Quiz Thread #5

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TV show by crime solving duo: 17/36
Double quiz: 16/28 -
Sporcle top 10: 54/100 - (really should have gotten more of the body parts :rolleyes:)
TV show by crime fighting duo - 7/38 (I've never watched most of the shows).

Double Quiz - 14/28

Sporcle Top 10 - 51/100
Can you name the perfect squares up to 25? 17/25

Can you name the top three countries of birth of new U.S. immigrants for each state in 2008? 120/152

Can you name the words described by adding a 'c'? 7/16

Crime Fighting Duos 15/36 I also got 3 bonus ones 3 (12 if you count that one of the bonus show had 10 duos) and one of the bonus ones were Gil & Catherine

Can you name the words or terms that contain the word 'Double'? 15/28

Can you name the ten answers from the top 10 most played quizzes on Sporcle? 58/100 I'm so ashamed for not coming up with the States and body parts :rolleyes:
Some more quizes to combat boredom. :thumbsup:


or lack of New CSI this week :scream:

Words with heart in them. I got 10/22

Films for element symbols. Yea right :lol: I looked to see what they answers were cause I am clueless on this stuff. So a big fat Zero :D

Countries in the Olympics. I got 34/83. I got the all important one :D and I should have had more but the brain goes on vacation sometimes :)

Go Canada Go
Heart Words - 13/22
Elemental Symbols Films - 4/20 Who makes these things up? :lol:
Countries in the Olympics - 31/83
Heart Words 8/22 so ashamed

Can you name the films that can be spelled with elemental symbols? 1/20 well at least I got one

Can you name the countries that are sending at least one athlete to the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games? 37/82 I think I need to take a geography class because I can't remember names of countries
Heart words: 16/22 (They had my fave video game on their :D)

Movie titles by elemental symbols - 13/20 (I looked at the names of the elements and then kind of guessed by the actors they named).

Vancouver Olympic Countries - 44/83 (That's sad since I watched the entire opening ceremony :p)
Heart words - 8/22
Elemental Symbols Films - 7/20 - not bad considering I'd never heard the english words for the elements before! :lol:
Countries in the Olympics - 65/83 :D
I got 7/10. blackflag does this qualify for honourary citizenship :)

Sure. Come on down. :lol:

Blame Canada - 6/10 - Some of these actually weren't guesses! :lol:

Canadians take over the World - 7/10 - in this one I'm really starting to guess pretty good. :thumbsup:

Born in MA. - 8/10 - Missed the boxing one and #10. :shifty: I sure am glad I got #7. :lol: I only live here though, was born in Albany NY. :D

Blame Canada - 7/10
Canadians take over the World - 5/10
Born in MA - 7/10 (My mom, grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfather were all born and raised in MA, but I still had to guess at most of them :lol:)
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