Quiz Thread #5

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Georgraphy safecracker - 11/21 - never one of my stronger points! :(

Alpine countries - 18/53 - see above comment! :lol:

Most common words in the English Language - 101/200 - while eating my mac & cheese. :lol:

Geography Safecracker - 21/21 with 1:42 left

The 2,000 most common words in the English Language - 124/200

Alpine Countries - 46/53 + 3
Well hell, could you find any harder ones? :lol:

Geography safecracker - 15/21
Alpine countries - 19/53 - PLUS 3 bonus ones :D
Most common words in the English Language - 88/200 - :rolleyes:

One of these days I'm going to memorize every damn country there is so I do better on these geography quizzes. :lol:
Countries of the world - 49/195
Geography safecracker - 0/21 :lol:
Alpine countries - 13/53
Most common words in the English Languag - 90/200
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Missing Word Spielberg - 14/17
Safe Cracker - 8/37 Indigo my ass! :wtf:
Funny License Plates - 15/15

Geography Safecracker - 6/21 I hate these things! :lol:
Most Common English Words - 122/200
I'm with Smokey on those colors of the rainbow! Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple! :p

Missing Word - 21/22 - never heard of the one I missed.

Scrambled Food - 15/16 - got half of the one I missed but don't eat the other half so kinda hard to think of it. :lol:

Things you might SHOUT - 21/26 - I kinda just skip to the 'explative' when I stub my toe! :D

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