Puzzle Pieces

Don't worry, I haven't give up on this fic. As I realize it's been WAYYY to long inbetween updates. I'm actually updating at the moment then off to my lovely beta. :D

Hopefully I'll have it posted sometime next week. :D
A BIG thank you to my beta Waiting :luvlove: :adore:

I know why it's taking me so long in updates. Each post can be up to 20,000 characters and I tend to write WWWAAAAAAYY more than that. :lol:

Anyhoo... here's an update

What He Lost

Tony relaxed his body onto Catherine’s couch. His head hurt, his body hurt. He closed his eyes as he relaxed his head onto the back of the couch. He couldn’t tell if he was tired, wide awake or both. What he did know was that it would feel good just to lie down and close his eyes. The past 24 hours had been such a blur, he didn’t know what time of day it was anymore. His eyes began to fall shut just for a moment or two.

The sun began to pour in through the light colored curtains in Catherine’s living room. The house was quiet. No noise or commotion like at the hospital. No one constantly asking him how Catherine is doing, how’s she’s holding up or how she is handling the miscarriage. No one was around to ask him how he’s doing, how he was handling her miscarriage. Miscarriage, definitely a strange word. A word that doesn’t get used unless it describes something horrible or awful. And that is what happened, something awful. It’s something that he can’t fix or made better. It’s something that will be part of their history, he and Catherine’s history.

As the sun continued to flow into the room, Tony sighed and lifted his head. From the amount of light streaming into the room, he figured the time was somewhere between 6 and 7 am, a new day. A day to start fresh, to try to erase the past 20 hours and to put the puzzle pieces back on the table ( an analogy that Catherine likes to use referring to puzzles) and to try and put the puzzle back together.

Muffled voiced began to become clearer as the front door opened. Tony immediately got up off the couch interested in who was disturbing his semi-restful moments.
Lindsey’s voice broke the silence in the house…

“Thanks Grandma”, her quiet squeaky voice filled the emptiness of the house. Tony caught her in his sights walking up the stairs to her room. He wasn’t sure if she saw him or not.

“Get some rest dear, I’ll talk to you later.” Lilly Flynn’s voice responded. Not the person Tony wanted to see at the moment but he had no choice.

Lilly Flynn was the only other person that Tony really had no words for. The other person was the M.E.; Doc Robbins, from the crime lab. Every thing she said (or at least he felt) was dripping with either sarcasm, subtle jabs at everything around her, or flat out rudeness. He couldn’t speak around her. He could recall the numerous times Catherine took his breath away and made him speechless, but her mother was a different story. Lilly made him speechless in a very different way. A feeling he didn’t like. It seemed like his relationship with Catherine’s mother was heading down the same as all the husband/mother-in-law relationships…. Rocky.

“Oh detective, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Her voice was distant and cold as she put her handbag down on the kitchen counter.

“Ms. Flynn, I could say the same to you.” Was his only comeback as he walked around her and headed for the coffee machine. He was too tired, too drained and too overly exhausted to play word games with Ms. Flynn. So, coffee was the answer.

After a few silent moments, he turned and automatically poured two cups of coffee. Without a word he handed one to Catherine’s mother now sitting across the countertop from him. Not a word was spoken between the two of them. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything. His mind was too wrapped around being tired and thinking about Catherine to say anything coherent in his defense so he opted for peace instead.

“Thank you,” Lilly’s voice broke the stillness. “So, can I ask you something?” She said after taking a sip

He felt his face scrunch up. He winced like he always does when he hears something he doesn’t like. His hand automatically went to his hip. After a deep breath and Lilly’s glaring eyes scanning him, he replied,

“What? What do you have to ask me?”

“Tell me Detective, what were going to do after the babies were born?”

He couldn’t answer. At least not right away. Of course he had hoped that Catherine would move to Seattle. He bought a house with the hopes of just that, she would move there. He asked her to marry him; that alone was a good start to securing their future. But that’s all his thoughts could register at the moment. He focused instead on his coffee, it was hot, strong and it tasted good. He turned his back for a brief period to add some milk. A trait he, no doubt picked up from Catherine, adding milk to his coffee.

He could hear Lilly sigh. But it wasn’t just any sigh, it was one of disgust. He was sure she was going to have something to say about him turning his back to her; but instead there was just more silence.

“You know detective, when Catherine told me I was going to be a grandmother again, I thought I had misinterpreted what she had said. I thought it was Lindsey who had …let say….found herself in ‘the family way’ as we used to say back in the old days in regards to a young woman’s condition. I knew that Catherine and I would always be there for Lindsey regardless of who the father of the child was. We knew that Lindsey would always have a home and a family that loves her.”

“What’s your point?” The detective kept from snarling at Catherine’s mother.

“Well my point is…” She stopped just short of dispensing some very not-so-nice words delivered in a way only she could.

“It’s Catherine that is ‘in the family way’ again. But this time it’s different. Not that I liked her first husband Eddie by any means but at least they were married and living in the same house. There was some stability there for however it lasted. And Lindsey was such a good baby….”

Tony sighed and tried to maintain his composure. He could feel Lilly gearing up for some choice words. The sugary-sweet tone of her voice was masking the arsenic of her words. He could feel how tired his body was even after the cup of strong coffee. He wasn’t ready for the battle that might ensue but he wanted to be prepared. Lilly Flynn was not an easy adversary.

“Well it seems that you do love her, I have no doubt, but it’s the commitment that I’m worried about.” Lilly continued. “Buying her presents doesn’t make up for not being there for her.”

There it was, out on the table so to speak. The words Lilly Flynn have been dying to say to Catherine’s future husband and the father of the babies or baby at this point she found out about Catherine’s pregnancy.

“Oh one more thing detective,” Lilly added after finishing her coffee. “Catherine and Lindsey are all I have.” She stopped there. She said all she felt she needed to say.

Tony had something to say too. Now that she put it out there how could he not respond? Tony’s face was hot from anger and frustration. He didn’t want to fight with Lilly but she left him no choice. His stomach churned. Images of Catherine lying in the hospital bed looking as pale as the sheets she was covered in appeared in his head. Should he tell Lilly how he has a sore neck from sleeping in the chair next to her bed? How the doctor told him, and only him, that if Catherine’s bleeding didn’t stop and the combination of the medication she was on to make her stop bleeding in the first place could put the second baby in danger and that they would have to look at the viability of the second baby. A thought he really didn’t want to ponder on. And lastly, how he held Catherine when she finally did break down and cry. How his heart broke for both of them as he listened to the sobs coming from the woman he loves.

Before he knew it, his hand flew at the countertop and the words flew out of his mouth. “SHE IS ALL THAT I HAVE TOO! I LOST MY SON AND ALMOST LOST MY DAUGHTER!” Then he stopped.

Words have always come easy for Tony Vartann. Words of love are not. It comes from being a homicide detective or at least in law enforcement. His words are usually a mingling of his true feelings and the sensitivity of the crime. Either are words of defeat or speculation are not easy either. Unfortunately, Lilly Flynn pushed the words out of his mouth.

He looked at her, at Catherine’s mother. The look on her face was indescribable. It was a mixture of shock, horror at the fact that he knew something about Catherine that she didn’t and of sadness. He almost felt sorry for her, almost.

“I’m sorry detective, I truly am.” She conceded almost sounding sincere. “I just hope you and Catherine can work things out in a way that is agreeable for everyone involved. Thank you for the coffee, it was very good. I have to say, people in Seattle make good coffee. And with that, I’ll take my leave.” Before he could even register her final remarks, she walked out the door.

Finally, finally he could rest. Now that she had said her peace and left he could go back to resting and possibly sleeping.

Tony’s eyes began to fall shut once more. His head eased back against the couch much in the same way he started before he was interrupted. More sunlight filled the now quiet room. The day was beginning and his body wanted to do the opposite; sleep. He could feel it was going to be hot again. Hot as in the Southern Nevada desert. It was much, much different from the cool dampness of Seattle in the springtime.

Sleep overcame him. His body slid sideways onto the couch. His legs stretched out automatically as if they too knew of his plan to sleep. Then after one last breath he fell sound asleep.

Who knows how long he was actually sleeping. It could have been for minutes or hours, but none the less, he was sleeping. Something his body desperately needed. Unfortunately, he was woken up. His rest was disturbed yet again by someone in Catherine’s family. But this time, he welcomed the person who interrupted his slumber.

“Detective,” Lindsey Willows voice broke in.

“HMM WHAT?” He opened his eyes immediately to see a younger and just as lovely version of Catherine staring at him.

“Hey, I wanted to let you know that I was still here,” Lindsey whispered.

“Oh, hey Linds, how are you? Did you get some sleep?” His squeaky voice asked Catherine’s daughter.

“Yeah,” she giggled. “Looks like you could use some more.” Her light tone made him smile.

The younger Willows was dressed in black sweats and a pink t-shirt. She stood almost as tall as her mother. Her blond hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail. A few pieces fell from each side as he watched her tuck a piece behind her ear.

Lindsey had always meant something to him. From the first moment he met her, she was very captivating. One of the things that really drew him to Lindsey was that she seemed immune to all the things that teenagers, especially teenage girls do. She doesn’t have a boyfriend, she isn’t out all night, does well at school, has a hobby, and is good at it, in ballet, doesn’t talk back to her mother and shows a great deal of respect for adults around her. Now, he’s a 40-year old man and she’s the daughter of his future wife, Tony was very careful not to create or give off anything more that seems appropriate between them. He did tell Catherine that Lindsey would soon be his daughter too. He meant it. He wanted Lindsey for a daughter, nothing more.

“So, is grandma still here?” She asked.

“No, she left a while ago. What time is it anyway?” He asked wincing as he decided to get up off the couch.

“I’m not sure, somewhere around 8:30 I think.” She replied.

“Oh,” the detective answered. “I probably shouldn’t have slept so long, but I guess I needed it.”

“I’ll say,” Lindsey giggled again. She reached over to him and pulled down his sweatshirt that had risen up during his nap on the couch.

“So, are you hungry?” Tony asked. “I’ll make you breakfast if you want.”

“That would be great,” She smiled.

A smile came to his face. He felt he was starting to get this ‘father’ thing down.

After their brief but pleasant conversation, a silence fell between them. Neither Tony nor Catherine’s daughter wanted to bring up Catherine. He didn’t feel the need to rush to comfort Lindsey. She seemed okay for the moment. But as much as he felt that she was impervious from most of the things that teenagers do, she still was a teenage girl and probably just as unpredictable as any other teenage girl. A theory he didn’t want to test at 8:30 in the morning after the day Catherine and he had at the hospital.

The house became quiet again. No talking, just the sound of Tony in the kitchen moving pans around. He quietly searched the almost bare cupboards. Even he noticed of the food that was left, there seemed to be a lot of organic items. She wasn’t kidding about going organic. he thought as a smile came to his face.

He caught Lindsey in the corner of his eye. She has settled on the barstool across from him. Not to long ago, he and Lilly were in the same places. He in the kitchen and Lilly across from him. This time, he didn’t mind having Lindsey sit across from him even if she wasn’t paying attention to him. It was nice just to have her there.
She was doing something with her phone.

Speaking of coffee, he make a new pot while deciding what to cook for the two of them. Eggs sounded like the perfect thing. Once more, he looked over at Lindsey. She was still not attentive to him at all. Still paying attention to her phone. Catherine said that Lindsey once had a $300 phone bill. Should he step in, be the father, and stop the huge cell phone bill? Or should he let the girl deal with her mother over that matter? He couldn’t take another fight, so he decided to keep making breakfast.

Just as he was serving the meal; scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast and orange juice, Lindsey looked up at him from across the counter. Her smile was just like her mothers. She didn’t have to say anything, just like her mother, her smile was all he needed.


“You are quite welcome.” He flashed a smile right back at her.

Then her pretty face hardened. She saw something, something across the room that make her face turn from very pleasant to stone cold.

“What’s wrong?” Tony asked with some panic in his voice. Hoping he didn’t have to do the worst case thing and draw his gun at an intruder.

“So,” she paused, taking in a breath, “that’s how it is.” Lindsey’s voice became just as cold as her face.

“What are you talking about?” He questioned.

“Even with all the crap that mom went through,” she paused… “FOR YOU! You still can’t stay long enough to see her get better?” Her voice almost shrilled.

He looked over in the same direction Lindsey was. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Just his suitcases…. OH, his suitcases by the door; the one’s that were still there from when he took Catherine to the hospital. The one’s that reminded him and everyone else that he did not in fact live in this house.

“Linds,” He started after wincing at his discovery. “It’s not like that.” He tired to convince her that he wasn’t leaving.

“It’s not,” she flatly stated. “Then what is it like?” Her voice remained cold and hurt.

“Maybe Grandma was right about you,” Lindsey mumbled before he had a chance to answer. “I spent lots and lots of time defending you, and THIS is what you do?” The hurt remained in her voice.

Tony took in a deep breath. He had to come up with something to convince her that he was in it for the long run. That this is what he wants, a home, a family, some stability. But from the way Lindsey was reacting, he’d have to try pretty hard to convince her.

“Lindsey,” he tried again. “It’s not like that. I wasn’t going to leave… well I was only planning on staying through the weekend...”

“SEE!” She started.

“But then….well… This happened.” He couldn’t bring himself to say it. He had already said enough to Lilly, he didn’t think he needed to explain things to Lindsey too.

“So, the only reason you are sticking around is because mom is in the hospital?” She shot at him.

“NO, it’s not like that,” He repeated getting more and more frustrated feeling much the same way he did a day ago. God, she is SO MUCH like her mother. Stubborn at every turn and pretty set in her ways.

“You know I asked your mother to marry me.” He started looking at the younger version of Catherine.

“And?” Lindsey angrily questioned.

“Wait, I thought you knew that?” He asked.

“All I knew is that mom was in the hospital. Mr. Grissom wasn’t very clear about the details, something about one of the babies.” Lindsey’s voice seemed much calmer.

“Yeah, I wasn’t very clear about that. Sorry. He was the first person I thought that would be able to find both you and your grandmother. Considering she really doesn’t like me.” Tony stopped and waited for her response.

“I’m not sure I’d go that far.” She said as a smile crept on her face.

“I would,” He replied flashing his smile at her again.

Phew he thought. He was worried for nothing. A fight with Catherine’s daughter wouldn’t have gone over well. It was bad enough that he and Lilly aren’t on the best of terms, an argument with Lindsey would have been worse. He actually likes Lindsey and she likes him too.

“Look,” she started, “I know you and mom love each other and you’re going to have a baby, but …”

“But what?” He could feel the tension rising in him. Similar to when he was talking with Lilly.

“But, all of this,” Lindsey stopped and outstretched her arms, “all of this seems very one sided to me. I mean,” and with that, tears started flowing from Lindsey’ blue eyes, “you are not the only one here. You are not the only one affected by this. She is MY mom. She lives HERE, in Vegas.” Her choked up voice forced her to stop.

Neither one of them knew what to say to each other.

After deciding she didn’t want to talk to him anymore or finish her breakfast. His eyes followed her as she hastily stood up, grabbed her coat and her cell phone and headed for the front door.

“And I hope you know,” She practically yelled from the front door, “Your jacket smells like puke!” And slammed the door as she exited.

~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~

After Lindsey left, he couldn’t decide what to do. There he was, alone, with his thoughts. Not liking what was left undone and unsaid. Nothing suitable was on TV, so, a run would do him some good. It turned out to be sort of useless. His fatigued body could only go two miles. A mere warm-up in his usual 5-7 miles. But it was a way to get out of the house and away from the thoughts that crept in his head. Thoughts about Catherine, her family, her home and her life in Vegas. Was it fair to force her to give it all up just because HE lived in a different city?

His phone rang. The shrill of his cell phone startled the detective out of a much needed deep sleep.

A very apologetic Lindsey was on the other line of his phone. After a brief conversation with Lindsey and the doctor about Catherine’s condition, some decisions had to be made……………
Another update. Since I realized I started this fic almost two years ago I really must finish it....

Many, many Thanks to waiting for the beta. Loves you :luvlove:

Where He Needed to Be​

He sat, head in his hands. Not to his surprise, he found himself right where he wanted to be, next to Catherine.

This time during this visit to the hospital was different. The whole mood was different. She was sitting up and smiling. She smiled when she found him practically slumped over in the chair next to her bed. The bed she had been in for almost two days. But she was different.

There was ‘light’ in her eyes. They seem to brighten as she saw him. That made his heart melt. Just looking at her made his heart melt sometimes.

“Hey,” Catherine quietly spoke. “What are you doing here?” She asked feeling really thankful that he was there.

“I... I… well after a long conversation with Lindsey,” he trailed off.

“Oh, so you spoke to Lindsey?” Catherine joked. He was glad to see her joking in light of the situation.

“Well anyway…” Catherine watched him swipe his hand across his chin, “I’m here and I wouldn’t want to be any where else.” Tony smiled at her.

“I’m glad for that,” Catherine replied as she slid her hand into his, “but I meant, aren’t you supposed to be heading back to Seattle?”

“Well about that,” he began when a nurse walked into the room. She startled both Catherine and Tony from their conversation.

“So, how are you feeling?” She asked in a cheery voice.

“Pretty good,” Catherine said even amazing herself. The grogginess had gone away. Also the heavy sadness that she was feeling seemed to have dissipated. For some reason Catherine felt like the tragic event of loosing one of her babies was put behind her, at least for now. All the feelings and all the grief seemed to have faded, especially now that Tony was still here in Vegas and not on an airplane heading back to Seattle.

“I met you earlier,” Catherine commented, “I’m sorry what your name was again?” She asked.

“Lindsey, my name is Lindsey,” the nurse replied.

“Just like my daughter,” Catherine smiled a half smile.

“So, asked Lindsey, “are you ready to see your new daughter?” She asked as another tech set up the Ultrasound machine.

Catherine shot a brief glance at Tony. He sat up in his chair. She could tell he wasn’t sure what to make of the whole situation.

“You okay?” Catherine asked in his direction.

“Umm yeah,” She watched as his hand slid across his waist resting on his hip. Somehow he managed to pull off one of his ‘classic’ moves even sitting down.

“Okay, well let’s take a look,” the nurse began.

Before Tony knew it, Catherine was lying back down on the bed with her gown pulled up to her chin. The bump in her stomach was bigger than he remembered, even from two days ago.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Catherine asked again as she caught him from the corner of her eye. The tech made sure she was comfortable before going any further.

“I’m… I’m … sure I’m okay.” He sort of blurted out not really sure of his answer.

Then he watched Catherine wince as the tech poured green goop over her belly.

There was silence. The only thing filling the room was the small beeping sound of the machine.

Catherine was fixed on Tony and he was fixed on the small black and white screen.

Once more she asked, “Hey, are you okay?” She watched his face become transfixed at the image on the screen. She felt she needed to also watch the screen but was also intently watching her future husband and his almost blank stare.

“So, what are you thinking?” She couldn’t help but ask. Just at the same time, the nurse piped in, “everything looks okay so far.”

Catherine turned towards the screen. A small sort of roundish blob was almost in the center of it. That was holding everyone’s attention. The nurse spoke once more, “a good strong heartbeat.”

“Hey, you never answered me, what are you thinking?” Catherine asked trying to remain as upbeat as she could.

“Huh? What?” He mumbled out to her not turning to face Catherine.

“I asked,” Catherine stopped knowing he was totally transformed by what he saw. She knew that he was sort of in awe of what he was viewing on the screen but she still was curious, “what are you thinking?” Her head now turned towards him as he remained in the chair beside her bed.

“I’m thinking… it’s incredible,” he barely got out.

She turned her head back and watched the screen as the nurse gave Catherine a few more bits of information about the image on the screen.

“Everything looks really good,” Lindsay spoke very cheerfully. “I just have one more thing to check and then I’ll be out of your way. I can see you two are ‘into each other’,” she stopped waiting for a response.

When no one said anything after a moment or two, the nurse added, “Hey, it’s cool, I think it’s good for couples to be ‘into each other’ especially at a times like these,” she winked.

Without another word, Lindsey pulled Catherine’s knees up to her chest and flung off the sheet covering the lower half of Catherine’s body.
Catherine glanced again at Tony as a confused look sat upon his face.
This got Tony’s attention real quick as he jerked his head away from her.

Catherine kept herself from saying… it’s not like you haven’t seen that part of me. Or how do you think I got pregnant in the first place? But she held her tongue.

“Well, things look good down here,” the nurse spoke as her words filled the room. “I’ll make note of this and if things continue to improve they might let you out of here,” She winked again toward Catherine.

“What about my job?” Catherine couldn’t wait to get the words out. Tony immediately whipped his head back in Catherine’s direction.

“Let’s see, you work for the LVPD if I remember, isn’t that correct?” The nurse asked.

“I do, but I work in the lab, I’m a Crime Scene Investigator,” Catherine replied.

“Umm, I can’t answer that right now. Let me check with the doctor,” the nurse said before she left the room.

Tony sat and watched Catherine adjust herself. She propped herself up using the flimsy hospital pillows so she could see him. He smiled a big smile when he saw the ring sitting on her left hand.

“I uhhhh, I ummm, “he started. “I wanted to say I’m sorry…” His voice was quiet. This was the side of himself he hardly ever lets out. The side that almost no one gets to see except for her. The more human, sensitive side of him that he hides from everyone. The side of him that she misses.

“For what?” She inquired.

“I…. ummm, lets just say, I’ve done a lot of thinking over the past couple of days.”

She could feel her heart as it grew heavy. Conversations like this usually don’t end well.

“Oh hell,” he started. His choice of words somewhat startled her into really focusing on him. But, somehow she couldn’t help feeling a sense of loom about the conversation that was about to take place.

“What is it?” Her voice shook. She looked down as he slid his hand over hers. She felt him finger the ring he had given her not so long ago.

Her eyes then met his. His steely blue/grey eyes captured her. Something she figured out a long time ago. They were intense and much to his chagrin, they didn’t hide anything either.

“How would you feel if I moved back? Back to Vegas?” He started after breaking a long gaze into Catherine’s blue eyes on the verge of tears.

Her mouth fell open. She couldn’t speak. A small sigh escaped from her as her hand gripped his in a hard squeeze.

“What about your job in Seattle? Do you think Brass will take you back? What about your goal of making Sergeant or Captain? What about your work with Internet Crime?” Catherine fired off almost without stopping.

“All I know, “he began, “is that I don’t want to be away from you anymore. I’ve done a lot of thinking over the past days.”

“I can see that,” she smiled at him. Her hand now resting on the now bigger bump forming in her belly.

“How would you feel if I moved into your house? We could be a family, you, me, Lindsey and now our daughter. Would you like that?”

“I’m not really sure what to say,” She said half joking.

“Just say yes, Catherine. I can’t live like this anymore,” His voice was weak and strained.

She watched him intently as he began to unravel some. It wasn’t really him unraveling, but more to the point he was finally opening up. Something he has only done with her. But lately he has poured out his feelings to Lindsey and unwillingly to her mother. Feelings he didn’t always like or admit to having at times, but knew he had to acknowledge. His face squirmed up. His eyes slammed shut then opened again. Could he be on the verge of tears?

“I remember when you told me you were pregnant. I felt sort of numb, detached and honestly scared. I didn’t know what I wanted. You were here, I was there. I remember sitting there on my bed watching the rain beat against the window. I pictured you in my blue shirt standing with your hands on your stomach… all I wanted to do was to bury myself in your hair….” He stopped.

“Tony,” she gripped his hand again. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”

“I don’t know,” he quietly commented. “But, let me tell you, Lindsey and your mother got an earful.” He smiled. “I wasn’t sure how to approach anything with you. You seemed so fragile. And after what just happened, well now I know where I belong. I know now where I need to be.”

Relief settled upon Catherine. She looked at her future husband in a new way.

“You know this isn’t going to be easy,” She smirked hoping to lighten the mood some. “Being a parent isn’t easy. And for the record, I’m not that fragile,” Catherine smirked again.

“I know,” he smiled back at her. “It’s just that I wanted to prove to you that I’m not that big of an asshole that everyone thinks that I am.”

“I know you are not,” she watched as he took her hand up to his mouth and gently kissed it.

“Oh, one more thing,” he added still holding on to her hand, “I like the name Anthony Michael how does that sound?”

“It’s perfect,” she said.

They both smiled and looked at each other intently. Catherine took his hand and gently placed it on her belly. She purposely left her hand over his. She watched his face as his hand caressed the mound that they both created. Now they both knew where he needed to be.
Oh, that was so good. :) I think it's neat that Cath is having another girl seeing as to how originally in the casting notes, Cath was supposed to be a single mom with two girls. :D
This is the final chapter. Finally ;) Many, many thanks to my beta Waiting for putting up with me.

This isn't exactly how I wanted this story to go, but I guess that's what I get for taking TWO YEARS to finish it. :eek:
Oh, and since it's kind of long, I had to break it up. Sorry about that mod's but this chapter was more than 20,000 characters. ;)


Catherine rested her head on his solid chest. She could feel the heart beat of her fairly new husband. She felt his hand caress her huge belly full of their daughter. It felt good to just to stand with him with no words. She took in the calmness of him and surrounded herself with it. Catherine loved the way he held her. It made her feel safe and secure.

“Catherine,” his soft quiet voice whispered above her.” I have to go.”

“Yeah, she sighed,” I know. It’s just I don’t want to let you go.”

“You know I tried to put this off as long as I could.” He continued to talk above her head.

A breeze started up as the two remained in the parking lot of the Crime Lab where Catherine was working only part time until the baby came. Her husband, Detective Tony Vartann, was taking a few days off to wrap up his life in the city he used to live, Seattle.
The house he bought for them was sitting in escrow with the promise that someday they would all live there together. Today, with Catherine’s due date 4 weeks away, he didn’t expect her to move anytime soon.

Her face winced as the baby shot a sharp quick kick into Catherine’s lower abdomen. He noticed the look on her face as her hand quickly made its way to the spot where the baby’s feet sat, right above her bladder.

She squeezed her hand over his as the pain subsided.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, she just kicked me really hard. She’s been doing that a lot lately.” Catherine looked up at her husband. “Perhaps she knows her daddy is leaving?”

“HMM” he smirked.

“It’s not like she is going anywhere soon. The doctor said she is locked up tight in there.” Catherine continued to rub her belly. She was now standing in front of her husband with a look of sadness on her face.

“I’ll be back before you know it,” He said as he stroked her face. Her rounder fuller, but still beautiful face.

“I know, I know, I have to let you leave, but I still don’t want to.” Catherine closed her eyes breathing in the calm coolness of him.

Her worries were compounded now that her new husband will be away. Pregnancy induced she suspected but she didn’t want him to worry about her either. So she smiled at him as he wiped away a piece of stray hair from her face.

“I’ll be fine,” She murmured hoping her words would make her feel better.

“I know,” he replied.

Without another word, Catherine watched her husband get into the car that he was standing next to. Her heart sank some at the sight of him walking away from her. She felt as if she wouldn’t see him again. More pregnancy worries she suspected but it still didn’t make her feel any better.

“I love you,” she mouthed to him as he took one last glance at his beautiful pregnant wife while his car rolled by then slowly sped up merging into traffic.

Her heart still felt heavy along with the rest of her body. But somehow she managed to walk her very pregnant body from the parking lot to the front of the lab.

She stopped and sighed before entering the glass doors. Inside was a whole different world, a world of crime, hate, and destruction. Things she usually liked or could tolerate, but lately was more like a place where she couldn’t wait to escape from. The only good thing about going to work lately; was that Grissom assigned her ‘desk duty’. Normally she would have hated sitting at a desk; answering the phone or waiting for lab results. She would have much rather preferred to be in the lab, solving the puzzles at it were.

But not today, she could barely bring herself in. It’s not like she didn’t absolutely LOVE her job. It’s just Catherine Willows decided that there was more to life than trying to figure out who did what to whom and why. A thought, no doubt, also brought on by being 8 months pregnant. A thought also that she would probably abandon once the baby does arrive and she was up at midnight, then 3 am then 6 am….. Then the notion of hustling her body to the Las Vegas Crime lab didn’t seem like a bad one at all.

Once seated at her ‘desk’. Another thing she missed, her old desk and office with the ducks floating around somewhere. Sitting at that particular desk made her feel useless.

Catherine felt another sharp jab to the lower part of her belly. She rubbed it quickly as the phone rang. She picked up and was almost relieved to hear Grissom on the other end of the line...

“I’m glad you are here,” she heard him smile through the phone.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She asked sort of confused by his statement.

“Oh, no reason.” Catherine ignored his pointless remark as she felt another sharp pain.
Her breath drew in as she realized that one hurt more than the other.

“What do you want?” She asked more playfully than upset hoping she was feeling more baby kicks than labor pains.

“I need you to bring me the lab results from the Taylor case. You know the one that Wendy and I are working on. You are capable of walking aren’t you?” Catherine pictured Grissom’s smirk as he sat in his office a few feet away.

“I’ll be right there,” She said as she began to hang up the phone.

“Oh, one more thing,” She heard Grissom’s voice still on the line, “when you drop of the lab results, can you bring some evidence I have back to Wendy? Thanks, I appreciate it.” Before she could say a word otherwise, Grissom hung up.

“HMPHF” Catherine groaned.

She picked herself up off her chair and began to make her way back the long hall towards Grissom’s office. Surprisingly it felt good to walk. She didn’t feel any more sharp pains, or kicks or whatever was going on inside her large belly. Today might not be so bad after all…She smiled practically bumping into Wendy.

“Oh Catherine,” Wendy exhaled grateful that in her hurried rushed state; she didn’t knock Catherine over.

After composing herself Wendy went on, “God you look great. I mean really, really great.” Wendy smiled her brightest smile at Catherine. Before she knew it, Wendy’s hand was caressing Catherine’s large stomach filling the space between the two women.

“Catherine,” Wendy the lab tech started, “I have to say, you are one of the sexiest pregnant women I have ever seen. Your belly is so huge, and round, and plump….” the tech drabbled on with both hands rubbing all over Catherine’s belly.

A smirk was all Catherine could come up with as she stood while Wendy continued to fondle Catherine.

Not even a minute later, another sharp jab forced Catherine to wince in pain. It was followed by another almost immediately then another, then another until Catherine had no choice but to grab at Wendy’s hand that was oblivious to what was happening with Catherine.

“Stop,” Catherine tried to mutter but it wasn’t loud enough. The stabbing pain in her lower abdomen was causing her to loose her breath.

Wendy finally looked up at Catherine to see a look of panic, fear, and knowing all rolled into one.

The two ladies stared at each other for a brief moment. No words needed to be spoken. Both ladies knew what was about to transpire.

Then, as if on cue, Catherine felt a small trickle run down her thigh, then it hit her knee then her calf before she even could comprehend what was happening.

A small drop of slightly pink colored liquid hit the linoleum floor. Catherine’s eyes widened as Wendy spoke first. “Catherine, you…. You….uh are leaking?” The tech asked with a worried look on her face. The brown eyed woman met still widened blue eyes of Catherine. A look of calm came over Wendy.

“It’s going to be okay,” Wendy began. “We’ll get you to a hospital. It will be okay.” She repeated to try to calm a still speechless Catherine. “Grissom,” Wendy breathed, “I’ll get Grissom. Will you be okay if I get Grissom?” She asked not expecting an answer.

Catherine’s head was now down looking at the small puddle she was leaving on the floor. She managed to nod slightly as a sign for Wendy to get help… and fast because without warning a huge plop of what can only be described as mucus somehow magically fell from between Catherine’s legs landing on the floor with an indescribable sound.

Before leaving to get Grissom, Wendy found the nearest chair. One she grabbed from the closest office and sat Catherine down in it, very slowly and gently as not to hurt or somehow disturb Catherine who both women assumed had indeed gone into labor.

Catherine looked up briefly to see Wendy’s tall lean body flash by her down the hall to where Catherine was originally headed. A small tinge of jealousy filled Catherine. She knew Wendy was very capable and smart and who, was more than likely, to be her replacement when Catherine was out with the baby.

The pains had subsided for the moment and Catherine took in a deep breath. She let her self relax into the ‘sort of’ comfy chair that Wendy retrieved for her. She laughed a little at her ironic situation; in labor, at the lab, without her husband.

She couldn’t dwell on it too much because without warning more sharp, stabbing pains began. Both her hands grasped as her belly as her head fell down again trying to relieve the pain. Thoughts of when she was in labor with Lindsey, some 16 years ago, flooded her. She tried to recall the breathing techniques her labor coach (her sister Nancy) drilled into her.

Breathe, she kept telling herself. Breathe, breathe. Everything will be okay if you just … breathe. It seemed to work for a moment because the pains subsided once more. Her head remained down as another round of pains, the worst ones yet, rolled across her stomach. Her eyes slammed shut, she forced her head down even farther until she heard a distant voice call out her name.

“Catherine,” his voice filled with alarm. “Catherine, are you okay?” She looked up just in time to see Grissom walking, sort of running, towards her, his arms almost flailing side to side. She couldn’t help but smile to see her long-time friend in such a hurried, intense way.

Grissom’s panicked voice asked his friend, “Are you okay? What can we do for you?”

Before Gil could say anything else, Catherine muttered, “I will be.” She smiled through the stabbing aches still trembling through her belly causing her body to become very still and tight.


He had been back in Vegas for quite a few months now, and Tony was sure he knew where he was going. A back road, on the other side of the I-15, out past all the new houses (which he swore weren’t there when he lived in Vegas) would take him to the airport avoiding all the traffic on The Strip. But his calculations were wrong, or his friend Dave was. Either way, Tony was lost, lost and a little put off that his personal phone not charged. The one the department issued to him was just where it should be, at the department. So he was lost, stuck on a back road with no phone.

“Great,” He sighed in disgust. “What now?”

With all fuss going on in the house, he forgot his personal phone was not charged. Some might say he should have known better since his wife was 8 months pregnant, but it honestly slipped his mind. Not a comforting thought, while he sat at a stop sign on a poorly marked county road supposedly on his way to the airport.

He couldn’t have seen it coming, no one could have, but the impact it made was permanent. The car came out of nowhere…..

The crashing sound of glass and metal was so loud it was almost deafening. There literally is no time to react when a car, traveling down the wrong way on a two-lane highway, was coming at you. Swerving was the only option, but in doing so, Tony’s car plummeted into the drainage ditch some 10 feet away. And that was exactly what happened.

His eyes remained shut as conscious though began. All the damage had been done and it only took a split second, or so it felt like. ”Open your eyes, open your eyes….” He kept muttering to himself. He was willing himself to react hoping upon hope that the worst hadn’t happened. He knew he wasn’t dead he just wanted to feel, feel something, anything to prove that he was alive.

He managed to get out of his car, by some miracle. Tony took a quick scan of his surroundings. He ignored the throb in his head and the nausea that filled his stomach.

While he stood on very wobbly legs, he started to study what was around him. More of his wife’s job as a Crime Scene Investigator than a detective’s, but he couldn’t help it. He was still in shock as to what had actually happened. His legs were unsteady. He was hit by another car on a two lane highway in the desert outside of Vegas. The other car was long gone but the tire tracks it left was sign enough of a hit and run. For a moment he thought he could smell alcohol. A possibly a ‘first instinct’ sort of thought since most traffic accidents involve alcohol.

Tony began to take a step on his shaky legs when he suddenly doubled over in pain. It was a sharp stabbing pain to his stomach. His hand grasped at his stomach as his head leaned into the side of his car. He willed himself to breathe, but his breaths were short as the stabbing pains started and stopped in intervals. It was almost like he was having labor pains.

“Catherine,” He drew in sharply between breaths.

His mind flashed over to the image of his wife, standing in the lab parking lot waving to him; her belly full of their daughter and a sad look on her face.

The little voice in the back of his head was talking to him, the one he was trying not to hear. It’s not like he didn’t want to listen but he didn’t want to know that Catherine was in labor while he was stuck out in the desert.

“Catherine,” He breathed again knowing she couldn’t hear him. It was more for his peace of mind. He couldn’t ignore it for long; more sharp pains attacked his stomach.

He closed his eyes and took in another deeper, longer breath. He thought he could smell alcohol again. A light whiff of vodka floated through the air. That’s what his wildly overactive imagination was telling him anyway. But the blood that was dripping from his forehead, that was real.


“How are you feeling?” A familiar voice asked Catherine. She was sitting up in a hospital bed with an IV in her arm.

“OOOOoooopretty……. good,” Her words slurred together.

“I see they have you on the good stuff already,” Charlotte Ross the old CSI fingerprint tech noticed of Catherine’s behavior.

“Hey, I survived the trip here.” Catherine started a very random conversation. “I don’t know what was worse, Wendy driving. Wendy never drives. The hippy girl still relies on public transportation. Or Gil seething in the back seat.
I watched his jaw tense every time I opened my mouth. He was afraid he’d have to do something, something I don’t know… like deliver a baby or something.” Catherine rattled to the now Ultrasound Tech setting up the machine around Catherine.

“Sounds like Gil. Not wanting to do anything he doesn’t have to, especially when it came to women. I know that first hand. But you know that too I guess.” Charlotte smiled to Catherine who wasn’t really paying much attention to the conversation.

“So dear, “the tech started. “You’ll be going in the delivery room in a little while. Hopefully your husband will be here by then.”

“Wait, my husband?” Catherine giggled. “He’s on his way to Seattle.” She paused trying to find the right words to the comment Charlotte had just spoken, “You know its funny; I’m not surprised that he would miss this. I love him, but I think he’s a little squeamish when it comes to these kinds of things.”

“Well, not according to Grissom. Detective Brass told Grissom that he never made it on the plane. Brass assumed that he got word that you were in labor and he was on his way here.”

The last sentence left Catherine speechless. Her drug clouded mind tried to cling to the words that the tech just uttered.

“Where is he?” Catherine asked quietly not expecting an answer.

Without notice, a group of people, mainly nurses and other hospital staff came in. Quietly and efficiently they maneuvered the bed, unhooked the machines, hooked them back up to something else, manipulated the bed so Catherine was lying down flat and began to roll the bed out of the room and down the hall much to Catherine’s amazement.

A small bit of panic filled her. Her husband was gone, missing, not to be found and she was going to deliver at any time.

“Looks like it was sooner rather than later,” Charlotte called to her friend. “I’ll see you in there,” She winked as the staff continued to roll Catherine down the hall.

It was a standard procedure. Cesareans usually are. The whole procedure was very mellow and low key. The doctor told Catherine exactly what she was going to do. Catherine relaxed her body into the table and closed her eyes. She heard voices in the room as she drifted now and again.
Here is the second half of the fic.

And there will be an epilogue to this ... eventually.
One more shout out to my awesome beta Waiting who also helped me get this done. :thumbsup:


Then, she came. She came out of Catherine’s body quietly and without trouble. A smile came to Catherine as the doctor held up Catherine’s new daughter all pink, wiggly and covered with a white sticky substance.

The room waited for the baby to make her official entrance with a cry or a scream or something to announce to the world that she had arrived. The wait seemed longer than Catherine thought as the nurses quickly worked rubbing and talking to the tiny body.

A small cry started then it got louder filling the room declaring the baby had arrived. Catherine’s smile got bigger as a tear ran down her cheek. “Finally, she’s here,” she breathed longing to hold her new daughter.


In the back of his mind, Tony knew he had to thank whoever it was that found him on the side of the road. He couldn’t remember who or what or why they even stopped, but he knew he was thankful. The older couple didn’t think twice about picking up a Las Vegas Homicide Detective form the side of the road. For all they knew (a couple who was just as lost as he was) he was on his way to the hospital to take care of his own injuries. But, he made no mention of a pregnant wife or the idea she could be in labor as they were deciding which way to go back to the city.

Finding his way to the admin desk was easy, finding his wife was a bit harder.

“I’m looking for a patient, Catherine Willows.” He shot at the first person he saw behind a desk on the Labor and Delivery floor. A quick trip to the men’s room before he approached the desk made him look much less disastrous than he felt.

A young blonde girl, girl of about 25, with big blue eyes and bubble gum pink lips fixed her eyes on him. He was in a ruffled up suit jacket and a bloodied shirt underneath. His casual jeans were soiled with a mixture of dirt and blood. He was sure anyone getting a look at him would assume that he would be in the ER not the Labor floor.

“Excuse me?” Her voice was just as bubbly as her lipstick. “What did you say the patient name was?”

“Willows,” he flung at her again, “Catherine Willows, that’s my wife’s name.” Sounding very disgruntled.

“I’m sorry, there’s no patient by that name here. Are you sure you have the right hospital? The right floor? Are you sure she’s your wife?” The young woman behind the desk asked in her bubbly tone.

“Yes, yes I am!” He almost yelled but showed some restraint not wanting to cause a scene. He sighed, pulled his hand to his hip inadvertedly flashing his LVPD shield. Something he doesn’t travel without.

“Look,” the girl started again upon seeing his badge, “What was your wife’s name again?”

“Willows, Catherine Willows. Has she delivered yet? Am I too late?” He asked feeling exhausted but reflected patience in his voice.

His patience was rewarded because after the younger woman scanned the area for another body, she started, “I’ll probably get in big trouble for this, but since you are a cop and probably fought your way to get here, am I right?” She asked eyeing his tattered attire.

All Tony could do was nod in agreement. This girl was turning out to be smarter than she looked.

“I have a Catherine Vartann. I’m assuming that’s your wife. She is the only Catherine that delivered so far today.

“Yes,” He answered sort of shocked by her choice of name. Catherine had never mentioned anything about changing her name. She has always gone by Catherine Willows, even when she was married the first time. A twang of guilt slid over him. Perhaps she did change her name and he didn’t notice? He couldn’t dwell on that now, he needed to find his wife.

He started to walk down the hall not really caring what he looked like.

“Wait, the woman called after him, “there is more.”

He stopped in his tracks. “More, what more? What more could there possibly be?” He cocked his head to the side wincing not wanting to hear anything else.

“Okay, it looks like she delivered about an hour ago, a C-section. You knew that right?” The girl started. She didn’t wait for an answer and continued, “But, according to the notes posted here,” she tapped the computer screen, “the patient had some uncontrolled bleeding…”

“What does that mean?” he snapped.

“It means,” she gently snapped back, “she’s in a bed in the recovery room, let me see if I can find out which one…” her voice trailed off.

“And the baby?” he asked feeling a bit calmer.

“The baby is in the nursery, she’s just fine.” The nurse winked.

Tony heard the clicking of the keyboard as the nurse; he assumed she was a nurse, searched for his wife in the maze of the computer.

“Mr. Vartann,” She started, “your wife is in room 534, down the hall, be sure to make your first left, and then ask the receptionist at the desk and they will direct you to her room.”

“Thank you,” He breathed as Tony started his journey down the labyrinth of the hospital floor.

He traveled down the hall which took him past the nursery. He assumed it was the nursery anyway. Men, women, parents, grandparents, and numerous family members all stared at the big window. On the other side were tiny little bodies wrapped in blankets. Blue and pink caps distinguished whether they were a boy or a girl. He should stop and see his daughter, he should, but he didn’t. Tony went straight by the nursery passing all the other people who were ogling over the babies. His first thought was of his wife.

A feeling of déjà-vu came over him. There she was, pale, unmoving, and drugged up, just like the last time she was in the hospital. The last time Catherine was in a hospital bed, something tragic had happened. This time, she looked a little more ‘alive’. It wasn’t as tragic but it still didn’t make him feel any better.

He made his way to her beside and slipped his hand over hers. He gently squeezed it hoping she would wake up from her slumber. Part of him didn’t want to wake her. That part wanted to stare at her and marvel at the fact of what she had just done for him, given birth to his daughter. Another part of him wanted her to wake up and look at him with those blue eyes of hers. The one’s that make his heart melt. He wanted to feel her light red hair in his hands.

Conflicted over what to do, he just waited. His hand remained over hers as he waited.

He waited. Waited out the plethora of people wanting to know if Catherine was okay. Grissom being the most concerned. He waited. By her bedside while the nurse came in to take care of his injury. Something he forgot about. He waited, to hear anything other than; she’s sleeping off the anesthesia.

Tony had fleeting moments when he felt he should go see his daughter. But the lump in his stomach was too hard to ignore when he looked at Catherine.
She wasn’t going anywhere, but his reserve was getting a little worn by the contrary statements made by the hospital staff.

He felt like he had gone through hell to get to where he wanted to be, right by her side. He survived a minor car accident with a drunk driver. He some how got picked up, by some slight miracle, and made it in one piece to the hospital. He wished he could say the same about Catherine.

Her body began to have some ‘life’ back into it. She didn’t look as pale or as drugged as she was when he first saw her, several hours ago. But the knot in his stomach didn’t go away. The overwhelming amount of guilt he felt wouldn’t disappear until she woke up to see their new daughter. So he didn’t leave her bedside.

Sleep took over him. Or what seemed liked sleep despite what the nurse told him. Not to fall asleep within an hour after receiving a head trauma. Thoughts of what would have happened had he actually caught the plane to Seattle. Perhaps she wouldn’t have gone into labor? Thoughts of him being there as the baby was delivered made him sort of nauseous. Tony never considered himself the squeamish type, but that thought made his stomach roll. But it was several hours after his minor accident and his body couldn’t resist any longer.

Less than an hour passed when he felt something on his hand. He jumped some out of his chair and immediately looked to see Catherine. She had woken up and was moving around some. She reached out for him and he took her hand.

“Hey,” she said sleepily. Catherine studied him, the cut above his left eye, his disheveled clothes and his badge attached to his hip. His detective badge was his ticket out of any situation just about anywhere Catherine quickly learned about her husband.

“You look like hell.” She joked. “But, I’m glad you are here.”

“Have you seen her?” He immediately questioned. His eyebrows scrunched together knowing of course Catherine has seen her, the baby came out of her.
“I’m sorry, I’m not good a this sort of thing.” He apologized.

“No, it’s okay. Have you seen her?” Catherine asked him with anticipation on her face.

His face fell. He felt heavy as her eyes looked at him. His silence gave her his answer.

“I… I wanted to come right to you. I wasn’t sure what was going on. They said unexpected bleeding, so I came right here.” Tony sort of mumbled trying not looking at her.

“Well,” Catherine started. He did manage to look her way as she struggled trying to sit up. He reached out to help her adjust her pillow. She settled back down satisfied with her position on the bed.

“She looks like you.” Catherine focused her blue eyes on her husband again. “Her hair is dark and her skin is darker than mine. But it’s her eyes…” Catherine stopped. It was getting hard for her to talk. Weakness came over her. She tried too much too soon after recovering from the anesthesia and more.

While she was in the operating room, she bled and bled. So much so that they had to physically stop the bleeding by inserting a stitch into her. The loss of blood made Catherine so weak after a routine delivery that she sort of drifted off into a drug induced sleep. It was a hard change waking up after such a procedure. She leaned her head back into her newly adjusted pillow.

“She has your eyes.” Catherine stated before closing her own eyes letting her body relax back into the bed.

“Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you…” He whispered to his wife. “I moved back to Vegas so I could be near you, and I wanted to see you grow, grow with our child.” He closed his eyes.

“You and Lindsey and the baby…. They are my life,” He admitted. He slumped back into the chair he was sitting in. Feeling oddly familiar to when Catherine was in the hospital after loosing the twin. The hospital must be the place for revelations he thought.

A comfortable silence grew between them. She reached out for him again and he held her hand. He watched her settle into her bed as she closed her eyes. Her face began to regain its color and her lips, her wonderful glorious lips became pink again. Without a word, he leaned over and gave them a gentle kiss.

They remained silent, sitting quietly next to each other. Catherine knew this would be one of the few times for the next several years that they would be surrounded by quietness.

Without warning, Lindsey barged into the room very happy and giddy.
Her energy filled the room as Catherine smiled at her older daughter.

“Mom, I’m glad you are awake. Where is the baby? Can I see her? Can I? Grandma wants to see her too. She went to track down a nurse” Lindsey rattled as she walked toward the bed.

‘Oh, what’s her name?” Lindsey asked almost without taking a breath.

Catherine and Tony looked at each other. A smirk came across her face, and Catherine felt the need to sit up again this time with success. “I haven’t pinpointed a name just yet,” the new mother said. “I wanted to see her and look at her before I … I mean we decided.” Catherine smiled at Tony.

He swiped his chin with his hand and said, “Honestly, I haven’t thought of a name either.”

“There is one name that stood out for me,” Catherine started. “I hoped you would like it,” She said to Tony.

“What name is that?” Lilly Flynn walked in the room at that time. “And what do you mean you haven’t named her yet?” Ms. Flynn stated in her most perfect condescending fashion.

“Samantha Grace,” Came out of Catherine’s mouth. “After Sam, my father.”

Catherine’s very opinionated, outspoken mother stopped right in her tracks. There wasn’t a single thing she could say.

More disruptions came when a nurse, the hospital is overrun with nurses but it was extremely hard to track down a doctor, wheeled in a small plastic crib-like thing. Inside was the small being that the whole room was waiting to see.

In a seamless motion, the nurse picked up the baby and handed it to her mother. Catherine beamed at the sight of her new daughter wrapped in a white blanked with green elephants and a small pink hat.

“Let’s see, 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Not bad for a baby 4 weeks early.” The nurse noted on the chart. “I’m sure she’ll want to eat soon.” And with that news, the nurse left.

The room fell quiet again. All the occupants silently waited for the little body to do something as the baby slept peacefully in her mother’s arms.

Lindsey, who was feeling sort of put out, wanting to hold and see her new sister gently and gracefully (much to Catherine’s pleasure) took the infant from her mother’s arms and sat in the chair across the room holding her new sister.

Lindsey started at the baby with quiet contentment while Catherine rested some more. Tony stayed in his place watching Lindsey with the child.

“I have something to say,” Lindsey broke the silence. “I wanted to say this for a long time…”

“What’s that,” Catherine asked cutting off her older daughter.

“Finally!” Lindsey declared.