Minute Math Multiplication: 24/50 (would be easier if I wasn't on athe laptop)
Five in One: 15/32 - didn't pay attention to how little time I actually had on this or I would have typed faster :lol:
Heroes from Logos/Emblems: 16/24
Human bones: 12/29 Be glad I got them. :lol:
Television Teens: 14/30 Ok, I could picture everyone, but couldn't remember the names
Compound Game: 19/24
Famous Charlies - 15/22 - just a bit of a spelling problems on some of these names! :lol:
Foreign born residents of Canada - 16/30 - plus a bonus one however with our current discussion in Texan Charm I should have gotten #21 and didn't! :alienblush:
Fewest letters - 24/30 - had the hardest time thinking of one of the parts of speech and really shouldn't have. :alienblush: