Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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yeah, im gonna have to say thats pretty weird :lol:
my parents usually put roasted garlic or somthing in mashed potatoes so theyre not plain. but if they ever are i sometimes put ranch dressing in them. i guess thats kind of weird too, but deliciously weird. :D
I remember at school when teachers gave me a strange look when they saw me putting ketchup on mashed potatoes :lol:
Man, I ALWAYS have ketchup on my mashed spuds! :D

Ducky, you should come and live in England with me - that sort of thing isn't weird over here, so you'd fit right in! :D :lol:
You kidding? :lol: I love putting ketchup on Mashed Potatoes. Well, most of the time, I put Chilli on it. Since I'm quite a Chilli eater, I put LOADS of it and man, I'm in heaven :D. Mom thinks it's disgusting! :p
wibble said:
Man, I ALWAYS have ketchup on my mashed spuds! :D

Ducky, you should come in live in England with me - that sort of thing isn't weird over here, so you'd fit right in! :D :lol:

You know... I put milk to my tea and here people think it's weird :rolleyes:

*huggles everyone who puts ketchup on mashed potatoes*
Now I know I'm not that strange :D
DaWacko said:
wibble said:
Man, I ALWAYS have ketchup on my mashed spuds! :D

Ducky, you should come in live in England with me - that sort of thing isn't weird over here, so you'd fit right in! :D :lol:

You know... I put milk to my tea and here people think it's weird :rolleyes:

Um...this has only just occured to me, but if you don't put milk in it, what do you put in it? :confused: Without milk it must be strong enough to stand a spoon up in it :eek:

No, wait...don't tell me, you Finns make tea with alcohol :lol: :lol: (especially the Finlandia :lol: ).
milk in tea? i used to do that when i was little, but now just some kandis (little rocks of cane sugar) is all i need.
wibble said:
Man, I ALWAYS have ketchup on my mashed spuds! :D

Ducky, you should come and live in England with me - that sort of thing isn't weird over here, so you'd fit right in! :D :lol:
:lol: Ketchup on mashed potatoes is very normal over here in Englad. In fact it's really not the 'done' thing not to put Ketchup on your mash. :p

I voted 'Yes'! Dude it's not to weird for me. :D
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