Quiz Thread #5

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Mine, Mine, Mine - 48/80 I just started naming countries. :lol:
Movie Posters - 11/24
Begins and Ends with S - 14/16

Minute Math Multiplication - 30/50
Five in One - 21/32
Heroes from Logos and Emblems - 12/24
Minute Math Multiplication: 34/50 I mean do they really think you can do it in a minute? :wtf:

One-minute sporcle: 21/32 Again, in a minute :wtf:

Superheros: 10/24 Would have had more if my brain was working. :rolleyes:
Minute Math Multiplication: 24/50 (would be easier if I wasn't on athe laptop)
Five in One: 15/32 - didn't pay attention to how little time I actually had on this or I would have typed faster :lol:
Heroes from Logos/Emblems: 16/24
Minute Math - 25/50
Five in One - 23/32
Heroe's from Logos and Emblems - 22/24
Human Bones - 19/29
Child Actors - 17/30
the compound game - 17/24
I am bored. :p

Oh I like it when people are bored :)

Bones in the Human Skeleton. I got 3/29. I know what a lot of them were I just didn't know the science name or could I spell them :D

Television Children Actors. I got16/30

Connected Compound Words. I got 2/24. I think next time I need to be more wide awake when I try these :D
human bones - 10/29 - I haven't had to know the names of the bones since sometime around high school! :wtf:

child actors - 18/30 - just glad that they asked for the actor name and not the character name on a few of those. :lol:

compound word game - 7/24 - I'm with Jacquie on this one - should have waited til I was wider awake. :lol:

Human Bones - 11/29
Child Actors - 12/20 (froze up on this. Should have gotten a lot more)
Compound Word Game - 24/24 :eek:
Songs from the 1980's - 9/40 - Recognized 19/40 but I just couldn't remember the name of them (was remembering the artist instead!). :(

Adding 'TH' - 13/20 - plus a bonus one. :)

Country most likely to... - 33/100 - I was just a surprised at what did come up on some of them as to what didn't come up on some of them! :cardie:

Famous Charlies - 15/22 - just a bit of a spelling problems on some of these names! :lol:

Foreign born residents of Canada - 16/30 - plus a bonus one however with our current discussion in Texan Charm I should have gotten #21 and didn't! :alienblush:

Fewest letters - 24/30 - had the hardest time thinking of one of the parts of speech and really shouldn't have. :alienblush:

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