow, I never would have thought...
Stella: Me neither...
Flack: *dreamily* Me neither.
*Aiden and Stella look at him*
Flack: Uh... I mean.. uh,um... I gotta... *leaves*

Go Flack. ;)

i think danny sould go under cover as a hip-hopper..or something like that*the new emminem*

I think if he did that, he'd get shot.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

he was a "gangsta" (notice the quotation marks) in ep 1 of season 3 of the original CSI... Thumpy G. The ep was "revenge is best served cold". umm, visor, wife-beater... nuff said.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

he was a "gangsta" (notice the quotation marks) in ep 1 of season 3 of the original CSI... Thumpy G. The ep was "revenge is best served cold". umm, visor, wife-beater... nuff said.

Ahhh yes, I remember it well. Sadly, I never got around to buying season 3. Maybe I should.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Oh..i dont really remember..!about that!

Anyway..im gonna try to write something,here goes:

*Aiden and Danny are procesing a metal bar that was hanging from the roof of a tunnel,wich now was hanging from the labs*
Aiden:eek:k..so Mr.Rodrigez was hanging on to the bar..he couldent hold any longer so he let go and hit the grownd and was runn over..PUFF!i could of holded like 5 mins more!
Danny:*looking at the bar*Me 10
*Looking at eachother*
Aiden:u think u can do better!!
Danny:Bring it on!!!
*Now danny and aiden are dangling holding on to the bar wen Mac walks in*
Mac:what are u guys doing hanging from the evidence!!!!
Danny:were doing a contest to see who can hold longer
Mac:OHH!coool!My money is on Danny!
Danny:well!I am better!Look what i can do!*he lets go his left hand from the bar,now hanging from his right arm,he does the same but the other way round*
Aiden:Amm..ja..ja..ja!*not real laughfts*I bet..u cant do non!
Danny:puff!*pulling a big heads face*JA!just whatch me *all of the suden his face goes in shock*NOO!will not get me dis time!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

oH..its aint good!:(
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

oH..its aint good!:(

Um... sorry love, but I couldn't understand it. Maybe if you didn't use IM talk, no offense...

let's think...

Danny: Um, okay, who the hell downloaded Hilary Duff pictures on the lab computer?!
Aiden:Not me.
Danny: Stella?
Stella: Hey, I don't listen to her, whoever she is.
Danny: I didn't. That leaves... oh my God...
Mac: *indignantly* What?

:D Just so you know, I'm in no way a fan of Hilary Duff, and I never will be. But Natalie's banner gave me an idea. I still think she can't sing or act, though...

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Inspired by the Mac and Stella thread. ;)

Danny: *walks into the evidence room and notices that the Olive Oil from Mac and Stella's case is missing* o_o Uhm.
Stella: *comes in with a smirk on her face as she carries an empty bottle of Olive Oil in her hand*
Danny: *eyes the bottle* Uh. Why - do?
Stella: *places bottle back in it's place* Why do I what?
Danny: Have that bottle? And... *he smells the scent on her* Why do you smell like that Olive Oil?
Stella: *smirks* If you say anything Danny, I will hunt you down and make sure your death seem like an accident. Got it?
Danny: o_o *blinks and then gulps* Yeah...yeah got it.
Stella: Good. *pats him on the shoulder before leaving*

Ten minutes later...

Aiden: *walks into the layout room where Danny is* You want to know something weird?
Danny: Hm?
Aiden: Mac smells something like Olives. New cologne. When does Mac put something like that on?
Danny: *twitches and is forever scarred*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

that hilary one is good..im sorry if u dont understand it.. i have loads of spelling mistakes too..im not fully english...its not good thoug(my one)!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

you *so* know that's what mac and stella did with the oil after the case was finished... evidence storage? no way! that'd be a waste in the lab basement...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

you *so* know that's what mac and stella did with the oil after the case was finished... evidence storage? no way! that'd be a waste in the lab basement...



*Mac comes into the lab basement to find the olive oil, finds Danny and Aiden there, doing... well, you can only imagine...*
Mac: I suppose you'd like to explain to me why you are using my evidence for your enjoyment??
Aiden: Uh...
Danny: Um... other... evidence? *smiles ingratiatingly*

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

hehehe. I try my best.


Flack: *playing around with some evidence, among other things an eye patch* Hmm. *puts on patch, speaks in pirate voice* I'm a pirate! ARRRRRR!!!!

*Danny walks in and sees Flack playing around- Flack looks around and snaps the eye patch, poking himself in the eye in the process*

Flack: Ow!
Danny: It's a shame you broke it. Now you'll definitely need one. *walks off snickering*

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