Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I don't know if this has already been said, but for me, I say they go back to the beginning and put Brass back in charge.

Woe...that's a great idea!!!

As for a new cast member, I was watching Saturday Night Live last night and Christopher Walken was how's THAT for an addition to CSI!!!
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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

The changes in Nick’s behavior becomes noticed by the graveyard team. The team races to save a young girl who was kidnapped from a shopping center by a known “child predator”.

could this be heathers grandaughter
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

The changes in Nick’s behavior becomes noticed by the graveyard team. The team races to save a young girl who was kidnapped from a shopping center by a known “child predator”.

could this be heathers grandaughter

Wow ... this makes sense. I kept wondering how they were going to have Grissom spend the night with LH without going all "soap-opera-ish." Interesting idea!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Yet it seems like the whole post I made above has been ignored (sort of like the mod who is getting tired of it), I HIGHLY recommend that all of the [post] be read. Oh and before I forget here is a reminder of a reminder.
Now back to topic, which might I add is about Petersen leaving and your thoughts on it. Thank you.
See now that wasn't very difficult. ;)
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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

When Grissom does leave the crime lab, it will be interesting to see if the writers parallel the way he exits with the way Sara exited. Anyone think it will be similar or do you think he'll talk to the whole team first? I for one hope that they have him leave differently... I hope he does tell the team first. I'm hoping they'll stay true to his character.

Billy's presence on screen will be missed when he leaves, but it is good to know that he'll make guest appearances. I'm sure there are other shows that have done this or similiar things before, but as of right now I can't really think of anything... except for like Angel leaving on Buffy and returning for several eps... though he was not the main star. I suck at analogies obviously. :lol: But, I know a lot of people are freaking out right now, especially thinking that the show will end if Billy leaves. I do not think that is true. And I was trying to think of examples of other shows that have done things like this, but didn't end to give everyone some hope... but I really can't think of anything at the moment. :lol: Sorry. :)
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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I don't want to see him go either. (though I wish since he is that they'd consider a female lead to replace him)

I do hope the spoiler lab will be reopened too.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I agree it's time to consider a female lead. I have nothing against the male leads, but after three, it's time for a change.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Me and my big mouth. Months ago, prior to Jorja leaving I was like "wow its amazing CSI hasn't had really any major leaves like you usually get in an asembled cast." jeeze louise, she leaves, then gary, now william...:(

I am sadden by this, but in true words of theater, and acting...THE SHOW MUST GO ON!

I am very curious how he will leave, and hope they do it right. Nothing is worse when a very favored character leaves, and you feel nothing but let down. It's like real life don't need that out of my favorite show, thank you very much.

Man oh man, 9th season is definitely going to be interesting season that is for sure.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I don't think the writers will choose a woman lead, it's just not in the cards, but I've been wrong before, so one never knows, here's another idea, my daughter suggested Michael Keaton he's also very versatile, and can play any role and has those fabulous expressions:thumbsup:

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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

IF we can't have Catherine as the lead - which to be honest, would make total sense, I vote bring Louise Lombard back.

I'm still bitter about her being taken out with no explanation...
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

As for a new cast member, I was watching Saturday Night Live last night and Christopher Walken was how's THAT for an addition to CSI!!!

Holy freaking gosh! That's a great idea! I love him! Brilliant actor! I can see him being very Grissom like in delivering those puns. :lol:

here's another idea, my daughter suggested Michael Keaton he's also very versatile, and can play any role and has those fabulous expressions:thumbsup:

It's funny that you mention him, desertwind. Saturday when I went to see the new Batman movie, a lightbulb went off in my head and I thought "Michael Keaton would be good on CSI". :lol:

IF we can't have Catherine as the lead - which to be honest, would make total sense, I vote bring Louise Lombard back.

I'm still bitter about her being taken out with no explanation...

She originally left on maternity leave (the actress, not the character) and I don't think she ever returned after having her baby. Maybe she just wanted to spend time with the baby. But, I agree that the writers should have given an explanation of where the character was. I didn't care much for her at first, but she actually grew on me. I wouldn't mind seeing her back and seeing her and Catherine sharing the supervisor positing like Cath and Griss do.
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