Poetry, Anyone?

Great, I thought I could only post fanfic poetry here! I love writing poems, mainly to express things I need to say but can't say aloud, and sometimes just because the words came into my mind. So here are some of my poems:


Burn the Evidence

Burn the evidence of my existence
Spread my ashes down the pale white cliffs
Sweet surrender to the fierce force of the bitter wind
Prey of the tossing water far below
Follow the tumbling pieces with your eyes
See me vanish at the horizon
And say goodbye for one last time
Nature's force will finally take me
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd go
So turn around and walk away
From where my journey started one last time...



Lonesome all the same

I can’t explain why I just don‘t
Confide in anyone I know
You’ve never done me any harm
It’s just my fear I cannot show
I try so hard to trust in you
But my efforts are all in vain
On the outside I seem perfect
But inside I go insane
All the pain and all this suffering
I just don’t want to feel no more
And after all the desperate nights
I made a promise and I swore
I swore to never in my life
Depend on anyone but me
It worked alright, that’s what I thought
But now I see the misery
You’re all around me and you’re smiling
I laugh at you, I hear my name
But even though I’m not alone
I’m lonesome all the same
Thoese poems are both pretty, Sandle. I really like the way you capture the mood with your words. Please share more.

Same goes for everyone else who comes here, I'd hate for the thread to get lost again :p
Thanks MiaCharlize! I really like your poem, not only because of the context but also because of the perfect style.
You want more, you'll get it! ;) I prefer my German poems, but there are some English ones I like, too, so here are some more:

another sad one

A cold Winter’s Night

The cold wind is blowing
Freezing my face
My skin is like ice
Crystals frozen on the surface
Darkness embraces me
I’m kissed by the night
Walk down the road
No lights to guide the way
I don’t know where I’m going
Or where I come from
The warmth has been captured
Behind the windows far away
I used to reach for it
Now the longing is gone
Replaced by indifference
Towards all that I’ve known
It’s senseless
It’s not worth the tears
So I don’t cry
I don’t scream
As I stand here alone



Mission accomplished?
We aren’t the ones who may decide
About what is wrong or right
We’re told it isn’t our task
To doubt and mistrust and to ask

But tell me who but us should get
The task to doubt and ask instead
The ones who only wait and pray
Well, those are guilty anyway...


no, I wasn't depressed...


Maybe I’m gonna drop myself a line
Just to gain some reassurance
Just to have someone who understands
But as I read the words I realize
That even I don’t know me anymore
Maybe I should burn the letter
Give up contact with this stranger I once knew
But maybe one day soon
We’ll meet again
And won’t be strangers anymore...

^^ Those are good :D I don't think I could write a poem in French yet, even though I've been learning it (albeit very slowly) for four years.

Hi, I'm Jenny, b.t.w. :D

Mystical Land

Twisted brambles snaring,
Sweet innocent souls.
Steeling my heart forever,
Locked up in tales of old.

A knight in shining armour,
Mutes the dragon's roar.
Shadows whisper secrets,
The land destroyed by war.

Look into the future,
The misty dark unknown.
Crippled by the burden,
Of all the things I'm shown.

Starless nights are calling,
Escape is on my mind.
Always epic legends,
But morals I can't find.

The Spider

Silence falls, blinding eyes,
Spider web catching,
Forged in lies.

Widow prowls from blood soaked lair,
Leave no trace,
Prey unaware.

Softly, softly, she works alone,
Fangs dripping venom,
Turned to stone.

I've written quite a few poems, my friend 'introduced' me to it, it's a completely different way of expressing myself than anything else, ie. drawing. I really like it, although I totaly need more practice!
Jenny, don't tell me you need more practise, those poems are awesome! Especially the first one, love it! I remember that I tried writing a French poem once, but that was too difficult although I'd been learning it for a few years. It's the same with Spanish. English is the only foreign language I can really use to express myself. (Actually it's even easier to express my feelings in English than in German, don't know why, but it's true...)

Here's another one, I think it's a bit strange somehow, the idea came to my mind during an English lesson and I don't know why these words were suddenly in my head, all I knew was that I had to write them down *lol* It's about how sucide shouldn't be last resort... how the hell did this come to my mind?!... Anyways, just read.

At the Boundary of Life and Death
(A Glimpse at the Other Side)

So here we are
At the border to the Other Side
Just one step away
From where you want to go
But is this really what you want?
It’s up to you, you must decide.

Look at the dark, ice-cold water
Of the River of Grief
It carries the tears that you have cried
For all the times that you have lied
And makes you stroll along its side

Look at the rotten brown leaves
Of the Tree of Guilt
Each leaf is something you regret
Something you never will forget
And which will haunt you till you’re dead

Look at the black-feathered wings
Of the Birds of Despair
They’ll never leave, won’t go away
They’ll hide above at night and day
And wait to make your pains their prey.

And now you’re crying, feeling guilty
You’re desperate to find something just to ease the pain
So leave this place, you don’t belong here,
And if you stay here any longer, you will surely go insane
Someday you will return for stay
And you will see
That the River’s run dry
The Tree is all green
And the black-feathered Birds have flown away.
Actually it's even easier to express my feelings in English than in German, don't know why, but it's true...)
I feel the exact same way, German just doesn't flow that well I guess... I rarely write in German and if I do it's mostly humorous stuff. True poetry has always been English for me, it just sounds more graceful.

Lovely poems by the way, both of you.
Hey, I'm new to this thread but I thought I might share some of my poetry:

Secrets Best Kept
I found her lost in a bottle of cheap alcohol.
And I’ll admit I love love loved her.
My best(kept) friend, the one I needed
sat prettily on her shelf.
I ached to take her down and hold her
like I loved her more than she ever loved me.
But really I couldn’t love anyone like that.
So how can you look at me like you know all my secrets?


I’m scribbling questions to you all over my skin.
The tattered remains of you and me running down my arms,
the ink spilling onto my hands. This is all I have left
to remind me to ask: ‘Do you hate me?’
and ‘Do you regret what happened?’
Because I don’t.
And I’m still waiting for your answers.
But you say, ‘A kiss is just a kiss is just a kiss.’

I'll leave it at that for now but I write a lot so I might post more another time. You all seem to write decent poetry by the way :)
Mia: Love your poem, d'uh :p

So, here are some of mine:


How can something so right
Sometimes feel so wrong
Two people that share
A passion so strong

How am I ever
Supposed to see through
This pain will not fade
Am I sure I want you?

I remember those days
When you kissed me with glee
Took my hand into yours
Said you'd only need me

Please tell me what's happened
Between me and you
Is this all that we'll get
Just what did we do?

I wish you could see
What's happened tonight
I've made up my mind
Pray my decision is right

I know I will never
Be able to forget
The things we have shared
But might I feel regret?

I'm sure I will find
Someone to replace
But no matter what
I would still see your face

For so long a time
I have called upon you
To tell me what's right
And what not to do

Maybe it's time
For me to let go
Decide for myself
Whom to turn to.



Her voice- liquid silk soothing her pain
Her scent- unobtrusively inebriating her senses
Her mouth- gently whispering terms of endearment
Her body- strength and softness unified as one
Her mind- providing a safe heaven amidst her confusion
Her eyes- oceans of blue forever catching her fall
Wow...U guys are amazing...
I didn't know we had so many poets amongst our midst...
Brilliant poems...

*I suddenly feel stupid cos i can't really write any poetry myself..Reading it,i excel in..LOL*
Holding on

She wanted to run
Away from herself
Escape her sick mind
Find peace someplace else

How could she ask
Him to never give in
When she herself
Felt doubts deep within

What did she want
She just couldn't say
Whatever it was
It was far far away

She knew this wasn't the place
For her to be in
She had to stay strong
Be faithful to him

How could she let
Him down just like that
When she still felt
He was all that she had
^^ nice poem

Me, the fourteen year old slut

The phone rings in the dead of night
A call I've been expecting
I answer hoping no one got woken
It's one of my friends

I slip on my mini skirt
And tubetop with lace on the bottom
Put on red lipstick, blue eyeshadow
Check my purse, I've got what I need

I sneak down the stairs
Open the window and climb out
My boyfriend's car is parked out back
I crawl in, ask if the beer's still in the back

We go to a club, our fake IDs work yet again
They say we're 21, not 14
I breathe in the smoky air
This is how I like it

I light up a cigerette
and finish my fifth beer
I'm pulled out on the dance floor
and start making out with a random chick

It's now three AM
And we go to meet the dealer
I'm getting low on coke, but can't afford more
So I take him to the alley and let him do me

I don't care as long as I get my high
I need it to survive
My boyfriend and I go to his car
We leave the top down

I'm giving my body for the second time tonight
I let him sink into me
Knowing that if I didn't
He would anyways

Our music's so loud
I'm in a threesome of drunken sex
Rolling in the backseat
I don't know who's driving

And it happened so fast
First the lights and then the crash
The car collided with another one
And everyone was screaming

I'm too high to notice
That everyone's running
That I'm laying next to a dead body
I never knew the police were coming

They found me in the backseat
Of my dead boyfriend's car
Laying there naked
Grinning up cause I'm so drunk and high

Next thing I know I'm in a cell
Bars in front of me
Walls behind me
Unfriendly glares all around me

I don't care to think about
my parents
my sisters
All their dissapiontment

I don't even think about my poor boyfriend
Or where my friends are
I don't realise they left me
The only thought I have is

Damn, I lost my best shoes

well i just wrote that so yeah. ohh, and it is not about me in the slightest
Imperfect, that's, umm, interesting ;)

Here's one of mine:

(More of a sonxtext actually, that's why the meter seems a little weird on first read :p )

She doesn't know what's right
and no, she doesn't
doesn't really want to care
But the more she,
the more she tries to understand it
She just knows that certain things will never make sense

So she cries, just a little
when she lies in bed at night
and she dies, on the inside
for what more is there to try
oh, she cries
cries on the inside
and she likes
to feel the tears dry on her skin

Sometimes she wonders
Yeah, she wonders
wonders what there is to live for
But then the darkness,
then the darkness comes and takes her in
And then she knows that she will never understand

So she cries, just a little
When she's waiting for another day
And she dies on the inside
Fof what else is there to try
Oh, she cries
cries on the inside
and she breaks
as her tears fall, hitting the ground

Oh she cries
cries on the inside
and she dies
all alone
This is kind of long, forgive me.

Not right

You glanced at me,
you smiled,
touched my arm,
called me sweety,
called me your love.

you do that to every girl,
it's not just me you're thinking of,
and you know how I feel,
as if it was what you wanted,
it was what I wanted,
but it's not right.

you call her your love,
and you touch her arm,
you smile towards them,
and joke with them,
it's not right.

I guess life can take a turn,
when you meet someone so graceful,
so happy and joyous,
someone who will make you laugh and smile,
if only for that one second,
to brighten your day, and make your emotions run wild.
it's simply not right.

I fall asleep at night,
after hearing your voice,
and I wonder,
why can't it be like this everynight?

You won't answer your phone, and you won't talk to me,
instead you smile to her,
and talk to her,
call her babe, and touch her arm,
except you make a few bold moves,
ones to through jealousy in my face.

Don't put your arm around her,
and don't touch her hair,
don't squeeze her shoulder,
please tell me why you started this.

i'm not in love,
i'm not in lust,
i've got a crush,
and i feel like a school girl,
giggling at the sound of your voice,
but why does it feel so good to have you near,
when you're only going to vanish again,
and touch her, smile, and call her your love.

it makes me feel good,
and it's not right.
Great work, everyone. :)

Here's another one of mine, just wrote in in class today:

Trembling hands, holding you near,
Trembling lips, speaking of fear.
Your gaze on my hands, on my lips, and I pray,
Your gaze on her face, and I know you will stray.

She has small hands like her mother.
She stretches them out to remind her.
And there in the frozen lake,
The reflection of her own face.
They weren’t so alike.
But in the right light…

She left with her mother’s ashes.
Ironic words “Don’t play with matches.”
Her burnt fingers never learn.
All the bad things never burn.
Twisting the words
Until they are unheard.

She had green eyes; her mother’s blue.
Wouldn’t see the resemblance unless you knew.
And the burn on her right hand,
An accident with a frying pan.
Understand? You might not.
But it’s all that she’s got.