Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ me too. He sounds like he has a wicked sense of humour. Either that or a dodgy dress sense. :lol:
Thats me thats me, om IMDB im noodlepie54!!!!i feel like a celebrity or somethin!!coool!!!
Erm , lemme see what i can think of...
mac: Everyone in favour of 'come to work naked fridays' say aye!
Everyone: AYE!
me like!! :devil:

g-strings continue...

Danny: Oh my god, you're kidding me, I have one JUST like that!! *points at Hillboune's g-string*
Flack: sooo... you have panties that match Stella's and Hillbourne's now?
Danny: They're not... panties... they're my personal choice of undergarments. And I'm offended that you find them strange.
Flack: did i *say* strange?
Danny: you were thinkin' it.
Aiden: so was i.
Stella: same here...
Danny: Great. Just great. so now everyone here ridicules my underwear??!!?!
Stella: Mac never said anything...
Mac: *eyes open in shock*
Stella: ...but that may be because he's too petrified to do so...
Stella: Yeah...
Mac: I love you.
Stella: I love you too.(grabs Mac by the collar of his shirt and kisses him)
Stella: Hey Mac, You're not wearing your tie..
Mac: Stella, I don't wear a tie to work..
[Lol. Imagine him not wearing a tie to work everyday but only in dogs shows!]
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY


Mac: the *nerve* of that sheldon, insulting my fair complexion so. how dare he? *storms off*

Aiden, Danny, Flack, Stella: ... *silence*

Danny:... and i thought *I* was a drama queen.


Flack:... you are.


idea! *ding*

Danny: Uh, would you like to know how it feels to be hanging from the ceiling?
Flack: Why, you're going to put me up there?
Danny: ... no, I was going to get Aiden to.

And I just thought of this while eating dinner yesterday and almost choked. Imagine Sheldon working on a body and all of a sudden the body sits up and smacks him upside the head. I was also thinking that he was working on like the body's ribs or something and then the body starts laughing hysterically because it tickles. :D

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

You were thinking about a ME cutting up bodies in a morgue whilst eating dinner? :eek: Wow, you must have a strong stomach. Did you share your thoughts with the rest of your family or did they not inquire as to why you were choking at the dinner table?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Imagine Sheldon working on a body and all of a sudden the body sits up and smacks him upside the head.

o_____o; :lol: Oh Poor Sheldon. I'll kiss him to make it feel better. ;)
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