Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Where I live the drinking age is 19... in fact, 21 in the U.S. is the highest drinking age in the world, apparently.

I'm not a huge beer fan, anyways. Makes for some funny incidents when somebody opens a beer bottle and the foam spurts from the top and soaks the person. ;)

There was a beer bottle on my lawn one day, and I ran over it with the lawn mower. :( Guess I wasn't paying attention. :rolleyes:

Preferred method of drinking beer: 'shotgunning' ;) Gets it over with faster. :lol:
jorja_fan86 said:
I cannot vote in this poll as I loathe beer. I'm a rum & breezer kinda gal. *ducks flying beer bottles* Doesn't it taste the same no matter how you drink it?

Umm... it's bit same than... coffee tastes different if you put sugar in it instead of putting sugarbit to to your mouth and the drinking coffee. So no, not the same :p

I learnt to drink beer a year ago and learnt it well :lol:
needmorecsi said:
What's wrong woith cans instead of bottles.

The difference lies in the taste of the beer, when it comes out of a can it tastes like metal. It's just like drinking beer out of a plastic cup. It just ruins it, I think. Hey some people care about the taste of wine (for me wine is wine), I'm a profound beer-drinker (beer is not just beer) :p

Here you have to be 16 to drink beer, and well, I'm 23 and my dad was my beer-tutor.. he was like: "you're off to college, you must learn to drink beer! It's the cheapest you can get." I hated it in the beginning, but see where it got me now :p

Oh and Ducky, I got another tip on that '0.33l in a 0.33 glass' thing you mentioned earlier. You shouldn't just pour it into your glass.. hold the glass in a 45 degrees angle, carefully pour your beer into it till it reaches the rim, put your glass straight and pour the remainder into it, then you get a nice foamy head with real beer underneath instead of all foam :)
allmaple said:
i cant pick because i cannot drink beer, i think it tastes disgusting. *please dont throw things!* :lol:
my brother told me this year i wasnt allowed to watch the superbowl unless i had a beer, so he gave me a sleamens and it was so bitter it took me the entire game to finish one bottle
^^Me too !!! I don't like how beer tastes and I was never capable of drinking an entire one... :lol:
And drinks taste much better in bottles than in cans.
I like it for a month. Because if you drink it like water it's ace :p But when you drink 1 sip per 5 mins, well, it's not too good.
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