Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Here's a cool pic. of Paul this past weekend at the CSI:EXPERIENCE in Las Vegas, lookin' good:thumbsup:

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I just gotta say that I adore Brass/Paul. He's awesome, and hilarious. He reminds me of my Uncle Jim, actually, with that smart retort/sarcasm thing. Even just his facial expressions are amazing!

We need more Brass love!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Brass kicked a.. last night in "Coup de Grace", such a rock on this show, You can always depend on him for solving or getting to the bottom of the crime. He was so pissed off at Finn after hearing that racial tape "I put my credibility on the line for you" and him and the team, they so look up to him and respect him, and the always hilarious dialogue:rommie:

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I just stopped by to say how much I adore Jim. He's hilarious, smart and his sarcasm is like the best thing ever.

Go Brass !!!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

We just finished watching this ep. and Brass was so funny and so cool, another one who bonds with Dr. Langston~

Re: Paul/Brass #2

Hey everyone I haven't been here in forever but I'm still watching the show and these days I've been disappointed with it.

Anyway, wanted to comment on Jim in last week's Field Mice episode -- didn't care for it -- okay there were only two scenes with Jim but the first one sucked. A suicidal alcoholic Jim Brass I do not like -- AT ALL!!!! And seeing at this was the Jim Brass that Hodges portrayed in his own twisted thinking made me dislike the Hodges character even more! I was hoping that going into this episode with Wallace and Liz writing that they would have more respect for Paul's character but I was wrong -- maybe I'm judging this too strongly but I don't like anyone making Paul's character out to be a bumbling idiot and that's what drunken Jim -- at a crime scene mind you which we all know that that's something Brass would not do -- turned out to be.

I've like the lab rat episodes in the past but I'm starting to hate Hodges view on detectives -- epesicially the kind of cop he thinks Jim is -- okay so maybe I'm being too judgmental on the episode but I love the character of Jim Brass (DUH!) and it's my opinion that they disrespected a great character. Even my grandmother -- when she watched the episode -- asked me what was wrong with Brass -- and I had to explain to her that it was Hodges twisted thinking that made Brass turn into an idiot.

If I didn't already dislike Hodges than Field Mice would have pushed me in that direction. I know -- everyone is probably thinking -- come one get over it but it just bugs me that they used a great character like Brass the way they did.

Okay -- I'm done -- you can all give me hell now. Either way -- I'll stand my ground -- because I just don't like the way Jim was portrayed in this episode -- well the first scene anyway!!
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Hey no problem, to each ones own on all shows and charaters, that's what makes the world go round. I'm surprised however that you didn't mention how he in a subtle way chewed out Dr. Ray, when he felt he was out of line, by slammed that guy against the wall, some good advice from Brass "I understand you anger about Dr. Jekyll, I really do, but if this is something from the past, I suggest you get over it, it's not working"
