Quiz Thread #4

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Things starting with "H" - 28/39

the 1970s - 35/84 - A bit before my time ;)

Unites States without the letter "A" - 14/14
Things starting with "H": 28/39

The 1970's: 46/84 - I missed some TV shows that I've actually seen. :alienblush: oops!

United States without the letter "A": 9/14 - Should have been 10/14! Hit the last letter of one just as the missed ones popped up on screen. :lol:

Thing starting with H: Got 25/39 :)
1970's: 14/84 (Hey I wasn't born yet, my mom was born in this decade though :shifty: )
United States Without The Letter A: 7/14 (Half not that bad is it? :confused:)
I took the "US States W/O The Letter A" (I'm not even attempting the other two quizzes) and I got 12/14. So close! I missed Vermont and Wisconsin.
I took the "US States W/O The Letter A" (I'm not even attempting the other two quizzes) and I got 12/14. So close! I missed Vermont and Wisconsin.

No one here is going to judge you on your results. This is for FUN :) As you can see some of us have good days and some of us have not so good days and my days lately seem to be not so good :D
Things that start with 'H': 17/39 I actually guess two elements this time. :lol:

1970s: 18/84 Ugh, I can't believe I only guess one TV show. I did great on the sport ones, because, well, you just have type in team names :lol:

U.S. states with no 'A' in their name: 13/14 Just remembered the last one when time ran right. :shifty:
famous people. I got 5/18 so no I can't name them :)

1-100 I got 66/100. If i had a keyboard with a separate number pad I think I could have done it. I may try at home later with the desk top computer :)

Ways to first base. I got 6/7
Famous Same Names: 7/18

1 to 100: 80/100 Ok if I wasn't on my laptop and had a keypad, I could've done it. :lol:

Rulings to First Base: 3/7 plus 1 that was hidden, so 4/7 :D
Famous People - 8/18
Number 1-100 - 60/100 (Probably could get more if I wasn't on a laptop)
7 Ways to reach first base - 3/7 (Not that I really need to be concerned about this again until next spring :scream:)
You got 28 out of 36 Corporate Logos.

You got 8 out of 30 foreign language

You got 15 out of 44 National Weather Service weather event warnings.
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