Quiz Thread #5

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Can you name the countries that produce the most of each vegetable: 78/125

Can you name the answers to these addition problems?: 46/50 Ran out of time

Can you name the significant events that occurred on January 1?: 11/31 that would be a no :lol:
teams from closeup of logos. I got 4/24 but I did get the all important one :)

begin and end with 'T' I got 16/20

chains from one letter of their logos. No I can't name them. I got 4/20
Can you name the sports team given a close-up of their logo? 9/24 Only got those by just guessing teams

Can you name the words or terms that begin and end with 'T'? :D 19/20 Couldn't get the windstorm

Can you name the name the chain from one letter of their logo? 10/20
I'm not at my best tonight but here goes :)

Beginning and ending in 'T' 20/20 with 1:53 left :)

Girls names I gave up after I came up with only 10 :wtf:

adding a 'P' I got `14/20
Begin and End in T - 19/20
Girl Names - 23/100 So many odd spellings in there! :lol:
Adding a P - 19/20
Begin and End with "T" - 16/20

100 Girl Names - 35/100 - I'm not on the list! :wtf: As for the rest, 1 kid in 6th grade and 1 in high school can give you a lot of first names. :lol:

Add a "P" - 18/20
Homophones: 14/16 - I'm surprised! :lol:

Portuguese foreign born population: 8/20 - never can think of some of these places! :)

Boys names: 42/100 - Males outnumber females in this neighborhood. Just type in the first names of any I knew. :lol:

Can you name the homophones from the clues below? 16/16 1:22 left on clock :D

Can you name the most common countries of origin of foreign-born residents of Portugal as of its most recent census? 7/20 :rolleyes: Never do good on these

Can you name the 100 most popular boy names of the 2000s (USA)? 40/100
Ready for some quizzes?

Eventually! :lol:

Games by cupcakes: 34/36 - one of them I had no chance at and the other I was just playing on the computer yesterday! :alienblush:

Famous pairs: 26/30 - took me awhile to realize Fox wasn't the network! :lol:

Single character answer: 21/26 - would have had 1 more but it didn't give me 'Q' before time ran out! :)

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