Private Practice

Woah, what a great episode. I totally loved it. I think that the chacacters should have more personal cases like this.
I think I don't like Charlotte. She was always okay to me, but I'm tired of her personality, she's so mean, she's never kind, never smiles. She shouldn't behave like that towards Cooper.
I really disliked Archer when he first appeared on Private Practice, but now that we see more of his personality and his relationship with Addie, I must say I like him. I hope he will be okay.
Violet telling everyone about her pregnancy... I'm glad she finally did that. I didn't particularly like Pete and Sheldon's reaction. Dell was so cute helping her! *melts*

IMPORTANT: if you guys want to see the next episode, you need to watch the upcoming episode of Grey's Anatomy!
I never knew that Addi and Archer were so close. That episode made me so sad. I can't wait to see what will happen in the next episode. I agree with what you said about Charlotte.
I'm not saying I hate Charlotte, I just think that my personality is really far from hers, that's why I find her too weird and dismissive. But that's okay, I still love the show, and there's always a character on each show that you don't really like.

Have you guys seen the promo about the crossover? OMG. Spoiler.
is that supposed to be a kiss? I hope not, and I highly doubt that it'll actually turn out as a kiss. Derek has his own life in Seattle and I don't see why Addie and Derek should kiss. IMHO Addison shouldn't have a relationship with anyone on Grey's Anatomy anymore, because that would lead back there over and over again. And now Private Practice does have its own way, I think it's totally unnecessary. Has any of you guys seen the article about the crossover? There's a pic with Addison and Mark, it looks like flirting, but also, Mark has his own life, too. We'll see, we'll see. in 3 days.
I don't even know what to think about the crossovers. I'm definitely excited about those two eps, but that might make people think "I liked Addison better when she was on Grey's... Private Practice sucks, I'm not gonna watch it anymore." OR maybe Grey's will make PrP more popular. Who knows, bt IMHO the Grey's Anatomy lead-in is totally enough to make PP have more watchers.
I didn't like Charlotte in the beginning , then I got to liking her being with Cooper and still want those two together but her attitude is getting very old. I wish she would try seeing it from his standpoint. I think she is just a very private person and I understand that but sometimes you have to give to get.
DID ANYBODY ELSE HEAR WHAT CHARLOTTE SAID? Sorry for the uppercase letters, but I'm totally shocked! She gets Cooper and Violet's relationship! Woah! Charlotte King, well done. Still, she's so stubborn and cold.
The baby of the Private Practice case! God, I had never seen such a cute baby before! Those baby faces totally cracked me up :D
The crossover episodes were great, though I thought they'd be more emotional. I'm glad Archer lives, I thought he was going to die. Those worms were absolutely disgusting! :eek:
Does anybody else think that Bailey was kinda flirty when talking to Sam?
I loved the way the were having fun at Joe's. The way Addison danced is... *shuts up* *drools*
There should have been more Callie/Addie scenes.
Overall, those two eps were great.
I totally loved the crossovers...:thumbsup:
I was kinda disappointed they fixed Archer so fast without more drama, I expected Shonda to let us hang another episode, although this cliffhanger is evil too.
What I liked the most was Addie talking to Derek "This time I need you to be a God" :eek: Kate was brilliant in that scene.And the scene at Joe's was soo much fun :lol:
As much as I love Violet and Cooper the way they are now, I feel kinda sorry for Charlotte, I'm really curios who the father is; Shelodn? Pete? or Sheldon? :confused:
I'm so excited for the new episodes:eek:
I'm so thrilled that Cooper moved in with Violet. I used to ship them, but I've recently come to realize that I like them a lot better as friends than I ever will as romantic partners. Regardless, I was getting tired of watching Cooper/Charlotte and have been greatly missing the Cooper/Violet banter pre-Charlotte. So this move makes me pretty damn happy.

They were awesome/adorable in the most recent episode with the post-partum psychosis mom, too. I love when he gave her a hug.
I totally loved the crossovers...:thumbsup:
I was kinda disappointed they fixed Archer so fast without more drama
Yes, I totally agree. I also thought he was going to die, so I'm glad he's alive.
I didn't even know that the crossover stuff would be continued this week! I thought that the last episodes of GA and PP were the crossovers.
The new promo is awesome, I watched it with this face: O_O Can't wait until Friday, when I'm actually able to watch Wednesday's episodes.

My favourite scene was the church scene with Addison and Callie.

"You're an awesome doctor, you save babies. God knows who you are." - Callie Torres.
More recently, when Addie and the gang got back to the practice, after Addie found out about Archer cheating on her, and she was talking with Pete. I ship Addie and Pete, and obviously was happy about this little moment. Haven't seen much between the two of them for a while now, nothing like that first kiss way back when... *shiver*

And as for Violet and Cooper, YAY! I like the two of them together, whether they're just friends or more. It's going to be an interesting time when they move in and the baby comes. I wonder if the arrival will bring any more feelings on either side about the other to the forefront?
About Thursday's episode:
I totally loved it. It's like... my favourite episode in season 2. I loved the tension between Noah and Addison. Noah shouldn't feel anything for anyone else but his wife, end of story. I just loved the scene where he took Addison's hand. Chemistry! :D
I was a little annoyed by the time running so fast, lol. Violet is weird. She is acting like the baby doesn't have a father, like it's her OWN.
Could Dell be any more adorable?
Any thoughts about the season finale?

I'm still a bit dazed. That cliffhanger was horrible! I really hope Violet is going to be okay. I was really happy she finally chose to be with Pete but then that lunatic shows up at her doorstep! I admit I was worried about that crazy woman, touching Violet's belly and all, but I didn't expect her wanting to do such a terrible thing.

The worst part for me was Cooper standing by the door, keys in the lock, he receives a call from Charlotte and leaves. *Noooo!* He hears Violet whimper but still leaves. *Nooooooooo!*

I wonder if Charlotte will change now she got the sack. Being told you have no heart must hurt. Or it could be she's just upset about being layed-off and chose to ignore the reason why. With Charlotte you never know. :rolleyes:

It was sad to see Heather in such a bad shape. Selling your own daughter... Poor Dell!

Sam finally admitted to Naomi that he's still in love with her. That was about time! Maybe Naomi's choice to leave the practice will be just what they need.

The chemistry between Addison and Noah is getting boring. They decided to be together but then Addison changes her mind. I don't think it was a well thought-out choice but I hope she sticks to it.

The writers sure have a great imagination. Some story lines are a bit far-fetched but still I keep watching. :lol:
I really hope Addy and Noah don't get together for the simple fact of - she's done this before. She knows where it ends. Learn from your mistakes, girl! As for Violet, sweet Violet, I really hope Pete visits and finds her soon because if she doesn't get help quickly after that bitch cuts out the baby she's going to bleed out. Cooper and Charlotte - Don't really know how I feel about these two. I have always hated Charlotte but now the writers are changing her and muddying up my feelings. I still think Addison and Pete should be together. Not Violet and Pete.
Ok I'm falling in love with this show and OMG I just watched the season finale.

The crazy woman is just a psychopath :eek:. She's way too scary. It was like watching a horror movie. But oh god, I loooooooooved it!!
It was a fantastic cliffhanger and there are so many possible ways to go on with this storyline. I really can't wait to see what TPTB will come up with.

Cooper....I was "you, idiot!!". He even heard her whimper and didn't do anything :scream:. But hey he was going back to his Charlotte (yeah yeah I love these two, I find them tooo adorbale, and I was quite mad when he moved to Violet :p). Poor Charlotte too, btw. She's my fav. character along with Addison and I can't believe that man said she had no heart :(

I can't wait for Pete to rescue Violet and his (??) baby, though I prefer him with Addison.

As for Addison and Noah, well I'm not a fan of these two since I don't see the same chemistry she has with Pete, but I'm looking forward to seeing where this relationship is heading to, especially after Morgan figured it out ;)
I don't know who it is, as I haven't been to my favourite PP boards for a while, the last thing I heard was it's one of the women. I was thinking maybe it's Violet, but now I'm thinking it's Charlotte, because Naomi would replace her. I just don't think that Amy Brenneman would leave the show, because she has more and more fans every day.

The season finale was awesome. I was watching it with my BFF and we were holding each other's hands the entire time. That woman is really scary, I hope Violet will be okay. For some reason, I didn't like her till now, but now I do, she can't die! *begs to Shonda*
I could possibly write a very very long preview of the finale, but I won't because I s'pose y'all saw it :D It was amazing, I just can't wait for the new season.
I don't know who it is, as I haven't been to my favourite PP boards for a while, the last thing I heard was it's one of the women. I was thinking maybe it's Violet, but now I'm thinking it's Charlotte, because Naomi would replace her. I just don't think that Amy Brenneman would leave the show, because she has more and more fans every day.
NOOOOOOOOOOO. You just can't give me this kind of news :(.
Well as far as we know Amy Brenneman is not going to leave the show so Violet is going to survive. Well the problem remains "what about the baby?".
As for Charlotte...I must have missed something :cardie:. As far as I know, she's still the chief of the St. Ambrose hospital. She may have lost her job in the practice, but what about her usual job? I mean I've never seen her quitting the other job, though she was more and more absent.
Yeah I don't want KaDee to leave the show :p.
Well, I don't think I'd be able to cope with anyone from the show leaving....except for Naomi, who I've learnt to dislike during s2 :lol:

I hope Violet will be okay. For some reason, I didn't like her till now, but now I do, she can't die!
Totally agree with you. She grew up on me and I do enjoy her character now, much more than I used to before.