Quiz Thread #5

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'ing' Movies - 15/24 - Got 2 while trying to figure out 'in cars with boys' :lol:

TV series by scenes - 8/20 - I've watched 3 of those at least once, other than that they were guesses!

Famous Simons - 10/18 - Would have had 2 more if I could actually spell them!

'ing' Movies - 19/24 Not bad

TV series by scenes - 9/20 Out of those nine I've only watch 3, but the rest I just knew.

Famous Simons - 10/18 I'm not surprised
Bond Villains I got :shifty: 2/30 :shifty: I've seen most of the Bond Movies but do you think I could remember the bad guys :D

Ing names I got 16/22

EW's best of the decade I got 8/40. 3 movies, 1 book, and 4 tv shows :)
Homophones - 16/16 with 40 seconds left
Boys Names - 37/100
Name the Games by Cupcake - 18/36
Famous Pairs - 27/30 Missed all the geography ones. :lol:
Single Character - 14/26
ING Movies - 17/24
TV Series by Scene - 6/20 I've never heard of half of them! :lol:
Simons - 9/18
Bond Villians: 2/30 plus 2 bonus ones (yes, I've seen some of these, no I don't pay attention to the names :lol:)

'ing' names: 12/22

EW's Best: 9/40 :rolleyes: My mind is so NOT working. I couldn't think of one movie. :rolleyes:
Missing middles names: 24/30 - souldn't have missed a couple of the ones I did. :alienblush:

1941: 8/22 - don't know if I could have gotten more if my monitor hadn't gone into power saving mode and not wanted to come back! :confused:

x-cellent answers: 12/20 - was expecting that to be much harder.

Movie by Robot: 8/25. I haven't seen most of these and guessed pretty much all the ones I did get :p

Product from mascot - 35/36, but I had help :p My mom came by and started telling me ones I didn't get.

Television Alphabet - 20/25
Robot movies: 11/25 I've seen a couple of the one's I missed, but couldn't think of the names :rolleyes:

Company Mascots: 33/36 Ugh, brain is so not working. Recognize the mascots, just couldn't think and one I spelled wrong :scream:

Alphabet shows: 24/25 Should have went with my gut :rolleyes:
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