Pirates Of The Caribbean

Re: Pirates Of The Caribbean

I'm going tomorrow to the third one, with my sister and some friends of her.
Re: Pirates Of The Caribbean

I just came back from seeing the movie :D It's absolute amazing and it's a must to see :D

I'm still totally hyper about it and defently will go again to see it. :D
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

OMG. Didnt realize this thread was here! I LOVE PotC.

Dude I LURVE Johnny Depp, he is the ONLY man that can look so damn sexy in eyeliner.

there's Jack and Will. They have the same names as the characters from Will and Grace .
LMFAO. I never noticed that!

About Barbosa, when they where at that one, fortune teller(?) person(dont now what else to call her, but it was the lady who helped them find the flying Dutchman) If you look you see what appears to be a person laying in the background(but all you see is some boots and part of a leg). wonder if this has anything to do with barbossa or is unrelated. Hmmm?

Wondering if anyone ships anyone for PotC ? I personally am a Jack/Elizebith Shipper.
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

Im going to see it next Wendsday and I cant wait

Im Will/Elizabeth all the way though reading the spoilers and news on the 4th one it doesnt look that good for them. and I was so hoping for a white pirate wedding
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

chocolate_bunnys said:
OMG. Didnt realize this thread was here! I LOVE PotC.

Dude I LURVE Johnny Depp, he is the ONLY man that can look so damn sexy in eyeliner.

there's Jack and Will. They have the same names as the characters from Will and Grace .
LMFAO. I never noticed that!

About Barbosa, when they where at that one, fortune teller(?) person(dont now what else to call her, but it was the lady who helped them find the flying Dutchman) If you look you see what appears to be a person laying in the background(but all you see is some boots and part of a leg). wonder if this has anything to do with barbossa or is unrelated. Hmmm?

Wondering if anyone ships anyone for PotC ? I personally am a Jack/Elizebith Shipper.

The lady you talking about the one that show them where to find the flying Dutchmen, she is a witch.

I have never thought about Will and Jack on Will and Grace. I love Johnny Depp, he is funny.
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

I saw the movie yesterday! It was amazing!!!

The battle scene was really great and the story is very well planed. I recommend you to watch it, it's really funny!
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

Hey folks. Just popped in to see what's what. I am beyond psyched! I'm going to see the first Chicago showing of it tonight...if I can live through the excitement, lol.

Btw, Poison it is the hardest thing in the world right now not to ask you for every friggin' detail.
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

I don't want to spoil the movie to anyone, but I can tell you the way they save Jack isn't the only exiting part in this movie...

Jack's in a land outside this world, so they have to the end of this world to get him. It was very funny 'cause Jack was acting more crazy than usual. He was with the Black Pearl in the middle of a dessert talkint to a lot of Jack's, giving them ( or himself) a lot of orders, while trying to eat peanuts. Will don't know why Elisabeth is upset after Jack's death, so he believe Elisabeth is in love with Jack. Will is also on his fight to free his father, who is still in the Errand Holland.

I really recomend you to go and see the movie in theatres, I enjoyed every second of it, and the theatre I was in broke in applauses when it finished. :) :)
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

I want to see that this Friday. I don't know if My aunt is home or not. I would love to see that, it look good and funny.
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

I'm going to see it today *huge squee* i can't wait!!!!!!!! oh and have you guys heard? there might be a fourth movie!!!!!!
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

Just got back from the show and oh my GOD was it awesome. The sights, the sounds...the Sparrow :lol:...I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight--which is bad 'cuz I gotta get up for work in 5hrs. Ah well.

(And yeah, I heard about the possibility of a fourth installment. Let's hope they come up with something fast :D!)
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

Looks like I'm off to see it on Sunday! *yay* :D

I've read a few reviews saying that the film is quite confusing at times, but overall it's a good come back. I'm really looking forward to it. :)
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

Tinkerbell said:
I've read a few reviews saying that the film is quite confusing at times, but overall it's a good come back.

Yep. I can agree to that. It's really confusing sometimes but overall totally awesome!

You also have to stay at the final end. There's something after credits. Not much, but cute. :D

I've seen it yesterday.

I was so excited to see it finally. I think I'm gonna watch it a second time. :D

It's been a great, overwhelming, funny, cool,...just an awesome movie!!

Orlando Bloom looked great. Especially at the end. And Johnny Depp is always hot.

And Keith Richard's appearence is also so cool.

Just watch it. :D
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean

my one friend who is as addicted to pirates as i am is still at school in france til next week. so im being the best friend ever and waiting for her to come back to see it :) plus i dont have any other friends that would sit in line for 3 hours with me... :lol:
i cant wait, and i dont care about the reviews. although i am concerned when i hear things about even more pirate movies. even with johnny as captain you can over due a good thing! wow, did i just say that? :lol: