Peyton: should she stay or should she go?

I was worried when they first added Peyton but warmed up to her very quickly. After reading the TV guide article I doubt we've seen the last of her. At least I hope she stays. I don't really care who she's with, but that would definaltly result in some tension.
She should go. I don't mind the idea of Mac in a relationship with someone and I even think it would be good to see. But, I really don't like Peyton. I don't know if it is the character or the actress, but I don't think she and Mac looked comfortable together or like they had any chemistry. In fact, Mac often looked distinctly uncomfortable even disregarding the whole secrecy issue. I don't think they showed Peyton as interacting well with the others and feel she was shoved down our throats.

I really really want her gone and hope that even if she is in another episode, her part is very very brief.

Hope I wasn't too ambiguous with my opinion :)
wow Islandgirl whatta say.. :lol:
that caught me off guard.. :p

if she's staying I hope there's an interesting plot for her...
I love Claire Forlani, but I'm still in the grey about her character. I didn't like what Mac did to her though. I can understand why she got hurt, and it would be interesting to see them interact after "breaking up" with him.
heh I was trying so hard not to like her, cos Peyton is made to be against my shipp... but I failed :p
I love the ending scene with Mac from epi 3x01 - she is acting so good with her mime :] and I hope she won't quit from the show, cos her character bring some kind of warm to CSI

and her accent!!! jeeez, I'm melting :D I could hear her and Ian from 'Desperate Housewives' for houres :p

and here's something with Peyton - cos I've noticed that we don't have wallys with her
I'd like her to go, despite the fact she disturbs SmaCKed [did I write that well?] well, she's pretty and I like her character.

Btw, this thread title made me remind the song of 'The Clash'. :D Love the song.
I like Peyton. I like that even though she Mac girlfriend she is not in ever eps. I like that because Mac now has a girlfriend we get to see a different side of him, a happier side. I mean how cute were they at the end of “Murder Sings The Blues” when she bought them the cupcakes out if the vending machine. And I love Claire Forlani. I know there are a lot of people that love the idea of Mac and Stella, but I hate to break it to you that will never happen so its stupid to want to write off a good character that could become a great character because you want Mac with Stella. Even if they don’t keep Mac dating her I hope they keep Peyton around I like her. I want her to stay. And with Mac having a girlfriend we get to see Gary Sinise shirtless and well that just a great time for everybody.
Railynn said:
I know there are a lot of people that love the idea of Mac and Stella, but I hate to break it to you that will never happen so its stupid to want to write off a good character that could become a great character because you want Mac with Stella.

Ouch :lol: Well, I do want sMack but I don't mind Peyton in the meantime. Besides, NY still has a long way to go, anything can happen.

Actually, I'm *still* torn about Peyton. Like what mj has posted, I'm pretty much conflicted about her. I want to throw things at my TV when I see them together and yet I get googly-eyed as well :D
Well its true. I love Mac and I love Stella but not together. I mean you would never dream of seriously putting together Grissom and Catherine, why should Mac and Stella be any different. Whatever they do with Peyton is what they want to do with her, I hope they keep her but hopefully the CSI writers have had a plan on what to do with Peyton all along.
^^ I hope I won't get slapped for this, but there are people who like Mac and Stella together, as well as Grissom & Catherine.

People like me. :)
Actually, I did think that Gris & Cath had a little something something going on (when I was still watching LV anyway) and now, well, GSR is canon, so like I said, you never know about these things *shrugs*

Honestly, I don't think Peyton will be anything beyond Mac's girlfriend the way she was forced down on our throats (my throat, anyway). I just see her as a conduit so we can see Mac's more human side. She's hardly reacted with the rest of the team (never seen her with Danny nor Lindsay in the morgue for that matter).

I'm curious, for those who want Peyton to stay, which direction would you like to see her go? Be a regular castmember? A recurring guest-star like Det. Angell but not in a relationship with Mac or just stay with the current status quo?
For me I like to see her stay with the current status quo.

Regarding recacted with the rest of the team, I think it is a screentime issue, she just appeared for 4 eps so far. And she's had great interaction with the team (Flack, Stella, Sid, Hawkes and of course, Mac). Only exceptions are Danny and Lindsay.

I also didn't like the TPTB to force her down to my throat as purely "Mac's love interest". But she played it out and convinced me that she indeed is a good addtion to the cast, beyond Mac's girlfriend role, she has other manners I liked.

Anyway maybe because I can never picture Mac/Stella being in a romantic relationship, so to me Peyton is not a threat in any case and I enjoyed her scenes with Mac a lot. :)
I want her to go. I like the idea of Mac having a woman in his life. Mac in a relationship is good and I wouldn't mind that. I just can't tolerate Peyton. To me their interactions seem awkward and I don't see them as being comfortable together. Also, I think she comes off as very cold -- I would prefer someone with a bit more warmth for Mac.

Just for the record I do like the IDEA of Mac and Stella together, but hope it doesn't actually happen on the show as it never seems to work when main characters get romantically involved.