Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I grew up in a very religious background, and they taught us not to believe in ghosts. So i guess i never have. But sometimes i wonder if maybe ghosts or other supernatural things DO exist.
I'll probably be in the minority here, but yes, I do believe in ghosts. :lol:

I don't think they're everywhere, but I do believe on the odd occasion they have been known to drop by. :p
I may have encountered one when I was younger. It was like a white silhouette of a man. I'm still not sure what to make sense of what I saw, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a white blanket, or smoke, or plastic bag. And no, I wasn't high (don't do drugs) nor drunk at the time.

In other words, I really don't know what my stand is regarding ghosts, but I'm more inclined to believe in them.
Ohhh yeah I do. We are never alone in a room. :devil: No, I'm not talking about me peeping through your window :lol:. I've seen my share of weird-ness.
So spirits are the same as ghosts? I guess I do. I've never seen one. I lived next to a cemetary once and tried to peep through the window to see if I could see a ghost hopping by but nothing...I've heard enough ghost stories to think they exist and I've always been interested in all things supernatural. But I hope I don't see anyone else when I look into the mirror :eek:
Yup I do. I always think when I'm watching things like Supernatural if there are actual people that do fight demons and ghosts as their life. Like when I'm watching 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' as well... I'm strange I know.

But I have no evidence to prove that ghosts aren't real, also none to prove they are. It's a very hazy subject for evidence...
i havent had personal experiences, but i believe people that say they have. when i was in new orleans 4 years ago (the supposed most haunted city in america) we went on a ghost tour to these haunted places and heard the stories. you definately get a funky vibe from some of those buildings, the tour guide said shed heard the 'cosmic voice' (thats what the call it when ghosts talk) outside this one building where a family had been murdered. it said 'go away'. :lol: i dont know if it means anything but my camera would not work when i wanted to take a picture of this building :confused: maybe the spirits are camera shy
i love watching stories about hauntings that are sometimes on discovery or tlc. i dont think the videos are faked, there was one of a man who gets attacked by the ghost in his house. they caught it on tape, scratches just appeared on his arms and face, and then got deeper and deeper until they bled. i had to turn it off because i was alone in the house and got scared :lol:
whew, that was a lot of typing to answer a simple poll question :D
I think i get what ive got (you could call it a gift) from my family it has been passed down 1woman in each line. It comes from my graet great grandmother jones then my great nan has it then my great aunty then my aunty my mums sister has got it and then there is me I hope to pass it on to my little girl when I have one.
I was watching Jetix channel one day (hee,I was bored) and there was Sonic X on so I thought I do this triple poll ;)
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