Poetry, Anyone?

This is an old poem I found on the comp. Wrote it around the age of 16 I think, but it could have been before or after.

The Cold

Cold is creepin’ up my back
Hair is standing up my neck
Feel I’m slowly losing track
Can’t gain control and can’t go back

Eyes’re heavily fluttering shut
Light is drawing and so hot
Feel the pressure of my blood
Pulsing through the deepest cut

Fingers stiff and cold as ice
Brain has never felt so wise
Bravely done my exercise
Now I have to pay the price

Conscious finally getting lost
Never more will I trust
Don’t wanna go there but I must
Always failed to be the best
In the dark, when wandering astray.
Let your heart lead the way.
It's the compass that leads you through,
the little whisper who always speaks true.
It's the drop of passion,
and the trickle of courage.
The wind of hope,
and the breeze of freedom.
It'll always give you,
the chance to get through.
All you have to do,
is the walking.

I hope you guy's like it. Please tell me what you think.
A poem I wrote for my girlfriend:


I need her. I need her at night, I need her in my bed, I need her warmth, her skin, her body close to mine.

I need her hair in my face, the sweetened scent of her shampoo reminding me that this is home, that I am in a safe place.

Her drowsy voice laden with sleep, whispering terms of endearment meant only for me to hear.

Her eyes, oceans of blue washing away my fears, filling me up and making me whole again.

Instead there is nothing. Nothing but cold air enveloping fragile skin, turning hot breath into vapor, irreversibly dissipating into darkness.

I pray for light but dawn is miles away.
This is for my girlfriend. My soulmate and the woman I'd always dreamed of having in my life.

I Have Loved You For A Thousand Lifetimes

I have loved you for a thousand lifetimes,
And I will love you for a thousand more.
Two souls that for eternity were one
And for all times united at the core.
Today I received the most beautiful poem from my girlfriend, at first I wanted to keep it to myself because I felt so special about it but then I wanted the whole world to read it and know what a wonderful artist my grilfriend is :D I'm so proud of her and feel so flattered about someone writing something like that for me :)

I have loved you with a ferocity I had not known before

I have called on you with yearning eyes to hold me for all times

Your soul has quietly answered mine and blissfully complied

Your body rests beside me as youthful skin developes lines
Where have all the poets gone? Or the readers for that matter...

I came up with this at work, cause work is dull and I'm missing my girlfriend.

In the comfort of your arms
Is where I do belong
With the beating of your heart
I feel I can be strong

Forget about the outside world
And truly just be me
I've never felt this loved before
I've never felt so free

I want to write big words to you
But empty is my head
I try so hard and feel so small
For writing this instead

Just tiny rhymes, not worth a dime
Yet precious they're for you
'Cause even if my words are small
At least they are all true
I have one thats kinda dorky, but i made it when my boyfriend and I broke up when ever i get sad i write stuff down and then eventually i add piano or guitar too it.. but anyway here it is.

Forgotten Love
Ill never kiss your lips, touch your hair
stare at your smile, or dance with you again
Ill never giggle at your lame jokes
or run down a hallway just to hug you
I'm over you, but your still not forgotten
Ill allways be here when you need a friend or want
a look into the past
I'm over you, but your still not forgotten

Dark tresses neatly in a bun
Two lives merged lovingly as one
White satin smoothly covers skin
Two words emerging from within

Before the world they take a stand
Proclaiming love and no demand
Forever though seems long a time
And promises do easily decline

But life is all too short to waste
To play it all just mighty safe
A leap of faith sometimes is right
And that is why I'll be your bride.
the sun, the moon, and all the stars
the universe so old it jars
the heaven, hell and inbetween
how could i once think they were mean

they put you right in front of me
for all the world so easily to see
and gave us courage to stay true
they knew I'd fall in love with you

now here we are still going strong
a love that seems to know no wrong
our life we pledged to share together
my hand in yours will rest forever
Okay, so I've spent a whole month working and that gave me a lot of time to think and to write poems in between.

Here is a small selection:


I try to write big poetry
Frustrating it is much
That language can't convey my love
The way that could my touch

A great relief it is to know
That you feel just the same
It's not our limitated brains
But lack of vocab that's to blame

Someone should please invent new words
More powerful than “love”
More meaningful than "I need you"
Such words are not enough


I love how you feather my soul with kisses
and make me feel so safe
you blow my mind with simple words
You're in my heart engraved


When the nights are long and it's cold outside
When the clouds resolve and the stars gleam bright
When the air is bleak and all noise subdued
I wanna lie right next to you


Outside it's raining heavily
But in my heart you shine
So brightly and so beautiful
So pretty and devine


I want to make the world stand still
make all its noise subside
so i can concentrate on you
and hear your thoughts inside


you are the one that makes me whole
you are the thing I can't control
you are the one that I had missed
before I knew that you exist


well, I'd say that's enough... the rest is way beyond PG anyway :devil:

all dedicated to Rainy :D
Where have the poets gone?

I wrote a little something about my sweetheart:

You are so very cute and furry
I have to pet and have to curry
I always need to kiss and cuddle
My friend, you get me in a fuddle

You cause the strangest noise in me
Every day you make me squee
I grab you when you pass me by
Because you're such a cutie-pie

In no time you stole my heart
I love you even when you fart
Yes, even though you're sometimes smelly
I rest my head upon your belly

That nose of you, so beautiful
Conceals the fact that you are dull
It makes you look so sweet and pretty
You are my all time favorite kitty
