Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Lol..Poor Sheldon. He'll get a hold of himself after that smack and look around and like "What just happened?"..Cute!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

HA! i would LOVE to see that happening... i'll get my sister to do it when she acheives her lifelong goal of being a DB on csi.

wait, did i say "when"? i meant "if". *rolls eyes* fat chance.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

You were thinking about a ME cutting up bodies in a morgue whilst eating dinner? :eek: Wow, you must have a strong stomach. Did you share your thoughts with the rest of your family or did they not inquire as to why you were choking at the dinner table?

1. Yeah, I do have a strong stomach, actually. I don't scared of blood or anything.
2.If I told my parents about that, they'd lock me up in a mental institution. Are you kidding? No, I just kept it to myself. :D

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

You were thinking about a ME cutting up bodies in a morgue whilst eating dinner? :eek: Wow, you must have a strong stomach.

I seriously have to keep myself in check when I have dinner with strangers or casual acquaintances, because eventually the conversation turns to work and I'll forget that not everyone wants to hear about a head in the morgue while trying to eat. Oddly enough, I'm the only one in our lab on swing shift who can move a leg from the counter to the fridge and then go right to dinner without getting squeamish.

One Halloween, one of our drivers brought in a fake finger (one of those prop gags) in a formalin container and showed it around like it was a specimen. After all the techs squealed, he showed me and asked what he should do with it. I told him without batting an eye: "It goes in the fridge".

Told one of our pathologists that we had an autopsy pending last night at work. After he gave a little groan, (he was on his way out the door) I mentioned wanting to see one before I retire.

Weirdest thing is: to this day, I've been in OR when they've had a patient open on the table. I've moved limbs and iced down dead bodies. I've watched them crack a chest in the ER and yet I still cannot watch sutures being put in. Go figure.

Since I've gotten SO far off-topic here:
Mac: Stella, I know you've formed an attachment to that child from the crime scene, but the lab is no place for a playpen.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

That is terrible!

Danny: God, is it hot in here... I feel like a pregnant woman. *strips, sees Aiden and Stella faint*

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Now that is what the show needs, right there. Full frontal Carmine nudity. :devil:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Now that is what the show needs, right there. Full frontal Carmine nudity. :devil:

:eek: That would be the highest rated show on TV - ever. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny,Stell and Mac: Aiden ur back!!
i WANNA heir that a couple of eps in to the 2 series!!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Now that is what the show needs, right there. Full frontal Carmine nudity. :devil:

:eek: That would be the highest rated show on TV - ever. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Oh yeah, count on it girlie. :devil: :D ;) I'll get everyone I know to see that one!

And then...

Flack: Aiden, Stella, what the hell happened... oh... *sees Danny mid-strip* wOw. *faints*
Mac: *comes in, sees Danny* Will you please put your clothes back on, Danny? I can't afford to go to three funerals right now.
Danny: Sorry, Mac. *puts clothes back on*
*Aiden, Stella and Flack come to*
Aiden: Wow, I never would have thought...
Stella: Me neither...
Flack: *dreamily* Me neither.
*Aiden and Stella look at him*
Flack: Uh... I mean.. uh,um... I gotta... *leaves*


Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Flack: Aiden, Stella, what the hell happened... oh... *sees Danny mid-strip* wOw. *faints*
Mac: *comes in, sees Danny* Will you please put your clothes back on, Danny? I can't afford to go to three funerals right now.
Danny: Sorry, Mac. *puts clothes back on*
*Aiden, Stella and Flack come to*
Aiden: Wow, I never would have thought...
Stella: Me neither...
Flack: *dreamily* Me neither.
*Aiden and Stella look at him*
Flack: Uh... I mean.. uh,um... I gotta... *leaves*



**giggles insanely**
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

i think danny sould go under cover as a hip-hopper..or something like that*the new emminem*
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

A hip hopper! OMG please not! (sorry I don't like hip hop music ;))
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lol..but please tell me it would be funny!!!
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