To my one rommmate: Grr...you're not my mother! Like yeesh, you're acting like such a mother latley! "Stop fighting otherwise you can't leave!" "Someone do the dishes!" Like grr...
To a teacher: If you yell at me on Monday I am going to scream so loud I'll break a window!
To my other roommate: Grr...what's with you latley. You're all grumpy...for goodness sakes you just threw a plate and it was like 2 inches away from my head! Now it's all broken near my feet...and I don't want to clean it up! Yeesh!
To a teacher: If you yell at me on Monday I am going to scream so loud I'll break a window!
To my other roommate: Grr...what's with you latley. You're all grumpy...for goodness sakes you just threw a plate and it was like 2 inches away from my head! Now it's all broken near my feet...and I don't want to clean it up! Yeesh!