Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Oooh. I dont like to wear flip-flops, having had a horrible expierence with it, I dont want to try out sandals. :lol: Maybe in a few years time. :p AMD I KNOW YOU MUST ENVER NEVER NEVER EVER WEAR SOCKS WITH SANDALS! NO WAY JOSE! :p
yeah never gonna happen. I only wear flip flop sandals also so I can't and even if I could I wouldn't. Well toe socks but they pwn everything and are awesome.
I don't, but my dad does! He wears shorts, socks and 'Jesus sandals' as I call them - looks awful! I try to stay as far away from him as possible...
lol i believe in the supernatural, I have always believed in it. I have had a personal experience with the supernatural but not ghosts. I sometimes dream what is to come (like a premanition) Ill be talking to someone and ill now what they are going to do or say next because I have already seen it. You all must think im weird lol
Nope, I don't believe in ghosts. I guess it's cause I never encountered one but still, the whole thought doesn't appeal to me.
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