Prove it!


Head of the Swing Shift
Premium Member
You know, I've been reading throught the thread for the last CSI episode "Spellbound" and I've noticed a fairly obvious fact.

The episode focuses mainly on Grissom, Greg and a little bit of Warrick. And so, predicatably, all the Greg fans loved it, all the Grissom loved it, and all the Greg-Grissom shipper fans loved it as well. :lol:

Regardless, I noticed the week before, in "The Unusual Suspects" all the Nick, Sara and Nick/Sara shippers thought it was great, but all the Grissom fans in particular poo-pooed it.

I personally thought last week's was a better written episode and stylistically better, but I enjoyed both.

OK, so let me get to my point: Do most of you just watch the show to see your faves, or can you actually enjoy a solid episode, despite the fact that your favourite character was on "days off" or whatever? Because if the episode reviews by posters are anything to go by, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Now I am a Nick fan through and through, but even though he made no appearance in "Spellbound", I still thought it was a decent episode. And I can name quite a few episodes where he's absent, or doesn't figure particularly prominently in the episode that I thought were really good. "Jackpot" comes to mind right away. That episode was brilliant and entertaining from start to finish. It was an interesting story (placing Grissom outside his comfort zone and his lab), had strong secondary characters (Henry Czerny as the sheriff was brilliant) and the dialogue was particularly sharp in the episode. I truly loved this one and I can watch it over and over.

But I worry; can you folks not enjoy an episode that doesn't have much or maybe even any of your fave(s) in it?
Yes you can, you say? So PROVE IT! ;)

Name some episodes you enjoyed purely because they were just damned good shows!

This goes for all 3 CSI series. :) So come on, impress me. There's nothing wrong with having favourites- I definitely have mine. But prove to me there's more to you all then just shipping instincts and the ability to appreciate a hot bod or handsome/pretty face. Prove to me you're a true CSI fan! :D
Oh, cool thread. And I am the first to reply! :D

Okay, I am a huge Lindsay fan from New York she is actually my favorite character. But I just love the first season of NY. I mean, all the cases were so different, we got to see all the characters really interact with suspects and victims which was really great.

One episode in particular was 'Crime and misdemeanor' and it was Stella's case. I love the fact that the woman they found dead died for no reason. That was really realistic since in every day real life, people are killed for no apparent reason and that not everything is a perfect trail back to the victims ex or a jealous friend.
Well, My #1 fave is Archie, #2 would be Greg and #3 Warrick. That said...I LOVE many of the first season eps (before Archie ever joined the cast). "Invisible Evidence", "Butterflied", "Stalker" and "Anonymous" are high on my list of faves. Yes, my Thursday evening is made a little brighter when a certain A/V tech gets a little bit of screen time/dialogue and when a certain DNA-tech-turned-CSI enjoys a moment in the sun (or moon, in their case)...hence eps like "Random Acts of Violence", "Feeling The Heat", "Iced" and "Kiss-Kiss Bye-Bye" also rank among my favorites. All of the above and so many more "CSI" eps are so wonderfully written and acted all-around, that if my faves are absent or in the background, I can still enjoy what's there, knowing next week or the week after that my faves will be more present, that Greg and Archie will put their impressive noggins together and solve a big case or Warrick will get a decent storyline...

Well, as I said, hope springs eternal. :cool:
My Favorite Character is Grissom and yes I watch the show for other then Just Grissom.
3 eppies I liked
The Unusual Suspect-Reason the eppie was well written and I loved it. I hate that little super genious girl though.And I liked the dumb found at the end. Now they can charge the Brother anymore for murder cause you can only charge a man once with the same thing.
Gum Drops-Awesome eppie. The story line was such a good one. And this eppie proves that even with out Grissom the show is still interesting.
Blood Drops-Well Wriiten and the Case was so well done.I still don't forgive the father for raping the his own Daughter's daughter.
Okay I'm a die hard Jim Brass fan (right as if it's not obvious :lol:) and I admit I watch the show mainly for him but last weeks episode (with no Brass whatsoever) I thought was great. Also I thoroughly enjoyed Gum Drops which also had no Brass. I guess maybe if there's no Jimmy I love episodes that center around Nick. I mean he is after all my second favorite on the show followed by Grissom and Catherine for third. But I do prefer episodes that have enough Brass to satisfy me and Thursday's episode did. :D
I like Mac and Stella best but do follow it even when they aren't involved quite as much. I'm curious about some upcoming stuff that centers around Danny but even if they aren't in as much as I'd like, I'm anxious for the plotline anyway.
My favorite of the CSI series shows is Miami--but I still watch all three religiously.
In Miami my favorite character is Horatio (which is obvious) and it's rarely NOT centered around him--which bothers me sometimes. However, when it isn't as in s4's 'Three Way' even his non-fans seem a little thrown off. Still it was a great episode. Without spoiling if for those of you who haven't seen it, I liked how the case was approached from 3 different views. I hardly even noticed that H was hardly there.
I guess it just bothers me more that I'm used to all the characters being in one episode, with an 'A' and 'B' and sometimes 'C' case, and when some of the main characters are missing, it feels like something is, well, amiss. I like all the characters equally, but I feel like I'm missing out on possible character interactions or character grown because they're not all there. If that makes any sense at all.
^^^ Fine, but you're not "proving it"- the point of the thread. ;)

I'm thinking Greg may be your fave, judging by your avatar... but can you handle an episode when he's not in it? Can you apppreciate any episodes based soley on their own merit, without Greg to perk it up for you?
Of course, because there's things I like about all the characters. I do miss Greg when he's not around, but I can still enjoy an episode he's not in. While they were both good episodes, I liked "Unusual Suspect" better than "Spellbound," to be honest. And Greg wasn't in "Unusual Suspect" at all.

Good enough for you? ;)
Wow this is a very interesting topic... For me is different I have only be a CSI fan for a couple of months and it all started with the episode "Still life" in season 6 i wasnt really into the characters i was more into the story and figuring out the murder until i started watching it more and more and now i have all 5 seasons and my favorite actor is Jorja Fox and my favorite character is Gil Grissom but now im more into the episode if Jorja and William are in beacause im just waiting for them to hook up so for me i guess now im more into who and who is going to be in the episode but of course i really like an episode when all the MAIN characters are in it.
when one of my favorites is missing, its hard to like it as much, i still watch every ep, and there wont be an ep that i wont watch just because my favorites are not in it

i love all the characters, but i almost subconsciously have favorites, so although i may throughly enjoy an episode, for me, i find ones without my "subconscious" favorites harder to watch over and over again as those that are heavy in my favs

i was really thinking about this before i even saw this thread because i was thinking about how now that they are one team again, and with the addition of greg, you cant help but have eps that one or two people wont be seen in very much, which bugs me, i have favorites, but i do like seeing them all

for example, "Spellbound" the whole premise wasnt my favorite, but it was even harder to watch, for me, becuase there was no sara, who is one of my favs, not to start a whole argument on the subject, but i missed her, and her not being in it made it less appealing to me

i watch every CSI ep(of all 3 shows, pathetic i know :rolleyes: ) because i love them all, but i will watch a certain ep more than others because it has my favorites, i will watch "butterflied" more than "spellbound" becuase, it is GSR, but also plently of sara and grissom, my favs

i knew that there wouldnt be much sara, if any at all, in "spellbound", but i watched it anways because it was CSI

so to finally answer the question, i can watch any ep, and i do, but i will watch more of the ones with my favs than the ones without, so its not a question of will i watch it, i will, more of will i like it a lot, or only a little and how many times will i watch it :lol:

so am i a true fan? ;) or just crazy :lol:
I have two fave CSIs: Grissom and Sara....non-shipping!! I like all the CSIs, but I love how those two can think outside the box when necessary.

That said. I have enjoyed episodes in which they did not appear. I loved the epi ELLIE when Grissom leaves Warrick in charge...and Grissom was gone!!! Even though it spun Miami, I liked CROSS-JURSIDICTIONS, in which I don't recall seeing Sara. And I was so engrossed in the most recent epi, SPELLBOUND, that I didn't notice Sara wasn't in it. For me, if it's a good storyline, it doesn't matter who solves the case.
My favourite character is defintely Grissom: I've loved him since day one. I might not agree with the way TPTB treated him over the years, but that doesn't change my feelings for him. :)
'Jackpot' two seasons ago is up in my top ten list of all-time favourites, a whole episode evolving around Grissom.
But I also enjoy eps where he is absent. 'Gum Drops' is one of those, it had a strong storyline and I liked how the team handled the case without him. Same goes for 'Unusual Suspect'. The story was cleverly put together, so I didn't really 'care' who handled the case. It handed quite registered with me till after the episode that Grissom wasn't in it.
Or back in Season two, 'Ellie'. Grissom is in it for what, three minutes? So what?! Still a good episode.

I can get a bit touchy ,though, when it comes to my 'ship. I'm a huge GSR-'shipper and sometimes, I watch an episode just to see if there's any GSR at all.
I usually watch these episodes for a second time then, to get my head round the case, but the first sitting is mostly about the GSR. I'm not angry when there's no sign of it, I mean, how could I be?
I guess that makes me something of a junkie, waiting for signs of GSR, needing my fix first and THEN taking a closer look at the case. :D